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View Full Version : How to stop people from being "scammed"

12-27-2021, 07:31 PM
Lots of people claim they have been scammed because they let somebody borrow an item and the item was never returned. Technically speaking, this is not a scam, this was a legal trade and nobody broke terms of service so it doesn't do much good to report somebody for that. All that happens is some people are too trusting and some people are too selfish.

To help prevent these common occurrences, and to reduce the threads on forums and spam in game about scammers, I think they should add in a system where you can lend items to people for a set amount of time and then the item will be returned. For example, I could lend a weapon to somebody for 24 hours, and once the timer is up the weapon would disappear from my friends inventory.

They could create an interface similar to the auction, where instead of typing in the amount of gold, you type in the person's name, choose the item, and you can lend it for 12 hours, 24 hours, or 3 days. As the borrower, return to the same interface screen to collect your item back. I feel like this should be possible to implement into the game

12-27-2021, 07:37 PM
Was suggested before but has been turned down. People just need to say no, if their friend says "you trust me right I am your friend" or what ever thats basically saying "I am trying to abuse your feelings for your items". If someone says they will unfriend you if you don't lend them your stuff then unfriend them for them because they will unfriend you anyways after they get your stuff.

12-27-2021, 07:40 PM
Honestly this could work as a rent type of thing.

Like if i want to rent out my GL items cause ill be gone for a few days i can list it on auction and collect a rental. Hell i would probably even post stuff for 1 gold to have others experience endgame gear etc. Think it would open up alot of possibilities.

12-27-2021, 07:41 PM
Or just a thought, maybe just maybe… people can stop gifting their items away just because their so called “friend” asked to use them. You can probably Learn to say “no means no”. Instead of implementing a system that will bring a new form of scamming.

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12-27-2021, 08:46 PM
No because then no one will buy their own gear or vanities people will just borrow everything rent-a-legends

12-27-2021, 08:59 PM
If you dont trust someone and still want to "rent" an item, you can ask for insurance. Im not even sure if thats going to help since people will be asking for a fee to rent their items probably which can be used as a scam again. Kinda simular to scams including elusive bosses. I can imagine rich people will have to close their pms then, especially during first weeks.

12-27-2021, 11:35 PM
It has already been requested many times and I think it was Cinco who said that this would never be done, as it would discourage people from having or buying their own items.

12-28-2021, 12:00 AM
Bro is a simple if your friend or someone u trust and already run like 1 years with u, just dont borrow item without security, like borrow friend mep for pvp, just talk security like same price, if someone real friend he can thinking like this and understand :)

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12-28-2021, 12:55 AM
With the bans left and right, anyone in the right mind will not scam anyone... To lose what they have built..whatever it is.

12-28-2021, 07:46 AM
With the bans left and right, anyone in the right mind will not scam anyone... To lose what they have built..whatever it is.

Here’s a thought which makes it even harder to think of lending and even more afraid of accepting items ppl give you for free rent. Player A is friend with Player B. They farm often and all. Player A has his dark side. Player A scammer Player C a lot. Player A wants to hide it. Player A says to Player B: „ here you are my best friend and I am away for 1 week vacation you can try out my Gears or merch my gold if you want“ player B says „yes sure if you propose me and trust me I will do it“. Player A gives Player B scammed stuff and gold which is worth a lot. Player C recorded the scam of Player A to him and sent to sts support. Our well loved devs get mad because they see another scam report. They look into Player A account and see he transacted scammed stuff and expensive items, gold to Player B. It looks for them like Player B is helping Player A with a scam which was talked about outside of the game for example no in game chats. Sts thinks they worked together and try to hide it. Player A gets banned and player B also.

To sum up when you give away your items you aren’t safe of not being scammed but when you accept items and don’t know information background and have no idea what happened you can say bye to your Account. And yes I know sts doesn’t ban without good reason and will look 3 times up, but mistakes happen.
A happy new year to y‘all soon.

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12-28-2021, 07:12 PM
-1 just dont do it or be sure your trust the person, most lending i see is vanities which is beyond a thought process i couldnt understand why just why lol

12-28-2021, 07:42 PM
-1 just dont do it or be sure your trust the person, most lending i see is vanities which is beyond a thought process i couldnt understand why just why lol

then can we also start saying -1 whenever somebody makes a thread complaining that they got scammed? I don't get scammed, it's not a problem for me. I'm more annoyed by people complaining they were scammed in game and on forums which is why i made this thread.

12-29-2021, 11:51 AM
Sorry, people already flexing what they can never afford.

Normalize saying “No, cant give you this” rather than boosting someones ego in a videogame.

12-29-2021, 12:05 PM
I really like this idea and Ive seen it in action aswell. I play game called dead frontier sometimes and it has active discord server where people trade, discuss and even rent items. Its very rare to get scammed there because moderators can check all in game trades and also recover accidentally deleted items if given some proof, and it normally takes like 5 min to get response and issue is fixed unlike other games where you need to submit ticket which may or may not get response.