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View Full Version : Warrior Debuff Skills not working?

04-19-2010, 08:19 AM
I was testing out some Warrior skills, they both are supposed to reduce an enemy's damage.

Hell Scream and Crushing Blow

In my tests I couldn't find any reduction at all from either skill. Very odd. I took screenshots:

I tested in The Lost Expedition Ch. 1, first mob.

As you can see here, his normal hits were doing 10-15 usually. This is just standing there getting hit, no buffs.


Here is just after using Hellscream. I'm still taking the same amount of damage.


This is after Crushing Blow. I'm still taking the same amount of damage.


Are these working as intended? If so the descriptions are misleading. Could we have some clarification on this?



04-19-2010, 08:22 AM
I believe Cinco has some big changes for the Warrior class in the works...

04-19-2010, 08:40 AM
Biggest, thanks for your work on this. I can now take these off my main cast bar until fixed.

We get free respec til fixed? hahaha.

04-19-2010, 08:57 AM
Good to hear the warriors will be getting balanced.
Their importance isn't coming across in game at all and hopefully these changes will adress that.

Shame to hear I have so many skill points in wasted areas atm, that's a bit pooh :(

04-19-2010, 09:13 AM
I think tanking has gotten a lot better since Lost Expedition came out, and I'm looking forward to more bear love in upcoming patches. The devs are clearly listening and probably 10 steps ahead of my "tests" anyways.

Thanks JustG for the response.