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View Full Version : Bring back our old events plz

03-18-2022, 08:57 AM
So the og game is always being kicked into last place with events... how come is that just wanting to know... we have lost so many events over the past years... now we just wait in events to come... I remember we use to always have something to do... now in order to pass time ppl come up with new alts and act new just to have some kind of excitement... I miss the Easter events and then after that we would have the b day event... so is this going to be where we lose our St. Patty event... I really hope not I mean can we have a later St. Patty event instead I'd trade the marriage thing for an event any time lol... especially if we have to share our stash lol... I don't want my stuff taken from some random... at least it's what I heard the other game is like...

05-03-2022, 09:59 PM
Honestly some old events would be cool to bring back, but there are a few or even a lot really that i would say should just stay dead if it means there items become available again, maybe if a new variant of those items was put in id say bring em all back but yah.

05-06-2022, 06:48 PM
New events with new items have been better in my opinion, it gets stale after seeing the same items come into the game.

05-09-2022, 09:16 AM
Im not talking about bringing old items back it would be nice to get some of our old events back... just like when are we going to have an event that allows us to farm the gold farming teirs its been a bit since we had one of those as well... or like our mother's day event it was nice to have those events... it made our time go faster through the year...

05-20-2022, 07:53 PM
I missed the easter egg event. I remember having the bunny hat that throws eggs with a description that says: "I am late for a very important date." I have lost that acc because of me deleting my Facebook acc. :(