View Full Version : More vanities, more character customization

06-26-2012, 12:21 AM
Pardon if there is already a thread for this but it's late and I don't have time to check all 11 pages of suggestion threads.

We would like to suggest more outfits and ways to make our characters look unique. Beyond adding more types and styles of vanities (free, gold and plat types) it seems like being able to alter the color of items (vanity or not) would be helpful. If player X and I have the same gear on (whether vanity or not) but we've been able to customize the main and trim color so we are distinct from each other then the game is visually more diverse and interesting - and fun.

Customizing the characters themselves more would also be fun. I'm a player of White Wolf's "Vampire: The Masquerade" from way back and I miss the characteristic styles of the clans. I want Nosferatu, vamps so ugly that a normal human feels compelled to either flee in terror or destroy the monster. I want Gangrel, the vampire counterpart to lycans, with their bestial style. The artiste and poseur community of the Toreador, the austere (but somewhat reminiscent of the Addams family in clothing style) Tremere, the refined, arrogant and political Ventrue, and so on. (I'd love to have some of their powers too - dominate, presence, obfuscate, auspex (super sensory acuity, beyond a normal vampire), shapechanging (common to the Gangrel), etc.)

Thanks again for DL - it's for me the best STS game (especially with the performance improvements so death by lag and failure to feed seems less likely now!)

06-26-2012, 07:12 AM
Imo dark legends gonna need some major update like that in order to survive in the future, one of the things i don't like about DL is the options and content is kinda limited, after u hit the cap, get executions and do your share in PvP u get bored, and that doesn't take much time to get to.

06-27-2012, 12:11 AM
Imo dark legends gonna need some major update like that in order to survive in the future, one of the things i don't like about DL is the options and content is kinda limited, after u hit the cap, get executions and do your share in PvP u get bored, and that doesn't take much time to get to.

I get what you are saying YuNoEatBeaRs and I think I can see why you feel that way. On the other hand...

I started playing PL around April of 2011, I believe it was up to Shadow Caves at that point and around the point the main spine of the game was made free. I've played it a lot though I'm now heavily focused on DL and thinking of the parts of that game that are for characters level 21 and below I would imagine that when those were the only areas that existed you could have said the same thing about PL. In short, I don't think DL is short on playable content at all - for how long it's been around and by comparison to PL and SL at the same stages.

My suggestion above was first about ways to our characters look more unique and secondly about some (unlikely to happen) ideas to add features - emphasis primarily on the fun of having your character's appearance stand out (which would be a unique thing among all the STS games, not counting the ultra rare items/vanities.)

I think STS made a really enjoyable game with DL and that it is superior to PL and SL - just my opinion. I don't think they are going to lack for success with this game at all, especially now that the prices are one step closer to equity with PL and SL.