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06-26-2012, 07:55 PM
Hey Forumers.......

I present to you my Achievement and Title Guide/List.....




True Legend-Master every achievement in Pocket Legends
Earn 800 Points

Young Adventurer-Reach Level 5
Earn 10 Points
Map:Forest Haven

Squire of Alterra-Reach Level 10
Earn 15 Points
Map:Forest Haven or Dark Forest

Alterra Hero-Reach Level 20
Earn 25 Points
Map: Wyldwood, Balefort Castle, Sand Cave, or Fathom Crypt

Knight of Alterra-Reach Level 30
Earn 50 Points
Map: Frozen Nightmare, Lost Expedition, Ancient Swamp, or Croc Feud

Lord of Alterra-Reach Level 40
Earn 75 Points
Map: Alien Oasis 1 2 3

Royal Family of Alterra-Reach Level 50
Earn 100 Points
Map: Shadow Cave or Balefort Sewer

Alterra's Titan-Reach Level 60
Earn 125 Points
Map: Nuris Hallow

Immortal Valor-Reach Level 70
Earn 200 Points
Map: Mount Fang or Humania

Adventurer-Kill 10 Enemies
Earn 25 Points

Brawler-Kill 100 Enemies
Earn 50 Points

Paladin-Kill 1,000 Enemies
Earn 75 Points

Hero of Heroes-Kill 10,000 Enemies
Earn 100 Points

Guardian-Kill 25,000 Enemies
Earn 150 Points

Warlord-Kill 35,000 Enemies
Earn 200 Points
Statistics of "Rank":
Titles: 7
Total Points: 2,000

-couldn't really do much of a "guide" for this section :/

Zillionaire-Earn all achievements in "Fortune"
Earn 100 Points
(as blind suggested, borrow your friends gold cap and don't return it XD)

Small Treasure-Collect 100 Gold
Earn 25 Points

Great Fortune-Collect 1,000 Gold
Earn 50 Points

A Hero's Wage-Collect 10,000 Gold
Earn 75 Points

Rolling in Riches-Collect 100,000 Gold
Earn 100 Points

Vast Wealth-Collect 1,000,000 Gold
Earn 150 Points

Unlimited Luxury-Collect 9,999,999 Gold
Earn 200 Points

Friends with Vinnie-Use your first free daily elixer
Earn 90 Points

Thrasher Pwnage Punch-Purchase a Thrasher Pwnage Punch
Earn 150 Points

Auction Adventure-List an item for sale
Earn 3 Points

Combat Commerce-List multiple items for sale
Earn 12 Points

Bustin' at the Seams-Fill up your inventory
Earn 45 Points
Statistics of "Fortune":
Titles: 1
Total Points: 1,000

-again, not much of a guide for this section
Hidden Monsters, Where, Map, Points
Vyxnaar- Fathom Crypt- The Forbidden Crypt- 300
Zyla Doom- Balefort Castle- Hidden Passage 4- 300
Xaxis- Fathom Crypt- Mega Maze Mash Up- 300
Skeller Krunch- Fathom Crypt- A Secret Passage- 300
Fridge- Lost Expedition- A Hidden Ice Cave- 300
Shadow Demon- Shadow Caves- Cave of Shadows- 300

Titan Slayer-Earn all "Bounty" achievements
Earn 200 Points
Statistics of "Bounty":
Titles: 1
Total Points: 2,000

Note: This section looked awfully close to Matutd's Guide, I have not copied off him but if you liked this section, check out Matutd's Guide.....
Here is the link: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?60867-Am-I-the-first-O-o

Master of Magic-Earn all achievements in the "Feats" category
Earn 500 Points

Hellstorm-Group Cast Hellstorm the Combo
Earn 500 Points
First Bird-Thorn Wall
Second Mage-Lightning
Third Bear-Hell Scream

Terror-Cast Terror the Combo
Earn 500 Points
Terror= Weakness + Hell Scream
Terror= Shattering Scream + Hell Scream

Pwned-Cast Pwned the Combo
Earn 500 Points
First Bird-Break Armour
Second Bear-Crushing Blow
Third Mage-Drain
Statistics of "Feats":
Titles: 1
Total Points: 2,000

Note: As I was not the first to make a combo guide, check out Rocket's rocking combo guide!
Here is the link: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?23991

Great Protector-Earn all achievements in "Journey"
Earn 2,000 Points

Note: As it is useless for me and you guys to just list all of maps, I would just get straight to the statistics! Basically, you just have to complete each and every chapter in each map!

