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View Full Version : Voleria-specific Engineer Discussion

07-02-2012, 11:20 AM
Hi everyone :) I'm looking to get more efficient at my inner core runs, and I thought it would be nice to give everyone a chance to talk about tactics they use specifically against Voleria mobs. As we all know, the mobs here are more difficult to kill and they provide new dangers (snipers, grenades, etc). And I've heard several of you *cough*ArtStar*cough* talk about how quick your vol core runs are..

For example, whenever I can I try to cast pain on the pushers to keep them from knocking someone into a mine. Also when there's a sniper I try to target it first in case someone isn't paying attention, but from what I get around here I think that's pretty common. Casting pain on a turret will keep me from taking too much damage if it's only attacking me for some reason, which does happen once in a while. I mentioned this earlier, but I ALWAYS try to stay away from the blue grenades whenever possible (the ones that stun you) because that can be the one time I end up dying and there's nothing I can do (unless I'm in chrome, lol).

So what do you do? How is your positioning in relation to the rest of the team? Who do you target first, and is there any special way you use your skills to maximize your efficiency as a support or simply as the engineer in general on your team? What are things you do on a good team, and how does your strategy change when you end up on a bad team or even solo?

I'm not looking for just one opinion, I was kind of hoping that everyone's thoughts would differ just a little bit on this. And I'm not looking for a guide necessarily, just an open discussion. It's been a while since anything new has been posted in the engi forum. :)

07-02-2012, 11:45 AM
My tactics is always run ahead, stun, pick a high risk enemy off (sniper usually) with pain and decay and pew pew pew, then heal The team when they catch up with me.

That's how a Comeng should work. Be the wall that the rest of the team stand behind.

07-02-2012, 12:29 PM
Ha ha my core runs can get pretty fast! Ha ha with a team who works together, and they all play their classes.... Omg.. It is amazing how fast we mow down that level.

Inner Core is the best place to gain xp obviously, always remake at 36 remaining after clearing the bonus room. The Core can be pretty easy with a tank who tanks, an Op who snipes the pushers/snipers, and an Engineer who heals efficiently and there is no stopping that team. Buttt I am not always lucky enough to get a team like that hosting my pug runs. Sooo I will let you know my strategy for the Core.

I am an Engineer if you haven't noticed, and here is my build: first page of skills bottum up are Pain-6, Boom-6, Empathy-6, Transference-6. Second page going up is Decay-6, Leech-3, Protection-6, and Revive-1. My build hasn't changed since I made my Engineer way back at the level-26 cap either! Lol I have just added onto it, and I LOVE my PvE build. It is not the best or anything, but it is perfect for me.

I started STS games as a tank, and my first SL toon was a Commando. So when I am running v5 I am usually leading the team by rushing in first. I pick off the purple pushers, and the snipers before the others. My skill que always starts with Pain or Decay. I Pain the enemies I want to stay put like the pushers first, and make sure the mob gets the second blow that Pain gives off. Healing is a lot more than just spamming Empathy or Transference too. Learning the clicks of your heals, making sure Transference gives its full effect, and always spamming Revive to give your team that little extra buff takes practice. Leech I use when I know I am going to take a lot of damage, and time it according to my heals or Trans. Lol I don't care what anyone tells you, but Protection IS a useful skill. Two mins of 60+ armor does make a very noticible difference on the field! It makes a world of a difference on solo runs :D

When I am on a good team it makes me even better. I lead the team with such ease to where Inner Core is not much of a challenge. Ha ha on a bad team I am the rusher still, because a bad team usually waits for someone to lead them.. Which is very frustrating x) My play style does not change, it just is much more of a challenge. I think it is easier to solo v5 than to run with a terrible team.

Idk, ha ha I am dead tired at the moment so I probably am not explaining this how I want to, but better yet, add me in game and I will show you some good runs.

