View Full Version : Benefits of a Guild?

07-08-2012, 04:55 PM
What are some some benefits of joining a guild?
What are some benefits of starting a guild?
Just curious.

07-08-2012, 05:04 PM
Joining- achievement, cheaper elixers and potions if its a tier 3 guild, friendship, guild runs.
Starting- same, but you mkae the rules ;)

07-09-2012, 01:37 PM
Ah, cool. Sounds pretty beneficial. Thanks for the response.

07-09-2012, 01:43 PM
If its Tier 3 then there is cheap elixirs,and potions.But also in a guild you have SO much fun in guild chat!And in guilds you got good people to run with!

07-10-2012, 12:20 PM
Do Tier 3 guilds still get cheaper Elixirs? The Playa's Potion for instance seems to be the same price for Tier 3 or no guild, 2,000 gold. Or am I wrong?

07-10-2012, 01:05 PM
I joined guilds in PL, SL, and DL. I joined about 10 guilds. They have all been useless.

I put quite a bit of effort into the guilds that I have been in. Helping people level, giving items and advice. It is very rare if I ever get help with a question. Most guild members are not online when I am online. Sometimes, the guild master just disappears, and leaves the guild with no leader. The level cap raises, everyone levels up except the guild leader. Some other officer wants to take over the guild, but I don't believe there is any way to do that. There is no remedy when a guild leader decides he is bored of the game and without a word, deletes the app, and never returns.

Since there are no guild events, PL/SL/DL guilds are mostly useless. There are no common goals that a guild can work towards. For example, there is no epic hunt that requires a full guild with scheduling and coordination. The only thing useful I suppose is that you can join a guild that likes to CTF together. Other than that, no STS guilds have been useful to me.

I just pick a guild name that matches my character. So, I just join for the name. In PL, I have a bird in "Chickens Invasion". And, in DL, I have a vampire in guild "I Dont Sparkle", which I like as a political statement against excessive plat offers and pretentious outfits.

07-10-2012, 01:11 PM
Guilds are very useful, you just have to find the right one actually! There ARE indeed many guilds that don't help out much, but my guild, The Elite, is very helpful, and has lots of fun! It's mainly about finding the right one!

07-10-2012, 01:31 PM
For me its all about friendship and guild chat but discounted elixers are an added bonus

07-10-2012, 01:55 PM
If you are a merch ( or starting out to be one) they are pretty nice.

07-10-2012, 04:11 PM
If you are a merch ( or starting out to be one) they are pretty nice.

Not really. Guild members expect to get a good deal, and even if they didn't I would still give them a good deal. But, it's like being a salesman to friends and family. You know... that person that is always trying to sell you candles, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc. Don't be that person. :-P

Even for merch advice, a guild is not very useful, unless you are *very* clueless. I think I merch better than most people, just by being observant and patient.

Guilds are not for making a profit, unless we had crafting as a skill in the game. That would be different. You could take orders from guild members and use your skills to produce products.

07-11-2012, 12:10 AM
Thanks for the replies - very informative.
How much discounted are the elixirs in a tier 3 guild?

07-11-2012, 01:23 AM
Thanks for the replies - very informative.
How much discounted are the elixirs in a tier 3 guild?

It's 40 regular 36 for tier 3 guild. Good guild usually have runs with elix or strong players. I use to run Elix run for the elites. But i do it for friends now

07-11-2012, 11:54 AM
It's 40 regular 36 for tier 3 guild. Good guild usually have runs with elix or strong players. I use to run Elix run for the elites. Now i do it for Caspian.

That explains where I was getting mixed up. I assumed the Playa's Potion would be cheaper than 2,000 gold. It must be only the platinum elixir's that you get cheaper.

07-11-2012, 11:56 AM
I almost never buy gold elix but yeah plat elix is definetly cheaper ^^

07-11-2012, 05:17 PM
It's 40 regular 36 for tier 3 guild. Good guild usually have runs with elix or strong players. I use to run Elix run for the elites. But i do it for friends now
Ah, okay. Thanks for the info.