View Full Version : Future of AL based on Web3 economy and Blockchain

02-11-2022, 10:25 AM
It's been a long time since I posted, but I think time is ripe for a food for thought post...
With the rapid innovation in gaming ecosystem especially due to Blockchain technology,
I believe Spacetime will need to pivot to a GameFi based MMORPG business model.
As blockchain gaming gains momentum, I reckon the following points for STS to consider:

1) Introduction of AL crypto-token => This could be dropped in high level zones, special events and have a real life value. ( And supplement Plat as a secondary currency)
2) All in game items in market can be bought/sold using this token.
3) Vanities ( And given AL has so many unique ones!) MUST be made into NFT's. A mint number assignment could also drive scarcity ( And marketplace fee could make STS passive income)
4) In future Character weapons, and crafted mats could also be made and traded as NFT's
5) The character itself could be made into NFT's and traded in the secondary marketplace

Would love to know if STS is considering about a pivot to GameFi and Play to Earn in future?

02-11-2022, 12:33 PM
-1 I think being Play to earn requires a much larger player base than what AL currently has.

02-11-2022, 12:41 PM
Crypto land, crypto island, new world, trjs, cryptomaze, dawn online, crypto digimon or whaever
Omg stop the nightmare once and for all

02-11-2022, 02:28 PM
I stick with stocks and crypto currency, loads of money with them. Shiba, Matic, Mana, Eth!
Metaverse is a meme so are nft's.


02-11-2022, 03:14 PM
crypto and mmo dont work together, you can see that in WOW. Its now full of bots farming irl money, large underground groups, MASSIVE inflation (because bots farming insane amount of gold for irl trades).

02-11-2022, 03:36 PM
Crypto & nfts are scams for suckers with LED RGB lights in their room.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-11-2022, 03:48 PM

When a guy named crazy is the voice of reason o.O

02-11-2022, 05:50 PM
1. You cant just slap a real life value on it and go "look!!! It had value" thats not a markt goes. Also i fail to see what the difference would be just making plat dropable? It would have the aame effect
2. Just sounds like a diluted way of using gold..?
3. When youre saying this im already highly questioning your understanding of what a nft is. What ure buying isn't a image but a assigned place in a row to see the image. Let me formulate it like this. In my house i have a beautiful ice spirit set on display and i place 50 chairs in front of it. Now what im gonna sell you is a seat to be able to see it. What youre buying from me is basiscly a number from 1-50. You will always have number 1 and thats unique to you, but nothing is stopping me from selling 2-50 to others and 50+ more seats down the line. This is why game companies are so keen on jumping on this. Cause all they have to do is sell you an link to a piece of art not the art itself.

Okay if that also wasnt enough of a explanation ill try explaining it with a more realistic approach.
I take a picture of a flower. I mint said flower picture and sell it to you. Now ure happy that u own my flower pic but whats this? I mint the exact same flower but now the string ends on 54 instead of yours that ends on 53. So basiscly i sold you a link to my flower not the actual flower.

Hope this clears it somewhat up, if you want more info on this josh strife hays has a really good video about nfts.
4. See point 3
5. See point 3

02-11-2022, 06:07 PM
I'd prefer to remain financially stable and enjoy the game at the same time. I'm not that knowledgeable about this (feel free to clarify), but if this also involved locks, I have a feeling there would be some legal problems and get the game banned for involving actual gambling.

02-11-2022, 08:32 PM
I prefer all new AL v2.0 open world than this.

02-12-2022, 01:45 AM
1. You cant just slap a real life value on it and go "look!!! It had value" thats not a markt goes. Also i fail to see what the difference would be just making plat dropable? It would have the aame effect
2. Just sounds like a diluted way of using gold..?
3. When youre saying this im already highly questioning your understanding of what a nft is. What ure buying isn't a image but a assigned place in a row to see the image. Let me formulate it like this. In my house i have a beautiful ice spirit set on display and i place 50 chairs in front of it. Now what im gonna sell you is a seat to be able to see it. What youre buying from me is basiscly a number from 1-50. You will always have number 1 and thats unique to you, but nothing is stopping me from selling 2-50 to others and 50+ more seats down the line. This is why game companies are so keen on jumping on this. Cause all they have to do is sell you an link to a piece of art not the art itself.

Okay if that also wasnt enough of a explanation ill try explaining it with a more realistic approach.
I take a picture of a flower. I mint said flower picture and sell it to you. Now ure happy that u own my flower pic but whats this? I mint the exact same flower but now the string ends on 54 instead of yours that ends on 53. So basiscly i sold you a link to my flower not the actual flower.

Hope this clears it somewhat up, if you want more info on this josh strife hays has a really good video about nfts.
4. See point 3
5. See point 3

Good explanation on nft!

Sounds pretty interesting (:

Btw anyone here care to convert his message into lay man terms? I'm not sure if I fully comprehend the OP post.

What seems concerning is I don't see how it's gonna benefit sts enough for them to even begin doing this and also how does players benefit from this being just another "event token" that's also tradeable for real life money isn't that what sts is already against by prohibiting ppl selling their account items for real life money?

02-12-2022, 05:20 AM
Hi Darkral, since you've actually added to the argument instead of ad hominem comments, I do see it fair to reply and infact do agree you're partially correct in your assessment.
1) The value will need to be inherently defined by the game ecosystem and market. NO one can guarantee it or take away value from it. Coin "fair "values are not backed by underlying asset, and hence will need to be driven by in game utility to create value.
2) It's an addition to, an alternative, not to replace Plat or gold. Of course, how its implemented, utilized can drive demand and utility. It could be diluted, but that would not be 100% certainty. We cannot and shouldn't rule out the use cases that might be possible outright.
3) While some NFT collections DO infact don't have a MAX mint attribute set, in most ones where scarcity is inherently built in, there is a fix limit on mint numbers that can be created.
I suggest to read on "NFT attributes" to get more idea on this. Also mint number is not infact important for gameplay as copies of a weapon(say) with mint number 1 or 100 will have the same attributes in game.
Regarding copies created by conning purposes, obviously true mints need to be "whitelisted" which can certify authenticity. When you mention "Cause all they have to do is sell you an link to a piece of art not the art itself." - It's an incorrect assessment. Minting an asset on a blockchain which you bought certifies by design that you are the owner of the asset. And it is not a jpeg, as nft's can be used as in game assets - equip able and tradeable. It's much more that what you mentioned.

02-12-2022, 11:55 AM
Or just go to a store and buy a gift card with with you can purchase plat.
You can also use a bank card, do platinum offers or just enjoy AL free to play.

02-12-2022, 04:11 PM
I stole your monkey picture.