View Full Version : Valentine's 2022 Feedback

02-08-2022, 11:24 PM
We are collecting feedback for the Valentine's 2022 event in order to improve future events.

Feel free to post your likes, dislikes, comments, and criticism!


02-18-2022, 01:09 PM
Liked this event overall, but one thing that kind of turns me down on it is that all hug prime drops are really cheap after one week of the event so it’s not really worth to run it unless you’re doing lb/farming golden candies, rather just run haunt, make crates and sell parchment papers, or just sell raw candies and farm goldens for lb runners to buy.

02-18-2022, 01:29 PM
Change the taint sets appearance and their effects/procs . Also the boss monster.
You can also remove the normal love craft since there's a gold where you can loot everything that normal love craft has that's nonsense.
Also the elix whats the purpose of that pink elix? also nonsense. you can remove or enhance it like if a married couple runs using it there will be an effect and has a better chance of loot.

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02-18-2022, 01:35 PM
Up the hugthulu’s points for those who work and are f2p. 6 pts is a little underwhelming. While I understand parchments are easy to come by, but not always easy for new players to get a love letter party.

02-18-2022, 02:32 PM
it's too easy to point to the tier plate, even the endles and tainted sets don't work, so it's like a legendary weapon. often people are not very interested in running this event [emoji18]

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02-18-2022, 03:13 PM
Also the lb was pretty underwhelming overall, as you can see not that much people are competing. Only top 10 rewards are good, and top 25 with top 50 are honestly pretty plain. Also lovecraft chests are pretty useless imo, they could have more useful stuff inside of them tbh

02-18-2022, 05:04 PM
Fix plat tier aura visual.
Update endless and tainted sets so they are actually useful for warrior and mage. They suck for these 2 classes, change tainted gear procs to something else so people who are poor can buy them and use them efficiently.
Make it where it doesn't take a literal 480 energy runs to hit plat tier, add more bosses. Make title red or pink.
Make the tier and lb banners better, why is there a basic square 2d design banner for top 25 and 50 this event but most other events have way better top 50 banners?
Add a tradeable aura in the token vendor or a pet egg.
Not sure if this exists but an option to hide the 10 plat purchase popup for the talisman every time you join an event map. Goes for most events.
Make the locks rarer and better so we don't have 99999x locks no one opens.
Make this for all events, in the "How to play" on the "Tiers" in "Leaderboard points" you have a brown space under each tiers reward list in which you can put the amount of points required for each tier so people aren't constantly asking "How many points for said tier?".
To stop the letter scams make it where any tier can open letters because some people say prime runs and when they pt you and you gift them your letter they leave pt and exit map.

Overall this event is very op for making gold in if you take things slow and know what you are doing. You can make 100k in less than an hour without gold loot or luck or even op gears.

02-18-2022, 07:17 PM
Make mobs a bit harder to kill but they can do a bit less dmg so its not just run and gun idk how it wuld be to make random map generator for event maps like there is in Mause that is really fun cuz you dont know how long map is. and i miss how in old events you got some legendary pet at gold tier that wuld be really nice for f2p players and make lock drops lower and energy a bit bigger, was farming energy for 30min in hauntlet and got 10 energy out of it... #neverlucky and + on adding how much points you need to get to next tier that wuld be really good

02-18-2022, 09:21 PM
I want more incentives to play event ty

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Corviss the Lich
02-18-2022, 09:30 PM
As mentioned by many LB 25-50 banner reward are not that visually appealing, and also adding at least 2-3 points whenever merkfin(s) killed.

Overall this Lovecraft Event is fine, but not good enough compared to previous Lovecraft, but we saw a lot of new vanities and pets so I guess it's fair this time.

02-18-2022, 09:48 PM
Fix the drops in classes
l have rog and after 2.5k runs with x2 loot elixirs and fleet elixirs l got 3 war endless armor,2 war helmet endless,5endless armor for mage, 2helm for mage but 0rogue helmet and only 2 rogue armor l asked around nobody have looted full set of his type only full set of others classes not fair l asked 90 ppl (fl) and my guild (500ppl) nobody got full set of his type ( but they bought it from auction) pls fix it before the event end..

