View Full Version : 3 new game modes/ events, whatever lol

03-24-2022, 12:41 AM
1: zone Ike festerfang town, but-
Larger & has several obscuring pilars (or items), Main thing is, it has 360 view that can be rotated with some obfuscations
The first “city” to have 360 rotatable view, random spawns, & available for pvp fights and as a bonus, it does count towards apps killls

2: bossfights (event or mode)
Imagine a level ( say 65 -75 for instance) where all the bosses there could fight against each other
Players controls bosses mechanics !
Bosses already have a cooldown for attacks, let them use them against each other for giggles
I’d imagine immobile bosses might be eliminated for use, but idk

3: an event that could let hc die w certain circumstances, for a lb
Imagine a wave map
Each wave gets harder for hc toons
Difference is that if they die they have a significantly smaller plat price to revive in order to revive & keep trying along with no hc progress lost (thinking like 100-200 range, this map only)
Each death would be recorded but a death doesn’t eliminate the toon, or it’s items for the interest of this new competitive map
Just shows the accomplishment of this maps, & generates plat for sts

Bet I’m way off on something idk, fight me or give input wkwkwkwkwk
This would be a way for hc to flex against another while providing sts w another plat influx

Idk, what do y’all think about when grinding apps? This been knockin round my head…lol