View Full Version : Guild Management

07-02-2012, 03:27 PM
A question to all the guild officers and GMs out there.

Have you ever gone to the guild screen to boot someone or promote them, selected their name and then someone logs on or off and you end up booting/promoting the wrong person? It's happened on more than one occasion to me that I select a name, it pops up are you sure you want to boot "player X" and just as I go to hit the confirm button it changes to "player Y"

The option seems to be based on the slot that the person is in instead of the actual player. It would be better if it were tied to the actual person so we don't boot good members by accident.

Also for the GM there is a large button when you click on a player and bring up their profile to transfer guild ownership! Not the best place to put it as Deobone can attest to, he accidentaly transferred TDS to a new player he was trying to promote.

The transfer button is RIGHT BELOW the kick from guild button.... How awkward would that be if you were attempting to boot someone and gave them the guild instead?

This button should be removed from the player profile screen. I dont have a screenshot at the moment but I will try to get one as soon as I can.

And on the subject of guilds, does anyone else think that there should be one or two more levels of membership? And possibly different names to fit the vampire theme?

I now open the floor for general discussion.

07-02-2012, 10:19 PM
I have not booted a person merely by accident before but i must say, sts needs to have an option to refresh the guild list manually as i have accidentally deleted the wrong friend in my friend list and if the same thing were to happen one day if i was booting someone, the innocent member would probably be furious.

Also,the transfer guild master rank to member button should be in my opinion, be moved to the top of the guild page and when you tap on it you type the selected guild member's username to transfer power over instead of having it placed beside the player's name as any accidental transfer of power is irreversible unless the player is even kind enough to transfer his new rank back to the former gm himself...

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07-02-2012, 10:31 PM
I completley agree with this. It also is when your trying to delete a friend and end of deleting someone else. Really Nerve Racking to explain to them.

07-03-2012, 03:17 AM
Yep, i'm neither an officer nor a guild master, but it's pain in the buttocks while managing your friend list or trying to message one and end up message the wrong person, certainly needs to be fixed.