Statistics of "Journey":
Titles: 1
Total of Points: 10,000

Royal Alterrran-Earn all "Honor" Achievements
Earn 500 Points

Trooper-Join a guild
Earn 50 Points

Leader-Purchase a guild Charter
Earn 50 Points

Deathmatch (PvP)
Kill Points
1 10
5 40
10 150
25 300
100 500
1,000 1000

Capture the Flag (CTF)
Kill Points
1 10
5 40
10 150
Flags Points
1 10
5 40
10 150
Statistics of "Honor":
Titles: 4
Total Points: 2,000

Note: More of a List, not much to guide you about, if your in need of PvP and CTF help, Check out Chickenrunnn's epic guide!
Here is the link: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?53156-GUIDE-CTF-How-to-play-Capture-the-Flag&highlight=chickenrunnn+guide

Note: I will not go into Flair because it is basically just buying stuff for plat...............
All you need to know and need to finish Flair is Plat and Gold... maybe time?
Statistics of "Flair":
Titles: 15
Total Points: 6,000
Overall Statistics:
Titles: 30
Total Points: 25,000

Thanks for Reading!

Don't forget to checkout Rocket, Matutd, and Chickenrunnn's epic guide!


06-26-2012, 08:22 PM
nice, ill be sure to check this out when im somewhat stumped with titles :)

06-26-2012, 08:25 PM
I told you you'd do an awesome job. And for that, WE thank(s) you (see what I did there?). I think, even though it would take some time, you should go into Flare. It seems almost incomplete without it. But overall, great freakin' job! :)

06-26-2012, 08:26 PM
You mean Flair.

06-26-2012, 08:27 PM
I told you you'd do an awesome job. And for that, WE thank(s) you (see what I did there?). I think, even though it would take some time, you should go into Flare. It seems almost incomplete without it. But overall, great freakin' job! :)

Thanks! Ill work on Flair soon... tho..
Not much to write a guide about...hmm..

06-26-2012, 09:02 PM
You mean Flair.


06-26-2012, 10:14 PM
I have a question, for the journey achievements, do you have to do all the campaign levels in order? Because for shadow caves, I only completed the first and last levels, so if I complete the others later, will I get the achievement?

06-26-2012, 10:25 PM
I have a question, for the journey achievements, do you have to do all the campaign levels in order? Because for shadow caves, I only completed the first and last levels, so if I complete the others later, will I get the achievement?
Don't have to defeat them in order. I think the 2nd level in fathom crypts finally got me the title lol.

06-26-2012, 10:33 PM
Great guide :) and thanks for the shoutout :D well organised too which makes it easy to read

06-26-2012, 10:35 PM
Nice job. Just to add: In Flair, it's not simply buying stuff in platinum, there are tasks there that you need to buy stuff using in-game gold such as Vyxnaar Helm, Enchanted Gemstone Gears, L65 Crafted Gears, Golem Doll, Banjo weapon, Hooch Hat, Fiery doom weapon, Demonic gears, Tiki gears...and several others. That's a couple of millions in gold, so you can also include a link here of a guide in "merching, end game faming, or twink farming", or "crafting" because those would be the follow up questions for newcomers, the how.

06-26-2012, 10:37 PM
Awesome guide:p
Sticky worthy definitely:frog:

06-26-2012, 11:10 PM
I think you have to spend a minimum of 1435 plat to complete all achievements

06-27-2012, 12:12 AM
Let me see,

Omnipotent Crown of Dreams - 500
All store cap vanities - 175
Guardian Dragons Pack - 500 (could be way higher depending on luck)
Meandering Minotaurs Pack - 125 (could be way higher depending on luck)
Vanity Pet Bats - 250
Vanity Armor Bat Wings - 10
Store Bat Bracer/Shield/Wing - 10
Store Wooden Stake - 5

TOTAL: at least 1,575 platinum...

But when you're dealing with chances, your best projection would be to assume three scenarios: Optimistic, most likely, and Pessimistic.

