View Full Version : Vendor stores

12-22-2021, 07:48 AM
I was thinking if there is a chance to update the crate token store with the new mythic set (helm and armor)

As this set will be long forgotten after the release of the new arcane items even though we need to awake some items with the upcoming awakening event and not the ones which we already did during the past awakening events.

I know some of players gonna disagree but on a long term could benefit us to not go b*** naked farming the new maps and relate on 76 gear and also not paying a fortune to something which will decrease severly with the upcoming arcane gear.

Also please consider updating the story token store as well. Maybe crafting slots due to the fact that massive crate recipe is not stashable as long as we need to craft energies in the same time.

Thank you!

12-22-2021, 12:08 PM
+1, story token store has needed an update forever.

The first change to the story token store should be the removal of the traders permit. It wasn’t there when AL first started and it is a big discouragement for new players.