View Full Version : Just A Thank You!!!!

08-25-2010, 01:42 AM
So I use to play The World Of Magic IMO rpg game one the iphone and I was the leader of the strongest guild on my side in my server I was a very high level and loved the game but the devs did nothing and once you get to certain level you have one map so in comparison it would be like killing in just the town forever with no new maps or anything ever added so after a long time I quit and started to play PL which from the looks of it is always being updated with this or that and I just wanted to say thank you for caring about your customers the devs there didnt even look at the forums
on a side note thanks to all my new friends here
icebomb, jpawn , gdawg, kurl, and many more
just wish this game was more social

08-25-2010, 02:38 AM
The game is social, just gotta meet the right people. I play imo too, and im also a fan on facebook and im forever complaining how they never do anything for their players nesides useless crap like facebook intergration SOLELY for in game screenshots -_-. Leveling is hard too., im stuck at lv 18 (warrior).

PL poops on IMO even more with 1.3, not to mention the patches practically few times every week is pretty ****ing amazing. I tell the imo people the problema with the game on their facebook page, as well as other people, and with every complaint they put emoticons...


PL rules. No mmo on the idevices will nver be better

08-25-2010, 03:10 AM
I tried IMO, laughed at everyone, said PL was better, and got banned 2 days later, sorry if I cussed at you guys in the game (IMO) ;) I came across some......odd people.......perverted people........ya....

08-25-2010, 09:37 AM
I tried IMO, laughed at everyone, said PL was better, and got banned 2 days later, sorry if I cussed at you guys in the game (IMO) ;) I came across some......odd people.......perverted people........ya....

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