View Full Version : Energy timer bug maybe

06-25-2012, 07:55 PM
k so im the kindof guy who would gladly stare at a wall than do something i dont want to do.

and in this game, watching the energy timer refill is my "staring at the wall"

and so like im just chillin, staring at the timer go down and then POP! the energy went up 1 point at around 3 minutes left.

i watched for like 30 minutes to make sure i wasnt seeing things, it happened anywhere from 4 minutes left to 1 minute left.

(note: fraps recorded the music i was currently listening to, and i forgot to edit it out. if you dont like good music, then press the mute button dont complain ^.^)


at 1:18, you can see the energy is all like "here let me show you how much left before u get another point" and im all like "cool" (note that you can also see the timer from the mission)

ten seconds later, at 1:28, you can observe that that the energy bar is like "SURPRISE YOU GET ANOTHER POINT FOR NO REASON" and then i yelled "HAH I FIN NEW IT TROLOLOLOL" while pointing at my screen and screaming like a mad man.

i knew i wasnt seeing things!

anyone else notice this?

edit: video complete :D

i knew i wasnt crazy!!

06-25-2012, 08:13 PM
Maybe your allies took a break in their work and got some rest? O.o

06-25-2012, 08:18 PM
Maybe your allies took a break in their work and got some rest? O.o

thats the reason i put maybe in the title. for all i know it could be a ninja buff (which never happens ever in the history of mmos lol) i figured id point it out just in case :p

06-26-2012, 11:36 AM
Wtb a Dev to tell me if its a bug or not so I can get some sleep.

06-26-2012, 11:41 PM
I ran into this too. Had some energy Regen in 2 seconds and some longer. Was your energy low? Mine seemed to do this up to 8 energy then go back to normal. Of course I was using it pretty quick as well so im not sure on that last part.

06-27-2012, 12:05 AM
I ran into this too. Had some energy Regen in 2 seconds and some longer. Was your energy low? Mine seemed to do this up to 8 energy then go back to normal. Of course I was using it pretty quick as well so im not sure on that last part.

yeah now that i think about it, it would only happen when my energy was kinda low, i never noticed cuz i use energy so fast >_<

i really wish the devs would stop ignoring this thread :S i went thru allllllll that work of frapsing it, and i dont even get a response D;