02-18-2022, 11:27 PM
Hoping for taint 81 to have different effects/color

02-19-2022, 12:09 AM
Isn't a great event overall

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02-19-2022, 02:39 AM
Bronze Tier: 2 gold elixirs is a decent reward since can either sell these or use to sell candy boxes or craft love letter, adding an unlocked chest to the reward would have topped it.
Silver Tier: 1 unlocked chest and, the first of many to come in the event, vanity banner, straight bad reward, tier rewards should scalate getting better as player goes higher. Save the vanity banner for Gold OR Plat Tier. Making reward 2 gold elixirs and 2 unlocked chests would be a much more useful reward for players.
Gold Tier: 2 unlocked chests, 1 love letter and the 2nd vanity banner of the event, personally I don't like this kind of design at all, but that's not the problem, the problem is the many recolors of this kind of plain banner, a total of 3 banners with the same design, what is the need of this?...
Making the reward 3 unlocked chests, 2 gold elixirs, 1 love letter, 3 fleeting love elixir and banner from tier silver would have made for a so much better reward.
Plat Tier: Title, 3 unlocked chests, 2 love letter, 15 fleeting love elixir, aura and a vanity banner. When it comes to spendable items it's actually a good reward, the problem comes when you look at the vanity part of the reward, a non colored title, a tradeable aura that will end up being too cheap since it's a 2 week event and a recolor of the Gold Tier banner.
If you're gonna release more auras in the upcoming events make them account bound if they will be awarded as Tier reward, events have vendors and store exclusive items for this kind of items.
Now here comes the 1st recolor of Gold Tier banner, don't have much to say, at least you tried to "improve" it by adding a cute bat.

At first look the rewards are pretty decent except for 2 aspects, the Top 50 banner is yet another recolor of the Gold Tier banner and vanity rewards are completely different from each Top, what I mean by this 2nd aspect is that Top 10 players are not getting either the Top 50 banner or the Top 25 backpack.
I'm not saying the Top 10 Rewards are bad but makes no sense for a player that has made it up to the top to not get the full reward, if don't want to make the top 10 too stacked up on rewards share then on the different tops. Remove the Top 50 banner and make the Top 10 banner an overall reward for the leaderboard; make the Top 25 backpack an added reward on top of the current ones for Top 10.
As for Top 50 and 25 they should always get their respective jewel reward, I don't know why only Top 10 has a Jewel as part of the reward this time.

Boss loot.
Merfkin: candy heart, Gothic set, Arc shaping stone. Adding lock to the loot table would have been a good touch.
Crested Merfkin: Golden letter chest, candy heart, locked, mended backpack, garlic. Removing candy heart from the loot table would have been good, besides that all good.
Hugthulu: lovecraft chest, gold lovecraft chest, endless set, heart party wings,heart hats, currency and tokens. Here's where the party starts, why make 3 recolors of the same wings and hats and have em all loot from the same boss, I know it's easy to make recolors but at least keep it cool, make a "rare" version lootable from boss and recolored version from Token Vendor or Crested Merfkin.
Instead of having Hugthulu drop all kinds of currency make it drop a currency chest instead, gives players a way to profit by selling it or try their luck for better loot.
Prime Hugthulu: gold lovecraft chest, Tainted weapons, heart party wings, dazzling Hugthulu mask, purple rose, mended heart pack, locks, currency and tokens. Same problem with as before with party wings. Here we have currency again, make it loot a "grand" currency chest or just a regular currency chest if it's too much trouble making a new chest. Adding Garlic or a Heroic Redd to the loot table would have been good.

Token Vendor.
Redd pet, Parch paper, unlocked chest, heart eyepatch (3color),heart mask (3color), heart party set (2color), new set of furniture.
New pet, unlocked chests and the new set of furniture items is really good, specially the Hugthulu altar!
Too many recolors in the vendor, would have been much better if left it no recolor or 2 recolors, keeping 1 as vendor exclusive and another as event dungeon loot.
Vendor lacks items that actually help the gameplay experience for players, such as currency chest, jewel chest, inventory slots, gear, etc.
Reduce the amount of tokens needed for vendor items, only players who farm for the lb efficiently are able to gather those big amounts...

Remove Arc Fossil, Arc Shard, all the lower Gold packs, nobody wants to loot arcane and see any of those or Mythic and see looted 100k instead of something worthy...

Nothing to add, good loot table for event chests.

Fleeting love Elixir. Nothing to add up, good effect.
Gold Love Elixir. Nothing to add up, good effect.
Love Elixir. Make it increase drop rate of candy hearts, as it is atm it only works as a visual and to grant candies to other ppl.

Redd. Bad hb, once again a legendary pet is released to gather dust, add at the very least some kind of dmg buff to its hb, even if low it could have been a good option for players who can't afford a gl pet or speed pet, as it is atm it doesn't help since player won't have enough dmg to kill boss or mobs quickly.
Arc Redd. An overall good pet, not what most players expected, this kind of pet would have been welcomed for lunar event, a pet for gold farming.
Garlic. A good hb for haste lovers, tho I'm not sure if it can compare to arc sentinel since it lacks speed on its hb, I guess time will tell. Awful passive and aa. Expected way more for the only pet with a new design on this event.

