View Full Version : How much gold needed to build good mage for dm and new bosses

02-13-2022, 05:11 PM
How much gold i need to build good mage for those maps? should i build pure int or ed/bd better?

02-13-2022, 05:18 PM
Pure int, it will cost around 170-250mil.
81 staff, 81 gun, int helm of choice ebon abyss mire, ebon vest, lv 81 legend set 3.3 belt pend ring, warlock aa, and some mvs set. Thats what I use, thats if you go for good awakes. If this is asking about a gold loot set then I don't know, I don't use gold loot.

02-13-2022, 05:22 PM
Aqua staff 37m
Gl 120 weapon 7m

Gl head 10m
Ebon gl body 15m
50 Gl belt 4m

Ss with 100 gl

Aa 70gl. 7m

Total 95m

Without aqua staff 58m

Gl pet
Leishen 13m

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-13-2022, 09:14 PM
Doesn't take much gold....

Keep in mind, you are running with a party, and you aren't solo-ing, you don't need the best of gears.

You will need:

1) Aquaris: 45-50m for decent int awakes.
2) Gl Ebon Armor: 20m
3) Arc Senti/Garlic: 10-20m
4) Pet AA: Heroic Tadthep: 10m.
5) Gl Helm: 10m.
6) Gl Arti: 10m.
7) Gl Skrat Gun: 7m

You don't need Hyperos since bosses will die before it can proc, but if you are using it with mythic set, then it is better.

So yeah... About 127m. This is the set I use.

Ps: Enchanter Amulet, and Warlock Arti is an overkill in DM cuz you are running with a party, and bosses die on seconds.

Tho playing mages is all about managing proc CDs.

Sent from my GM1913 using Tapatalk

02-14-2022, 12:44 AM
200-250m if u wanna be geared up enough for new maps

02-15-2022, 01:52 PM
reaching +-2kint is easy
aqua 40m 3%int
abyssal helm 7%int 20m
ebon armor 7%int 22m
warlock 6%int 40m
legendary 81 3/3 6%int 2m
then exq mind x 18 15m

could allow switch warlock with inf mind 6%int for 20m

note that the price wont be 100% accurate but I'm confident with my guessing, with good pet like garlic(9m) or arc sent(15m) you can get to 2k int maybe and wont be lower than 1,8k int

in total around 150m

for gl ill give it 40-50m for 500gl or something

and for ms set if you buy nox tox or venom, mire armor&helm ms awake, profiter artifact, ms belt, you can get up to 60-90ms on awake only for 20-35m

for that basic stats it'll only cost you 200m

if you planning on playing rahabkor jut buy hyperos for 15m with int or bd awake

02-16-2022, 04:23 AM
Adding on to this, what would be a good pet hb ?