View Full Version : Item drops

03-14-2022, 07:00 PM
For the last 3 expansions we have gotten only gold loot content, however we could change that.
Even to this day people farm elite chests in low levels maps, its such a old content that I think those players deserve some new content for a change. Here are some of my ideas for higher level maps.
-mausoleum, its probabaly one of the most difficult maps out there, however it is no longer very profitable. In order to make this a perfect place to start for non gold loot player we could add elite chests to mini, vory, corvis and normal boss drop table. Since arcanes from this expansion and forward are no longer rare there should be more than just weapons in those chests otherwise those chests would be worthless.
- swamp should focus more on spirit gear imo. I think spirit gear should give set bonuses at level 40, 50 and 60 and perhaps a cool aura when wearing a full set and on top of it after every 10 levels the weapons should get better proc. Since NOONE is going to spend thousands of hours on 3rd rate gear then I think swamp bosses should have a chance to drop exp bottles for spirit gear. Also having elite chests drop from infested and hydra would be cool.
- valley should get better vendor and should replace DM as a best gold looting spot since DM is way too easy (im not saying you should make DM useless, just it makes 0 sense for low level map to drop more gold than higher level map)
- zodiac, id like to see "mythic elite runner chests" in upcoming elite zodiac maps and some item drops that would stack up nicely when doing 1000 runs aps. When doing northal and cryostar for 1000aps it was very satisfying to make tens of millions from just item drops.

1 major flaw that sts has made in few expansions now is making item drops viable on gold loot maps. It means that gold loot players are crashing the market prices while causing more inflation. Those 2 farming methods CAN NOT be on the same map otherwise 1 party strives while other party suffers.

Finnaly Id like to ask why do we have epic, rare and common drops in this game? I didnt use them 10 years ago and I sure am not using them now. It would be nice if chests didnt drop that junk and instead had small gold drops from 1000-100k, it might sound a lot but if we consider the fact that people make 6m per hour in DM then spending time farming chests and having small chance to obtain 100k is not going to cause inflation.

03-14-2022, 07:56 PM
+ 1 to adding valuable drops in maps as this game has completely parted from farming other than gold loot
We got this new expansion ppl wanted yet there is no reason to farm there with events & gl maps

Last, I completely agree that they should nerf easy dm gold drops & buff them in evg rotating maps

Not onboard with replacing items with gold , maybe raise the liquidation gold but kinda meh on that one

Good thread tho

03-15-2022, 07:37 AM
Agrees that those low level gears should be removed from ALL chest and locks. The first rusk chest I opened from the event gave me an epic item, really?, second chest was a legendary weapon equally useless, so this chest reward event doesn’t interest me either.

03-17-2022, 12:15 PM
Added to the list of things to look research.