View Full Version : <Bleep You>

06-23-2012, 11:21 PM
Please people do not take offense to the name, I actually think of it to be very childish.

<Bleep You>

Short description of guild:
The name comes from all the bs i get in PvP for bum-rushing kids ( < Honesty at its best ). This guild welcomes anyone level 30 and up but i do think that PvP will be focused on mostly with this baby. Although i'm aiming at PvP i will help out as much as i can. I really just want a close group of friends to play with because i don't really have that feeling anymore. Not much else i can say but POST BELOW and JOIN!!

This guild does go by the ToS and Rules as should every other, of course. Joining is as simple as just posting, meeting in game, and chatting for a few minutes. Nothing too serious. I would like the conversations to be exploding in the guild chat. Not with some kid spamming random things but you know, some sort of conversation i guess. Eh? be as random as you please i just beg that there is no crazy spamming.

Also I think it's cool if names are different colors. So just give a color if you want to see your name in it. Other than that, BLACK IT IS!

GM: Kaisergalix (renaming to 'bleep you')
Officer: Twink ((my buddy morg!)


Front page to be updated soon..

06-23-2012, 11:22 PM
Reserved for announcements, events, updates, and such.