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View Full Version : Lower difficulty of the Voleria campaign.

06-25-2012, 02:38 PM
Voleria is too difficult. Please make it easier. And make the Scorn worth more xp points.
Im leveling too slow and dieing too often. I mean 28k xp is alot please help us allout

06-25-2012, 02:44 PM
Not to me! I went from L35 to L38 in a couple of hours without any elixirs, it's just a matter of finding a good group, I just stick with a couple of 40s and we go through it easily!

06-25-2012, 02:45 PM
The difficulty is okay. Get a good team and you'll see. As per xp, its good. Elite caps are meant to be hard

06-25-2012, 03:08 PM
Dude Most Of Us Had To Get 48K Exp Last Lvl Cap To Reach 36, 28k Is Easy .-.

06-25-2012, 03:10 PM
It also depends on your class. You'll have a lot easier time surviving in Voleria if you're a commando because you'll have the armor to take the hits. Also, always make sure you're in a group [unless you are insane and paranoid like me who can solo in Voleria].

And always keep on your toes! Learn the mines, the snipes, the scorn engis [purples, that push, yes, are the scorn engis], and how to avoid getting killed by them.

06-25-2012, 05:11 PM

And also:

Learn the mines, the snipes, the scorn engis [purples, that push, yes, are the scorn engis], and how to avoid getting killed by them.

Ironically, but learning this only possible when solo.. and thus - being dead often.. :cold:

06-25-2012, 05:23 PM
Ironically, but learning this only possible when solo.. and thus - being dead often.. :cold:


I have had 2.5 hours of night sleep and another 2 hours of a nap. Don't listen to me, my logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in the meadow. My logic is wreath of pretty flowers that smell bad.

Dude Most Of Us Had To Get 48K Exp Last Lvl Cap To Reach 36, 28k Is Easy .-.

Most? Lol. :/ I wish I was part of that evidently larger population.

And ahem. 3 gunshots to kill a cultist. Many abilities + gunshots + usually team to kill a Scorn Soldier [basic Volerian enemy].


06-26-2012, 12:48 PM
I wish I could find these good groups you guys are talking about. :D In the meantime, I agree that Voleria should not be nerfed because the current setup REQUIRES good strategy to get through it efficiently. You can't just auto attack and mindlessly spam through your skills then move on to the next area. How boring is that, when you consider that you'll have to play these levels over and over again to reach the 28k it takes to cap? Once you have the general strategy figured out it does get much easier (and if you really are one of those people who likes to autopilot, you'll find that to be a possibility eventually - it just takes some getting used to).

My problem is that I play a level 40 engineer and I'm usually on in the early mornings when a lot of people aren't playing. Ideally, this would mean I'm becoming more adaptable to different situations (including having to solo sometimes, and playing with a messed up team comp or even just a bad group), but as of yet I'm not having much luck. Or maybe I'm just really bad, LOL. I haven't been playing for long and I'm hoping that eventually enough experienced players will teach me how to get better. :)


And ahem. 3 gunshots to kill a cultist. Many abilities + gunshots + usually team to kill a Scorn Soldier [basic Volerian enemy].

LOL! I hadn't even thought about the possibility of people capping in SY. How lucky they must have been..

06-26-2012, 01:01 PM
I actually rather solo with my eng.. the lvl 40 - 41's who make a sport out of how many other players they can blow up with mines kinda ruined the 'lvl up in a party' mode for me.
When I solo the only thing that has a chance of killing me is a sniper that fires faster then the average sniper.

06-26-2012, 01:58 PM
Cultist makes more dmg and they have a big group to fisting me.
Scorns have more hp and armor but like same or lower dmg

06-26-2012, 02:45 PM
Cutlist=> operatives, scorns=> comm
Ps => this is a fact coz u can see cutlist wearin dual pistols n som scorns wearing the eye of zur


06-26-2012, 05:55 PM
Cultist makes more dmg and they have a big group to fisting me.
Scorns have more hp and armor but like same or lower dmg

The other thing is. Cultists couldn't even hit you if you stayed far enough from the mob.

Scorn have range of damage. And bombs. And grenades. And funky AoE DOT smoke grenades. And DOT shields. And snipers. And downright takes-too-long-to-kill-alone mobs. And the longer an enemy is alive, the more damage they deal, that's final.

Cultists vs. Scorn.....?

06-27-2012, 12:36 AM
Cultist makes more dmg and they have a big group to fisting me.
Scorns have more hp and armor but like same or lower dmg

If you have mobs of cultists fisting you, then you have bigger problems.

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06-27-2012, 01:12 AM
I think scorn is fine but Sniper + mine is worst :mad:

06-27-2012, 01:28 AM
Lol Volaria is easy for the best of us Engineers! Don't know what your moaning about ;-)

06-27-2012, 02:04 AM
Lol Volaria is easy for the best of us Engineers! Don't know what your moaning about ;-)

Engis ftw!

This post has +5 to topic derailment.