I always host :star:

07-02-2012, 01:10 PM
I think it is easier to solo v5 than to run with a terrible team. I agree completely. I find myself to be a little squishy and I go down if I take too many hits though, so I think the trick is to target the correct people and time your skills right so you take as little damage as possible. Positioning is important, too. Unless I'm just missing out on some awesome equipment that allows you to stand there and heal, autoattack, and spam skills at your whim and not die, LOL.

P.S. Good post, even if you are tired, lol. You really seem like you know your way around this class.

P.P.S. Mitch, I think you're braver than I am but your playstyle isn't too different from ArtStar's, really, at least fundamentally. What gear and stats do you run with to feel secure as a tank(ish), or do you run typical engineer stats (mostly INT) and just run.. skillfully?

07-02-2012, 01:15 PM
Thanks, I am happy you liked my feedback. It is my favorite class IN ALL TEH WORLD xD

Go in game right now and add me, I feel like running now lololl.

That is of course if you are free :p

07-02-2012, 01:20 PM
Haha, lunch rush at work = phone ringing constantly with students having endless questions. But when it dies down if you're still on, I'm all over it! :)

07-02-2012, 03:16 PM
Sent you a friend request :P I am off now lolol.

07-03-2012, 09:37 AM
I am also a comeng (thanks for the training Mitch!) and of course I go for the snipers first, because they just LOVE to snipe the engineers first!
I use platinum lv40 gear, because of the good dodge and mana it gives. Dodge is really important for me because when I rush in, I like not EVERY SINGLE ATTACK to hit me (yes coms, that's why you have high dodge, so you can TANK). You want to be that steel wall that everyone is protected by, and to make sure you keep the team alive. I try and avoid every grenade though, they are all detrimental.

07-03-2012, 10:05 AM
Just gotta say this... Spam heal

Now stay alive :D

Edit: Use leech and transference also along with protection. It slows the damage coming and heals the group more.

07-03-2012, 10:09 AM
I am also a comeng (thanks for the training Mitch!) and of course I go for the snipers first, because they just LOVE to snipe the engineers first!
I use platinum lv40 gear, because of the good dodge and mana it gives. Dodge is really important for me because when I rush in, I like not EVERY SINGLE ATTACK to hit me (yes coms, that's why you have high dodge, so you can TANK).

This is really helpful, as I haven't heard anyone say anything about using plat vs custom lv40 stuff. I've been wondering about that, which is better for what and what the differences are and such.

I try to dodge every bomb if I can as well but sometimes it seems like bad positioning when it's okay at the time to take a little damage. Not always. But if I do have to take a hit, I make sure it's one that won't kill my entire team like by me getting pushed into a mine or something.

07-03-2012, 09:18 PM
Yeah Pretty much the same gear as Zao has said, Dodge is a life saver in volaria.
The few differences between mine and Artstars build is, she uses Gloves. I use Gun and shield.
She's a Legend. I'm a stun specialist.
She's quicker. I'm a dodger.

Pretty simular. Just Artstar will always pwn my *** lol IMO ;-) She's my Hero.

07-03-2012, 11:35 PM
I am also a comeng (thanks for the training Mitch!) and of course I go for the snipers first, because they just LOVE to snipe the engineers first!
I use platinum lv40 gear, because of the good dodge and mana it gives. Dodge is really important for me because when I rush in, I like not EVERY SINGLE ATTACK to hit me (yes coms, that's why you have high dodge, so you can TANK). You want to be that steel wall that everyone is protected by, and to make sure you keep the team alive. I try and avoid every grenade though, they are all detrimental.

A note on mines/ grenades. I always seem to be a magnet to the chaser grenades. When I see one, I run from the group so that I'm the only one knocked down and not everyone.
Of course I don't get too far from the group and can still support easily. I can't say I've seen anyone doing this...
Anyway engineer is my favorite class and I enjoy it very much!

07-08-2012, 06:11 PM
A note on mines/ grenades. I always seem to be a magnet to the chaser grenades. When I see one, I run from the group so that I'm the only one knocked down and not everyone.
Of course I don't get too far from the group and can still support easily. I can't say I've seen anyone doing this...
Anyway engineer is my favorite class and I enjoy it very much!
I like engineer but horrible at it xD