View Full Version : shadow storm range decreased?

02-07-2022, 04:07 PM
In the past few days in KT4 I have noticed that shadow storm is... well, underwhelming. Usually I could go into a side room, and take out the whole room with one shot. Satisfying :-P Now, it feels like the range is decreased.

I asked in guild if anyone else had noticed it, one person said they had, and one of my friends confirmed they felt it too. But... that's only three of us, lol. Could still be my imagination :-P

Another person said "The range was reduced from 8 to 6, because of masteries". I asked for further information, no reply. I've searched the forum, but didn't find anything.

Can someone point me to the thread explaining please?

02-07-2022, 04:15 PM
As far as I'm aware shadow storm has not changed in many years.