View Full Version : DL Changes - Energy Removal Official Feedback Thread

06-25-2012, 01:10 PM
From the patch to Dark Legends on June 25th, the following changes were implemented:

Changes to Energy
• 3d mission no longer require energy to complete
• 3d missions are the only thing that gates progress now (must complete all the missions in a campaign in order to progress to the next campaign)
• Campaigns will now display a recommended minimum level to let the player know how hard a new campaign is.

After playing the new update, what do you think? We'd like to hear your thoughts and feedback. Thanks!

06-25-2012, 01:12 PM
I dunno yet on android and Google play still says there isn't a update D;

06-25-2012, 01:26 PM
I dunno yet on android and Google play still says there isn't a update D;

Please only post your feedback after you have played the changes, thanks! :) It will take an hour or two for the new client to propagate out on Google Play. You can get it from us at http://account.spacetimestudios.com/download/

06-25-2012, 02:04 PM
I like the fact that energy was removed for 3D missions.
Next step: Remove energy from actions so players can "grind" :)

Sent from my LT26i using Xparent ICS Blue Tapatalk 2

06-25-2012, 02:20 PM
I like the fact that energy was removed for 3D missions.
Next step: Remove energy from actions so players can "grind" :)

Sent from my LT26i using Xparent ICS Blue Tapatalk 2

You can "grind" all you want by re-running 3D missions. The Allies are peeps you have doing your beck and call - they come back with rewards based on how much energy you put into them.

06-25-2012, 02:45 PM
I am moving my other comment to the appropriate thread . :)

FWIW, I heard that a friend ran through all the new maps in an hour. That's too bad. I liked the forced slow-down that a required 24 hour mission caused. It took over a week to get to L21. So, ymmv, but I will miss the old energy mech.

06-25-2012, 04:24 PM
So we can still earn exp from 3d missions? :D

06-25-2012, 05:11 PM
So we can still earn exp from 3d missions? :D


06-25-2012, 05:11 PM
Awesome!!! :D

06-25-2012, 05:33 PM
Interesting and awesome :)

06-26-2012, 07:02 PM
Two thumbs up! Big Like!

06-27-2012, 05:20 PM
i like it but now, if we host a public multipler game...there is leachers. would like more options to be incorporated

*like if the person is on your ignore list they cant join accidentally. (far fetched idea I know)
*let the boss of the level give the XP in a 3D dungeon...not completion of the boss so people cant just leave...so if your in the boss radius you get the xp credit.
*i know lock or host a game is not in DL plan....but something to help the leachers so its still pug friendly.

06-27-2012, 06:26 PM
i like it but now, if we host a public multipler game...there is leachers. would like more options to be incorporated

*like if the person is on your ignore list they cant join accidentally. (far fetched idea I know)
*let the boss of the level give the XP in a 3D dungeon...not completion of the boss so people cant just leave...so if your in the boss radius you get the xp credit.
*i know lock or host a game is not in DL plan....but something to help the leachers so its still pug friendly.

Thanks for info on this, I'm seeing it crop up a lot and it's weighing heavily in my mind. We'll come up with something that feels appropriate, whether a simple "kick" option (which has its own issues) or something as you suggested with moving the XP and gold reward to a radius around the boss. There are many ways to potentially handle this, but I do acknowledge this is a growing problem and I want to address it in an appropriate way.

06-27-2012, 08:20 PM
Could we somehow find a way to also use the old energy missions? The animations where really nice and seems like a waste to have them gone. I for one was enjoying getting those map "all coined up" too...

06-27-2012, 08:34 PM
I love the update, but there are some problems. First, people are complaining that they want reimbursment for their 380k spent on dark desire sets, when it is now 75k! Also, I think you should make the enimies themselves give xp, as it is extremely hard to level up with 10xp max per run. Thanks for your consideration!

06-28-2012, 09:58 AM
o.O Leeching, took me a min. Well I don't think it's harassment but I do find it annoying when the users are sometimes blatant about their intentions of just sitting at spawn while the other two man team has to perform one man down. I also have my suspicions/confirmation that there are botters; when I ran into the same few names just sitting in spawn I timed them to see if they left at the same time interval. So let's look into options:

I don't like the boss radius idea as you could run most of a map and miss out on the loot and xp as well. Scenario: you join a game (already in progress), Player A and Player B have elixirs and are rushing to boss while you struggle to catch up. Since they're not clearing, you have to slash your way through a few mobs only to arrive at the boss just seconds too late to be within the defined radius.

I cannot say that I agree with a "must do damage to boss" system either as I have run down a side path to clear a bit of map only to watch the boss die before being able to land a single blow. The problem with this is the same as the other, you cannot control what the other members do since it is basically a pug system. You could do 90% of the map and miss out on the boss and end up getting nothing with either of these options. Also, what happens when a player lags out or a dc, they could have done some work and maybe even deserve an xp reward.

Finally, we're talking 5-10 xp here... not 50 or 100, but 10 tops. I'm not sure this entire problem is about those that are leeching, but about those that are botting. I'd be happy if STS could just implement a protocol that bans players who use the exact same timing for say 10-15 maps in a row (which would be very hard to impossible for any human).

My suggestion: allow all 3 members in any instance to have a boot option but make it a secret ballot type instead of an instant action. You click the user's name and hit the boot button, if that same player gets kicked by the other member then they're gone; meaning two players have to both kick the other. I think this would be different than a host system, since there really is no host in multi just the player who happens to spawn first.

Backup suggestion: only players that use the exit circle get the rewards for completion of the map. If someone is willing to run a map even if it's completely empty, just to stand in a pentagram all for 5 xp... so be it.

I vouch for this option thanks glut...thus making it pug friendly

06-28-2012, 12:22 PM
I think the mobs in the 3D missions should give at least .1 or .09 exp each...

Kain Legacy
07-02-2012, 06:53 PM
I feel that every enemy should at least give 1 or do xp per kill so the grinders can grind more instead of only a max of 10xp a mission. I've only got to L22 from ally's alone, tho, so idrk what to think on that. But the xp per lil enemy can prevent leachers.