Yet again sets released to gather dust get released, with a highly outdated proc from Tainted weapos Tainted set will be left behind since it's nowhere near to the power level from legend set, don't get me wrong I'm not saying the legend set should get shadowed by Tainted sets as it would cause zodias content to go even more dead than it currently is, just asking for a viable option for those players who don't like or can't afford the legendary set, by simply giving a proc to weapon that slightly buffs user's dmg and deals dot in order to activate the 2nd part of the proc (the buff/debuff bundle deploy proc) more quickly it would make these weapons much more desirable.
Now, their designs are the same once again with a slight change of colors, you should try a bit harder and give these sets small tweaks to change their appearance a bit, seriously...
What's the point of releasing 3 weapons of each type with same stats to only change color? At least give them different procs or a change of stats.
About their auras, idk if this is a bug or intended, if it's intended it's a very lazy move from the design team to make the auras the exact same from lvl 76 sets, hope I'm wrong.

Sadly, once again we don't have an account bound craftable backpack using gold and regular candy letters, hope this is not the case for upcoming events, why remove a part of the event that makes players actually play the game?

Player AL
02-19-2022, 06:42 AM
-endless set for rogue gives str and no int? why? discrimination... rogues dont need STR as secondary stat in gears
-it's just regular event, same was 1 year ago 2 years ago 3, 4 .... nothing new
-remove useless gates before boss, atleast for solo and party runs
-fix trash mythic weapons proc, nobody cares this event
-add more furniture and vanities by tokens

02-19-2022, 08:09 AM
Please Add Iran's flag [emoji120]

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02-19-2022, 08:11 AM
[QUOTE=Norrey.AL;3758345]Please Add Iran's flag [emoji120]

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02-19-2022, 03:14 PM
Pls add iran flag... Many iranian placed in lb... Top #2 overall and #8 overall and....
Also if tainted set had different set effect would be awsome...

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02-20-2022, 09:17 AM
Overall I think the recent events are awesome.

1 problem just 1 I have is farming energy in the hauntlet. P.s it’s good for jewel farming lol

02-20-2022, 11:00 AM
I never liked the progression to gold tier. The main reason is that bronze and silver do not reward you with higher-tier bosses that give more points like other events, so grinding for points gets bland really quick. This makes it difficult to stay engaged with the event if you don't do letter runs. There needs to be a way for bronze tier to earn more points than no tier, and silver to earn more points than bronze instead of earning the same points fighting the same boss for 300+ runs.

02-20-2022, 11:10 AM
points to low for non letter runner lol

02-20-2022, 01:26 PM
unlocking costing 1,500 tokens is an extremely aggressive price, non-veteran players who play around 5 hours a day made 1,500 tokens in 2 days (feedback from guild members).

it would be nice if there was someone on the team (STS) who played the game in a way that they could understand the way it was applied to the gameplay, or a way to get feedback from those who don't come to the forum very often. I see some comments that don't make sense to me.
example: mention unlock costing 1500 with drop chance with non-useful items in a positive way.

house items being sold for tokens gave an extra boost!

maybe increase the boss drop difficulty or add something extremely difficult to drop to maintain a heavier farm thus giving more pleasure and incentive to drop. event wings are literally costing 1k gold

02-20-2022, 01:47 PM
hello devs, I play events for things I can collect and use on my character and house. anything that is to time consuming is a turn off for me. (unless the things I hunt for look fantastic) all the tiers for the event have non-desirable items and this leaves me to to run the event at all.

for the past few events like Halloween, Christmas and valentines had lackluster things I wanted to collect and spend money on. its either 100 plat or 1,700 plat for 2 items.

sets that make auras are fantastic, more items to purchase with tokens (lower the prices on these), BOUND ITEMS....(things that I work for I don't plan to sell, so the prices should be more reasonable) and....last but not least...the events are recycled year after year. nothing is really exciting after seeing the same thing for years lol. yes vanity's change, but how many times have i killed hugathu...ive lost count lol.

02-20-2022, 05:29 PM
nonsense feedbacks if you don't have an actions!

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02-21-2022, 01:06 PM
And hey I’m back.

Add more loot to drop tables please.

A Multitude (woah) of items… I like how u push the ankhs and dragon teeth, is good stuff, but it could be better.

I recommend adding even more diversity to this idea, for example-
-hugthulu prime drop
- gold love elixir
- fleeting elixir
- anything relating to the story of hugthulu and valentines
- the items from the vendor….!,!!
- postage stamps
- wedding rings
- roots of compassion
- bruh

02-22-2022, 05:40 AM
PLEASE FOR NEXT TIER PRIZE IT SHOULD BE BOUND NOT TRADABLE, coz that aura cost 3-4m make me unmotivated to run plat tier cause I just can buy it rather run it.
Thanks just my opinion :)
BTW great event and prize :)
U guys awesome :)

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02-22-2022, 11:47 AM
I want weapons that can handle playing on maps 81 and that don't last about 8 minutes for run, I can't buy the mythic 81, I want to play the dollar here in my country it's very expensive! and go back to the stacking procs of arcanes 76 let them work on maps 76 down!

