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View Full Version : So...all the achievements/titles except Flair...

06-23-2012, 04:41 PM
I have now finished collecting my achievements and titles...
All POSSIBLE achievements and titles except the ones in Flair which require huge amounts of Platinum to fulfill and the True Legend achievement that requires every achievement to be unlocked to achieve.

Here's a picture of what the achievement points can be pretty much capped at by getting everything except Flair completed.

This means getting the following sections done:
Rank (Except True Legend)

Titles unlocked:
-Guild Title-
Hero of Heroes
Royal Alterran
Titan Slayer
Great Protector
Master of Magic
Loyalest Loyalist

I believe this has been quite a fun challenge for me and the few others that have unlocked the achievements.
I would like to see an upcoming "Monster Card System", where every monster drops a specific card with its name, description, HP, etc and gives a tiny stat boost to your character.
Collect all the cards; get a good stat boost.

Good luck to all; feel free to ask questions about obtaining any of the following titles and achievements.

06-23-2012, 04:45 PM
Nice. Wonder if anyone has achieved True Legend....

P.S. Your sig still says 66 :p

06-23-2012, 07:55 PM
Nice. Wonder if anyone has achieved True Legend....

P.S. Your sig still says 66 :p

Achieved or bought?

True legend shouldn't involve spending 100+ bucks on the plat store. It requires Crown of Dreams (500P), Bats (250P), Mitas (500+ P), Overtime (125+ P), and also all the Vanity Helms. There's [about] 35 vanity helms in the plat store, times 5, that's 175P.

That's 1,550 plat, and I'm sure I missed some other items (Not to mention, getting Mitas, and Overtime first try is unheard of). So ya....pretty ridiculous.

06-23-2012, 08:25 PM
I've got all but the majority of ''Flair'' done. I'm not spending real money on items i have no desire to have for achievements.

06-23-2012, 08:54 PM

I don't think you become a true/legit "Legend" from buying a lot of Plat.
I believe Flair should be an off-side vanity/fashion thing, granting you additional titles rather for each exclusive one rather than impeding those who have completed all the other achievements from obtaining "True Legend".

06-23-2012, 08:58 PM
Good Job
I agree flair does require huge amounts of plat:)

06-23-2012, 09:42 PM

I don't think you become a true/legit "Legend" from buying a lot of Plat.
I believe Flair should be an off-side vanity/fashion thing, granting you additional titles rather for each exclusive one rather than impeding those who have completed all the other achievements from obtaining "True Legend".
I bet Parth has everything needed for flair achievements. :D

06-23-2012, 09:46 PM
Parf doesn't have the Insomniac title yet


06-23-2012, 10:30 PM
Doesn't he have like, all vanity helms? And maybe all vanities?

06-23-2012, 11:00 PM
show off :p (jk dont troll me) (jk again about troll thing) welcome to jk land.
good luck legend.
Excuse me, im tired lol

06-23-2012, 11:00 PM
Hey Whirlzap I've got a question. You've achieved the title "Titan Slayer" so did you happen to make a list of where each boss was? I know like with the DL execution achievements there's a thread for where each execution is. So if you did happen to record where each boss was, think you could post a thread giving us the info? (maybe I've no need to ask this because there's a thread like this already that I missed?...)

06-23-2012, 11:12 PM
I have completed almost everything except for those random pets that appear in plat packs (mitas and overtime minotaur)...I don't know if I will even attempt to gamble my platinum just to get those two...going to have to assess my chances (or I can ask the Devs to just give them to me for a price LOL).

06-23-2012, 11:54 PM
So you can be more superior to every one good job :D

06-24-2012, 01:23 AM
Hey Whirlzap I've got a question. You've achieved the title "Titan Slayer" so did you happen to make a list of where each boss was? I know like with the DL execution achievements there's a thread for where each execution is. So if you did happen to record where each boss was, think you could post a thread giving us the info? (maybe I've no need to ask this because there's a thread like this already that I missed?...)

I believe Matutd was the one who compiled a list of every boss.
You can PM him or look around for the thread.

06-24-2012, 01:29 AM
I'll find/bump matud's thread. Again, lol.

07-01-2012, 05:24 AM
I believe Matutd was the one who compiled a list of every boss.
You can PM him or look around for the thread.

Yeah I browsed the forums later that day and found it. Just happened upon yours first so I thought I'd ask. Thanks anyway.

