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View Full Version : Recipe and Pinks Help!

07-07-2012, 07:56 PM
Hey guys,
I was wondering if you knew how long it takes for the recipes to drop from Skeleton
Cult Crypts and what monsters exactly drop the recipes and pinks.

I have farmed Skeleton Cult Crypts 60 times and have not gotten the slightest indication of any
recipes dropping. I got a bunch of gems and scraps/plate/leather and other trash.

I know the answer to my previous question is ambiguous, going from quick to very slow. I was just wondering
how long you guys took. However, I don't want answers like, "Oh, I got it on my second try!".
I'm sorry but I'm not that lucky like you...  
And recipe dropping isn't that consistent

I want an average answer, like how many runs you need to consistently get a recipe or pink drop.
Oh yeah, I also wonder if, in addition to armor pinks, if there are weapon pinks!!


07-07-2012, 08:26 PM
The drop rate is thought to be one in a several hundred drops.
It's really low.
Recipes are rarer than the pinks.

Level 15 recipes are valued more than the level 5 ones.

The pinks and recipes all drop from any boss from entire Forest Haven campaign and from the green troll mobs.

I believe the best way to go about farming the pinks and recipes is to do Skeleton Cult Crypts and kill Skeller Krunch and Meathead and then remake.
Also, there are NO armor pinks that drop. There are only weapon pinks.
People can get a pink/recipe within a few hundred runs or go over a few thousand and see no sign of them.
Anywho, when I was a noob I managed to get the level 15 Expert recipe within 30 runs of Meathead's Deli (which is now removed from the game) when they were first released.

That's extremely lucky, so I will wish you luck in your farming.

07-07-2012, 08:58 PM
i once was helping a friend make a twink and we did 1 run and i got off the skeleton
expect at least 150 runs

07-07-2012, 09:15 PM
Using my main, i farmed scc well over 1k times, with no luck on recipes or pinks. But then, yesterday, i decided to start a new toon. On that toons FIRST run, i found l15 expert leather recipe.

Its EXTREMELY RARE to find anything in scc, even with a luck elixer. Good luck though!

07-08-2012, 10:16 AM
As recommended above, do Skeller and Meathead then remake, I ran x2 combo elixers with big luck (65% reroll) and managed to roll for L 15 armsman. Though it only sold for 200k I was excited about the drop lol.

From everyone who has gotten a weapon drop (Meat Masher/Staff/Bow of doom) They have all been from the green trolls in SCC. Also the L 5 recipe drops have been reported from the trolls. Anywho, I didn't get a drop till my 200th ish run, so don't give up, keep trying :D

07-08-2012, 10:30 AM
Got a level 5 recipe from a green troll but haven't been so lucky since lol. Just a bunch of gems.

07-08-2012, 11:32 PM
I looted the Armsman level 5 recipe once.Nothing else though.