Optimistic: you may be looking to add at between 125-500 platinum (if you're lucky)
Most likely: you may be looking to increase the amount to 3,000 platinum (this figure will allow you about 2 more attempts at Mitas and 4 more attempts on Overtime, varies depending on luck)
Pessimistic: You don't get the two random pets even after 3,000 platinum...you'll then have to re-asses your limits.

The price of Flair is pretty steep for some. If you use the 89.99platinum pack, you're looking at spending around:

Optimistic: $76.5 - $93.36 (low chance)
Most Likely: $135 (high chance)
Pessimistic: > $135...tough luck...(mid chance)

From my own experience and some statistics I got from friends.

PS: What makes it more steep is that this is not the end of the spending...you could potentially use that amount for elixirs on your character and future awesome items...so these amounts that you'll use for Flair are your "extra", otherwise, you'll be cashing in on short-term investment because I'm 100% sure these achievements will expand in the future with its collectible items

06-27-2012, 12:16 AM
Let me see,

Omnipotent Crown of Dreams - 500
All store cap vanities - 175
Guardian Dragons Pack - 500 (could be way higher depending on luck)
Meandering Minotaurs Pack - 125 (could be way higher depending on luck)
Vanity Pet Bats - 250
Vanity Armor Bat Wings - 10
Store Bat Bracer/Shield/Wing - 10
Store Wooden Stake - 5

TOTAL: at least 1,575 platinum...

But when you're dealing with chances, your best projection would be to assume three scenarios: Optimistic, most likely, and Pessimistic.

Optimistic: you may be looking to add at between 125-500 platinum (if you're lucky)
Most likely: you may be looking to increase the amount to 3,000 platinum (this figure will allow you about 2 more attempts at Mitas and 4 more attempts on Overtime, varies depending on luck)
Pessimistic: You don't get the two random pets even after 3,000 platinum...you'll then have to re-asses your limits.

The price of Flair is pretty steep for some. If you use the 89.99platinum pack, you're looking at spending around:

Optimistic: $76.5 - $93.36 (low chance)
Most Likely: $135 (high chance)
Pessimistic: > $135...tough luck...(mid chance)

From my own experience.
Thanks for taking the time to clear all this up:)

06-27-2012, 09:50 AM
Nice guide...
Must have taken a long time...

06-27-2012, 01:15 PM
Nice guide...
Must have taken a long time...

Check out some of these guides. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?20352-Guides-Indexes-Helpsheets-amp-all-other-wonderful-stuff-in-one-place...

10-06-2012, 11:56 AM
You're missing a bounty achievement. Forgotten treasure vault boss.

10-06-2012, 02:32 PM
Nice guide. :)

10-08-2012, 01:02 PM
Nice guide!

Haven't seen any errors yet.

02-06-2014, 10:56 AM
A hidden ice cave? Really? Is that a map you made up or dreamed about? Why can't people do this once and do it right, there's no rush.. Makes it frustrating and unusable.. But nice try I guess

Wut.Fail doe.Its real

02-09-2014, 06:48 PM
A hidden ice cave? Really? Is that a map you made up or dreamed about? Why can't people do this once and do it right, there's no rush.. Makes it frustrating and unusable.. But nice try I guess
It's in Lost Expedition towne in the gate behind Ryoms (something like that) shop. Don't make accusations on things you do not know of.
And the fact it was like 1 1/2 years ago.

02-12-2014, 02:58 PM
A hidden ice cave? Really? Is that a map you made up or dreamed about? Why can't people do this once and do it right, there's no rush.. Makes it frustrating and unusable.. But nice try I guess

The Hidden Ice Cave exists.... It's one of my personal favorite farming spots.

03-17-2015, 10:17 AM
Hey, anyone knows how much items we need to earn the "Fortune" achivement: "Combat Commerce-List multiple items for sale"

03-17-2015, 06:32 PM
Hey, anyone knows how much items we need to earn the "Fortune" achivement: "Combat Commerce-List multiple items for sale"

Lol so many necro's lately, i think its just 2. If not I'm 100% sure u will get it by listing 10 or less :D

04-11-2015, 09:54 AM
I need zillionaire just one more achievement left :(.

04-17-2015, 12:21 AM
Zillionare seems to be more & more common while I sit here dreaming 😱😱