View Full Version : Items created by players.

06-28-2012, 06:18 PM
I was thinking if it could be possible for regular players (such as myself) to draw weapons, vanities, or even armor & then be able to submit it to a Dev so that my item could be reviewed and/or implemented into the game. This way new ideas for weapons, armor, and vanities can be submitted to Devs so that we can receive more items in the game.

For example, if I draw dual-wielding pistols (that I myself designed), I send it to a Dev, & if that Dev likes that idea, it could be implemented into a special shop called "The Suggestion Shop" where all the items that have been approved by Devs would be. In the item description it could say something like "These dual-wielding pistols were forged by Eyeless" or something like that. I think my description of this idea sounds somewhat confusing, any ideas? Feel free to comment.

Kain Legacy
06-29-2012, 04:45 PM
Sorta like the way Adventure Quest Worlds has their little shop.
ppl submit and some items become pay to get. While others are for a lot of ingame coin.

06-30-2012, 04:31 AM
I Google searched it and that's exactly what I had in mind! Thanks for the info :)

07-01-2012, 08:17 PM
Sorta like the way Adventure Quest Worlds has their little shop.
ppl submit and some items become pay to get. While others are for a lot of ingame coin.

Right. Was the shop at Yulgar's? I can't remember since i haven't played it for quite sometime. Been playing since lesser than a month after BETA(2008).

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Kain Legacy
07-02-2012, 04:01 AM
Yeah yulgars shop battelon. Now back on topic, this would be great for the players with more creativity and time on their hands.