07-02-2012, 12:26 PM
+1! good suggestion
keep the whole campaign tough for all those who want "hardcore" content or whatever
probably crafting, stats , winning auction slots from quests... wud satisfy em better

but for the rest of us who just wanna run for longer periods of time, please, one map that is really easy to run through, that you can run through with a lot of distractions around, like while standing in a crowded bus or during lunch hour, or while watching a movie ... like biosphere

07-02-2012, 12:34 PM
LOL. Voleria is a piece of cake. I can even solo v5 without red stims.

It isn't the map difficulty that needs changing, it is your skill set that needs improving.

Seriously Voleria can be SO easy if everyone learned the maps and stopped being wimps. The reason it is too hard for you is probably becuase you are in back not using skills or setting off mines constantly killing your team. Work together as a team and learn the maps, if that is too hard for you than idk what to say. Voleria is not a place for leechers who are looking for quick xp runs gaining off the work of others either..

07-02-2012, 12:46 PM
^nyah I've run with you guiz, it's fast, laidback and fun, but I also enjoy running in PUGs, and that's where the problem is
also, people would cap a char in biosphere, and continue to cap another one, same session... 10-12 hours long, even good voleria groups rarely last longer than an hour and a half

just asking for one easy map in the entire campaign that is all

07-02-2012, 01:03 PM
Was talking to the OP when posting lol. I see where you guys are coming from, and I respectfully disagree with this request. My opinion doesn't mean much anyhow lolol, but I would not mind an easier map for me to solo come to think of it. There is no competing with Voleria Vs. Cycorp kill farming. These all-access elixirs are being abused, and someone seriously needs to call social services because those things are getting the crap used out of them.

07-02-2012, 01:40 PM
Just a point of observation for the comment about voleria needing one easy map - v1 IS super easy. You don't get as much experience running there, but you don't encounter snipers until much later in the level and the mobs in each area are very small (so, manageable even for someone running solo if he/she is doing it intelligently).

07-02-2012, 01:54 PM
ok let me put it another way,
easy maps means a lot of noobs spend a lot of time in the game, that makes it more people for hardcore guys to leech

07-02-2012, 07:35 PM
I don't quite understand where you are coming from.
Basically you want an easier job to get past lvl cap.. which is lvl 40.
The lvl 41 vanity is ment for the hardcore players for those that actually grind for hours on end, killing themselves.
Taking away the diversity and as you put it "difficulty" of volaria would make the game loose The only interesting and strategicaly lvls in the game.

In my opinion and those excellent players that have adapted to volaria, As the levels are.. they are already too easy for us now.
Don't want another boring grind lvl like biosphere again for a long while....

07-02-2012, 07:38 PM
I don't quite understand where you are coming from.
Basically you want an easier job to get past lvl cap.. which is lvl 40.
The lvl 41 vanity is ment for the hardcore players for those that actually grind for hours on end, killing themselves.
Taking away the diversity and as you put it "difficulty" of volaria would make the game loose The only interesting and strategicaly lvls in the game.

In my opinion and those excellent players that have adapted to volaria, As the levels are.. they are already too easy for us now.
Don't want another boring grind lvl like biosphere again for a long while....

I agree, as I found the grind of L29-L38 [quit SY at 37 on all three of my mains out of boredom] to be even more unbearable than my Voleria grinds through 41 because at least Voleria was interesting.

07-03-2012, 12:30 AM
Biosphere runs were sooo boring. lol. two shot kills with cultists calling you a "dirty vular chaser" or whatever and telling eachother to "sound the alarm" constantly xD but I sure do miss the easy kills.

07-03-2012, 06:57 AM
Yeah Vol is just fine as it is. Plus once you hit 42+ it will be a breeze.

07-03-2012, 02:17 PM
there are more shipyard runs than voleria runs at any given time
its as if people are hitting voleria then stopping
the mines and snipers are too many for casual play, one of the reasons the game worked was that there were always biosphere runs (there are still always biosphere runs). In the new campaign you have to focus a lot more than you need to focus on say, biosphere, and PUGs fall apart easily

not concerned about capping, concerned about how many people spend time in game running

07-03-2012, 02:25 PM
there are more shipyard runs than voleria runs at any given time
its as if people are hitting voleria then stopping
the mines and snipers are too many for casual play, one of the reasons the game worked was that there were always biosphere runs (there are still always biosphere runs). In the new campaign you have to focus a lot more than you need to focus on say, biosphere, and PUGs fall apart easily

not concerned about capping, concerned about how many people spend time in game running

Well one thing to note is... it is a game. XD No challenge in a game? What kind of game is that?

07-03-2012, 08:53 PM
Well one thing to note is... it is a game. XD No challenge in a game? What kind of game is that?

A Sesame street game?
A Barney The Dinosaur game?
A Barbies Magical Kingdom game?

All of these are probably more up your street bro XD

07-04-2012, 09:34 AM
PUGs r always PUGs - don't bet on them too much. I'be found lots of friends and skilled mercs in PUGs as well as lots of annoying mine-trippers..

Voleria is our last resort of real challenge - nerfing it will reduce active player base (assuming this base now are crazy hardcore dudes who grinds even after capping 6-months ago)

07-05-2012, 02:58 AM
The only thing I'd change about Voleria is the mines. Instant kill gets me bummed out. Especially when it's someone else who stepped on it... Other than that Volerias alright as it is.