02-22-2022, 04:01 PM
We are collecting feedback for the Valentine's 2022 event in order to improve future events.

Feel free to post your likes, dislikes, comments, and criticism!

Please do this for all games

02-22-2022, 09:13 PM
Hello Space Time Studios, if you truly want to collect feedback in order to improve future events, then please read this:

1. Add more "useful" gear/eggs/loot for level 81 F2P players for endgame and upcoming elites.
For example, regardless of your intentions for taint set stats, people don't run events for useless/obsolete filler content.
Essentially, just make an elite "insanely difficult" version of event maps that can drop an event related arcane/arcanite item that
is usually bound to locked crates. Seriously, force us to use top tier weapons, gear and strategies to clear even 1 simple elite mob from hordes, THAT... difficult. Withholding these arcane/arcanite items from becoming lootable items simply reflects your intentions
for this game to be directed towards P2W players. This is why most people just stop playing even after getting to endgame.
However, we do understand that you need to have a feasible income to be able to create more content. Therefore, TIP!: Make every lootable arcane/arcanite item NOT tradable and fixed to one's account. This way, you prevent overpowered players from looting many arcanes/arcanites and consequently crashing the market prices. Due to this, the event related arcane/arcanite item will retain its high value and people will buy from the store and open locked crates. (You can also copy other games that are selling the most cool and pretty vanities for cash, you don't need to have an ingame currency like Platinum or Gold for this)

2. Be innovative with your event maps/music/mobs/bosses/design etc. Quantity and quality of
your input in the game will result in more output from us playing (and paying). Low input = low output.
Simply put, you get what you deserve. Many people turn away from simple recolors of items.
There are no loop hacks or rng tricks to effective game design. So I wish you all good luck with
working hard on more content.

3. Create a proper incentive for players to run the event for tier rewards, because believe it or not,
most normal people don't care about vanities at all. Like me, they need to work lots, and I dont grind
to simply look a little stylish. I want to gain something useful that will help me gain another useful thing
in the endgame maps, so the cycle continues. Vanities are and will always be just an "EXTRA" item for the collectors.
Spoiler: just create and add rare, 'properly balanced', event-only multi statistical jewels.
For example, a "consumable" Syrillax jewel with 10 dex + 10 str + 10 int.

4. Last and definitely not least: do something useful with the luck stat again because its practically useless nowadays.
Gold loot farming will just result in a never-ending inflation loop. Fix? Simply put a cap for awakening at 100% luck.
Then create a chance for a chance scenario, example: 100% luck = a guarantee for a 10% chance/drop rate for a Garlic egg. Also implement this in other events and in endgame maps please. Finally, I feel inclined to advise the developers to make at least "some" tier rewards/token items like eggs tradeable again. I say this because new players need to have easy access to trading and merching for gold.

Post Scriptum: I say this with kindness, but please make proper use of our feedback this time. Most people I know
already left the game because the above mentioned elements are absent and/or severely lacking right now.

Kind regards

02-23-2022, 03:50 PM
It can't keep players engaged due to underwhelming rewards and points.

Road to platinum feels like contesting for LB placement without really relying on letters because not everyone has accessible letter/letter party. Could've definitely done better but some vanities looks cool but enjoying the runs matter the most for every event even at other games.

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02-25-2022, 10:10 AM
Valentines used to be a fun FREE romp thru Brakenridge. It’s digressed into a backstabbing, pay to win trap. I quit running before bronze tier. Last years Lovecraft crates released this years items. all my crafting items get deleted ....ugh

02-28-2022, 11:50 PM
I would just like to say,

Excellent work with the Valentines event. Looked really fun to play and the vanities/rewards looks awesome. Unfortunately my personal has reached a level of busy where i cant run events at the moment. BUT the lb looked fantastic! Was refreshing to see a tradeable lb vanity. I nearly almost called out of work to play the lb. Would love to see more of this in the future because those lb vanities are what make my want to spend money on this game tbh. I already know whats going to be in traders market most of the time [emoji2371] so i dont bother buying plats. However with these rare lb rewards going around I wouldn’t mind spending some cash and obtaining them. Would love to see more of this in future event! [emoji1373]

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03-01-2022, 09:59 AM
Scrap the entire event and build a new, nonthulu related event.

03-06-2022, 10:22 AM
nice eventttt