View Full Version : A couple of small profile suggestions

06-28-2012, 09:45 AM
I'm not sure if this has been suggested yet or not, but I've always thought this when looking at another character's profile.. Sometimes it's pretty obvious, but with different armor/vanities/odd weapons equipped it's often hard to tell what class a person is unless you're looking at their stats and making a guess. Would it be possible to display that user's class, perhaps above their level on the left side of the profile? I know you can just add that person and then look in your friends list but I feel like that's a lot of work if all you want to do is creep on someone and find out their class. :P

Maybe I'm just nosy but I like to be able to see these things at a glance. Also, sometimes when I look at a person I'm curious as to what they have equipped. I'm not all that familiar with item names, so I can't tell just by looking what a person is wearing, especially when so many things look really similar. I think it would be nice if there was some sort of button that gave you a breakdown of that person's equipment - maybe it could toggle on and off like the "show stats" button does ("show equipment"?), and it doesn't have to be some new interface or anything. Just a list of what that person is wearing would be nice.

I know y'all have lots to do, and this is very small in comparison to things like "give us new content" and "we want another level cap" - just thought I'd make a quick suggestion for the future. :)

06-28-2012, 10:03 AM
I agree with the class being shown. Some new players don't even know there own class yet alone others.

06-28-2012, 10:09 AM
I like the idea! I think it takes far too long to learn and get used to knowing the armor/weapons of different classes. I highly agree. ^^

06-28-2012, 10:37 AM
+1. Good idea.

06-28-2012, 12:56 PM
I was hoping that with expansion of vanity items we finally will be able to conceal our classes completely to make pvp even more interesting n- so ic'm against this idea

sorry for caps n- its a weird bug on my phone n- cant use lowercase...