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View Full Version : Tweeks to the new system to increase playability

06-28-2012, 06:24 AM
There is a couple problems arising from the new system.

Now leeching (where players join and stand there letting others kill the boss) I think if they make it so you have to exit by the pentangle to gain xp, and maybe add a kick from game option it will stop. Now we don't need energy to join a game, it shouldn't be a big deal to be kicked and have to join a new one. Adding one xp per enemy killed will help and promote people to move.

Rushing the boss happens the most in the reaping. I think because he is mid map. Move him to the end by the pentangle and it should help. Another cause is that only defeating the boss gives you xp, again even one xp per enemy killed on a map should stop the rushing of the boss. another thing that will help is to toughen up the enemies on every multiplayer map to where it is impossible to solo the maps.
If someone wants to solo run, we have a selection for that. There should be a difference on difficulty between the two.

That's my thoughts on it and how to fix it. Thanks, I hope it helps.

06-28-2012, 12:30 PM
Yeah I was wondering why the boss was mid map. I figured he was just an execution. Would be nice to see him moved. But after I reach L26 of course. :P

06-28-2012, 01:05 PM
Do you not know that we need 17,600 exp to cap?... having a boss mid-map with 10exp per kill is only a little compensation for trying to reach that high amount of exp. The boot leecher idea is a good one, and that's the only good idea in this thread.

06-28-2012, 01:10 PM

Thread made in Dark Legends announcements. If you havent already, check it out now!:)

06-29-2012, 01:52 AM
As much as i would hate they would fix reaping before i reach 26 but Yeah, they need to move the boss to the end of the map, cuz pretty much that's the only map anyone plays now in order to gain experience, i know it's not that easy of an exp since i run it like a freakin' 100 times a day but it ain't fun or fair towards new players.

06-29-2012, 01:12 PM
U made a thread over someone ninjaing 10 xp and 25 g? Cry moar. Ur raging about the best speed run map in the game over leeches? What, can't handle a warlock lieutenant by urself? just burn the map and add them on ignore. they get it, even rexjang from <Korea> has started actually running maps after someone made a whole thread just to grief him.

06-30-2012, 08:00 AM
U made a thread over someone ninjaing 10 xp and 25 g? Cry moar. Ur raging about the best speed run map in the game over leeches? What, can't handle a warlock lieutenant by urself? just burn the map and add them on ignore. they get it, even rexjang from <Korea> has started actually running maps after someone made a whole thread just to grief him.

No. I made a thread about problems in gameplay that affect a persons game experience, and possible solutions to the problem. I did not name names, or flame anyone for doing it, just saying [1] joining a game with 2 people joining and just standing there waiting for me to clear the boss sucks. And [2] joining a game over and over where the boss has already been cleared sucks. It's not that i have a problem beating a
boss by myself at all. What's the point of multiplayer if it's not multiplayer?

Maybe it's reading comprehension, this wasn't written to rage or grief anyone. But thanks for raging and griefing on me!

(And i thought the 1 xp per enemy killed was a good idea.)