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View Full Version : Elite Vanity

06-25-2012, 09:58 AM
I'm curious to know if, when you get the elite vanity, there is a set bonus for 2 vanities?

I heard there was supposed to be, but I'm not seeing any bonus...

Something like +10 armor


Treuahd, LjIrish, DamIrish

06-25-2012, 10:00 AM
Humania cap elite item does NOT incorporate with the other elite vanities, however it will give bonus stats with the next caps elite item:)

06-25-2012, 10:11 AM
Humania cap elite item does NOT incorporate with the other elite vanities, however it will give bonus stats with the next caps elite item:)

Please provide link to this. I have not seen any post by a dev saying as such. I could be wrong but links never hurt.

06-25-2012, 10:12 AM
Please provide link to this. I have not seen any post by a dev saying as such. I could be wrong but links never hurt.'

i havent seen a link either crimson but have heard this <_<

06-25-2012, 10:15 AM
Humania cap elite item does NOT incorporate with the other elite vanities, however it will give bonus stats with the next caps elite item:)

Please provide link to this. I have not seen any post by a dev saying as such. I could be wrong but links never hurt.

Oh boy...
*Gets on search bar, searches, fails in finding*
*Gets ready to be flamed* xD

I have assumed that the new elite vanity is a start of a new set and have heard it in posts but not exactly from the devs....

06-25-2012, 10:19 AM
Please provide link to this. I have not seen any post by a dev saying as such. I could be wrong but links never hurt.

*needs links like crimson*
find a post and ill modify all my previous comments on other threads.
till then, i believe that more you collect the better the bonus. EG:you have shield and robe (small bonus), now you get helm(bigger bonus).

Addittion: Also a bonus was givin with only 2 items...so essentially only 2 items gave a bonus...this is what I was told...so this was also part of my understanding.

from another thread. I have found more links

My proof...there should be a bonus...this goes to say that my belief was that bonuses should be backwards compatible. and why isnt there one now?!?!
well you be the judge. Well those that agree and disagree...here is some text to back it up.

One thing to keep in mind is that Mount Fang will increase the level cap. When that happens the current level cap vanity reward (the Shield of Hallows) will go away and a new level cap vanity will be available. There is a set bonus for collecting all of the level cap vanities. If you're interested in collecting a Shield of the Hallows, now is the time!

and here when it started...so this is how this thread was started... because of how this was understood.

A new vanity reward will be introduced for those who make it to level 66 that will have a set bonus with the previous elite level cap vanity rewards.

even in SL, but no news on SL voleria act II

Like Pocket Legends elite vanity rewards, the plan is to introduce new vanity items as a reward for reaching the elite level cap with each expansion. These vanity items will combine to have set bonuses for those who can collect them.

the fact of the matter, is a set is all parts equipped, not a specific look of a vanity.

if you want the Mt. Fang vanity armor reward for getting to level 66 and the associated set bonus that goes along with it and other elite cap vanity items, now would be the time to get it!

06-25-2012, 10:48 AM
Ah, so then I need to have a 3rd Elite vanity?

Dang... now I have to wait 8 more months before another map release and new vanity.