View Full Version : spells/skills don't work?

08-24-2010, 12:37 AM
in farming when melee enemies are attacking you and you use fireblast or stomp, they just keep attacking you and don't get knocked back. why not?
also, why do you suddenly teleport back when an enemy mage attacks you?

08-24-2010, 08:06 AM
The reason is because of the concentration of mobs you are trying to move at once. There must be an AOE cap, i just have no idea what that caps at. I noticed that same deal with beckon. When rushing, you can have massive amount of mobs on your tail, it may be too much to process for all of them to fly across your screen when you firestorm, so the devs most likely limited that. Just a hunch, anyone else?

08-30-2010, 03:14 PM
I noticed sometimes it's like the spell didn't fire at all even though the cool-down clock runs. It just seems there's no damage/stun etc on those mobs. Anyways, I mostly wait for a spell/skill to fire before tapping the next one now. Of course, that's sometimes hard when multiple bosses are upon you ...