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View Full Version : Pisces daggs

01-24-2022, 04:37 PM
Hi, I just want to ask is it just me who can't do multiple bends in bosses anymore? Before I can do like 3-4 bends using pisces in bosses in one proc but now, I can only do one in one proc. Did they silently nerfed it?

Corviss the Lich
01-24-2022, 10:05 PM
Hi, I just want to ask is it just me who can't do multiple bends in bosses anymore? Before I can do like 3-4 bends using pisces in bosses in one proc but now, I can only do one in one proc. Did they silently nerfed it?

Had the same situation with my Pisces and honestly, 1 bend + heavy DoT is a lot better than Infinite Bends, I can proc my Sunken better and do a series of combos, deals even more damage compared to Infinite Bends.

Down side is, I almost 1 shot Bosses in DM when Pisces + Sunken proc at same time. :tongue:

01-25-2022, 01:28 AM
they have to increase the pisces proc duration its just too short

01-25-2022, 01:43 AM
its annoyinh to proc pisces, like i charged 10times n it didnt proc n i jus died

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01-25-2022, 02:43 AM
yep they need to increase proc duration or proc chance for pisces

01-25-2022, 04:29 AM
The problem with this weapon starts when it has the same chance to proc per charged attack no matter how many targets you hit.
For example, as a mage, you proc the staff with 1 fireball 100% of the time cause you hit many targets.

01-25-2022, 05:18 AM
The problem with this weapon starts when it has the same chance to proc per charged attack no matter how many targets you hit.
For example, as a mage, you proc the staff with 1 fireball 100% of the time cause you hit many targets.no matter if its 20 mobs ur hitting, it still counts as 1 mobs per chance, which is awful considering..u have to charge it as well

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01-26-2022, 01:28 AM
+1 for proc duration, really need like 2-3 second more longer