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View Full Version : One Final ROAD MAP for Next Level Cap PVP

02-08-2022, 08:38 AM
[Small portion is incomplete, I'll add latter]

One Final Road Map for the next level Cap despite " No suggestion" as, who knows how long I would be here actively.

It's simple not really hard formula. The focus is on strengthening the buffs & Debuffs so that they do good impact just like old school pvp without doing any impact on lower pvp levels.
Let's call Buffs & Debuffs - BD, the short form.

What are the BD ? (Not all of them need major boost, Discussion latter)

Buffs Debuffs are distributed throughout all class skills.

Dodge buff & Debuff
Crit chance buff & Debuff
Hit chance buff & Debuff
HP & Mana Regen rates
Armor buff & Debuff
Damage buff & Debuff
h/p pers

Why they're so Important ?

BD is the one of the biggest strategy dynamic in PL. Without this, it's almost linear skill delivery, nothing much left other than range & less important things. Even if you shred extra damage from endgame pvp, it's still that flat pvp. In simple terms BD is one of the strongest pillar of skilled pvp system.

Why & Since when this is a big concern ?

As far as Crit, hit & Dodge it's been long and I can still remember my thread about these from the year 2012-13 (need not much attention here though now)
Since these things are percentage based, they're not impacted the way rest below during all the heavy damage & armor boost -

It's not much about around Level 76-85 cap slowly the way we started to get heavy amount of damage, armor and health, mana boost these BD started getting devalued / obsolete / almost no point.
For example - Let's say you have 300 auto damage and you get +30 damage boost from a skill, that makes impact, good impact but then if you have 15000 auto damage then that +30 damage boost you get from skill add no value.

Solution (Which is simple ) :

How to do?
We need to boost these BD in skills (They are everywhere in the skills of every class) not touching the existing 1-10 skill point rank, they stay as it is for this whole purpose. This also makes sure this won't impact any lower level pvp.

Every level brings 1 skill points, these skill points BD need to be boosted, only BD part as the skill damage already dependent on sets /weapons the reason devs doesn't manually set the damage of skill during each level cap.
Also the final skill rank might get the biggest boost. Here's one important thing, if the level cap is L116 then L116 can't join L110 games or if we lower the level requirement to join games, eg L66 can join L61 games, which should be the case, Max L65 can join L61 games not L66, so this will also good for one whole aspect. Then L116 will unlock 10+ skill ranks not L111.

How much to do?
Crit buff - No need (It's not problematic everyone having +100 crit chance, doing the double damage)
Dodge - There's already a dodge cap in place
Healing - Already adjusted separately
Armor buff -
(Applicable to any buff formula)
Best if we can make it % gain rather than just + gain
I've a very simple formula here that can be followed or if you want I can go through each class each skill to simply write the amount -

Let's take an average damage number 500
and Armor number 300. These two numbers are always fixed.

Now we are going through skills max ranked, lets say a skill page says it has +50 armor so it's around 15% of 300 (Armor number) so now the skill gives +15% armor boost instead flat +50
So there's few options to handle this, in 10+ skill rank we can simply replace +50 gain armor with + 15% armor gain. Alternatively manually it can be set like lets say we have 5000 total armor, so it would be 15% -> +750 armor.

Let say a skill page says it gives +1 armor, its around .3% based on armor number 300 so instead of +1 armor, it now gives +.3%

How these things makes sense, let's take an example then, at low level you have 300 armor, you get flat 50 armor buff and at endgame with 2600 armor you get 50 armor buff but with the new system you get 15% i.e. 390. Totally makes sense.

Armor debuff - Exact same here, we take the armor number and make it's percentage.

Damage buff - Exact same here, but we take the damage number and then make it's percentage

Hit Debuff - Wish it was in percentage as well like stated in bird skill page wrongly, -70% HIT chance unlike written in bear skill page correctly HIT % - 70. We can actually make it a percentage rather than just minus, because it would be the best solution -

100 - 70 = 30
100 - 70% = 30

when hit is very high
300 - 70 = 230
300 - 70% = 90

when hit is moderately low
50 - 70= (-)20
50 - 70% = 15

Hit buff - Make it percentage wise simply, as the fixed number is 100 so if a max ranked skill says +40 hit chance, then its +40% of total hit % we have after wearing full set.

Rest - under construction
This won't do the class balance, class balance need a separate fix after some time of cap release.