07-01-2012, 02:21 PM
Yeh it does take a bit of plat for the true legend achievement, id like to see more acheivement categories, maybe some for quests, like main one for completing all quests and maybe 2 for black ice and cyber,
Maybe one for getting your first pink drop
Then one for doing a mega combo in pvp
One for visiting every towne
One for getting dragon vanities or green ice
Maybe some like clear this map in under this amount of time with no elixirs
Then a section like mystery ones, you would have to solve a riddle that would be the description, they could be crazy stuff like joining a pvp game naked, get 1337 kills, Use a certain emote, just fun stuff like that

07-01-2012, 02:29 PM
Yeh it does take a bit of plat for the true legend achievement, id like to see more acheivement categories, maybe some for quests, like main one for completing all quests and maybe 2 for black ice and cyber,
Maybe one for getting your first pink drop
Then one for doing a mega combo in pvp
One for visiting every towne
One for getting dragon vanities or green ice
Maybe some like clear this map in under this amount of time with no elixirs
Then a section like mystery ones, you would have to solve a riddle that would be the description, they could be crazy stuff like joining a pvp game naked, get 1337 kills, Use a certain emote, just fun stuff like that
Beat Gurgox in a boxing match (no weapon in hand)

07-01-2012, 02:57 PM
ty whirlxz nice to see titles. IS there a guide about how obtain each title? If not a would suggest somebody make one. Would help a ton!

07-01-2012, 03:11 PM
What happened to those titles that were enchantress/bird/bear specific? They'd pop up on screen when you got a certain number of kills. I think those should be made into some sort of achievement, if not kill related (since they already have that) then maybe skill related? You get a title if you successfully rev someone or root enemies successfully.

07-01-2012, 06:44 PM
What happened to those titles that were enchantress/bird/bear specific? They'd pop up on screen when you got a certain number of kills. I think those should be made into some sort of achievement, if not kill related (since they already have that) then maybe skill related? You get a title if you successfully rev someone or root enemies successfully.

Class exclusive titles would be cool

07-02-2012, 04:20 AM
What happened to those titles that were enchantress/bird/bear specific? They'd pop up on screen when you got a certain number of kills. I think those should be made into some sort of achievement, if not kill related (since they already have that) then maybe skill related? You get a title if you successfully rev someone or root enemies successfully.

This would actually rock. I'm thinking some kind of achievement/title that would encourage cooperative group play. For example, hitting X number of multi-class combos and/or mega combos. X number of revs, healing for a certain amount..., total amount of damage taken, dealt, etc would all be interesting as well.

Other interesting achievements that I can think of:

1. Hitting a certain streak of kills without deaths.
2. X number of pinks?

Actually, they should increase the achievements for X number of kills higher because 35k isn't very much.

Also, it would be interesting to have a stat page showing stuff like the highest single damage attack you've done, the highest heal you've done, total amount of damage dealt, taken, healed, total # of pinks you've had drop, etc. It would be a lot more work for STS though.

07-02-2012, 06:33 AM
This would actually rock. I'm thinking some kind of achievement/title that would encourage cooperative group play. For example, hitting X number of multi-class combos and/or mega combos. X number of revs, healing for a certain amount..., total amount of damage taken, dealt, etc would all be interesting as well.

Other interesting achievements that I can think of:

1. Hitting a certain streak of kills without deaths.
2. X number of pinks?

Actually, they should increase the achievements for X number of kills higher because 35k isn't very much.

Also, it would be interesting to have a stat page showing stuff like the highest single damage attack you've done, the highest heal you've done, total amount of damage dealt, taken, healed, total # of pinks you've had drop, etc. It would be a lot more work for STS though.

From a code perspective, it's not a big deal for STS (all these stats are already stored in a database). The more challenging thing is to find space on the inspect page.

I agree that it would be super cool to see that. Every now and then I see elites running around and I'm curious as to what their stats look like. Unfortunately, the problem is that when I look, I sometimes get disgusted at seeing a level 70 running around with under 5K kills. At least hide your stats!

07-02-2012, 06:46 AM
I dont think PvE kills need to be increased. Maybe 35k is nothing to some of you, but to a newbie, it looks quite daunting.
Maybe for bears, there can be amount of enemies stunned as an achievement?

07-02-2012, 08:27 AM
But in DL which has been out just a few months the achievement is for 50k kills
PL has been out two years, and players should have less kills? o_O

07-02-2012, 10:23 AM
But in DL which has been out just a few months the achievement is for 50k kills
PL has been out two years, and players should have less kills? o_O

Levelling my alt, people had around 6k kills most of the time. My alt has at least 10k. Even at Level 60+ people have ridiculously low amount of kills.

07-02-2012, 11:14 AM
Levelling my alt, people had around 6k kills most of the time. My alt has at least 10k. Even at Level 60+ people have ridiculously low amount of kills.
Because of elixirs
I personally think u need to do more than spam elixirs to the level cap to get the name of 'true legend'

07-02-2012, 07:35 PM
Because of elixirs
I personally think u need to do more than spam elixirs to the level cap to get the name of 'true legend'
You mean the name of "The Killer Elite".

P u r e
02-07-2019, 07:31 PM
Resurrecting a dead thread....
New way to get flair tab done, WITHOUT PLAT!