View Full Version : Ability Aim

04-05-2022, 04:24 PM
-Skill Aiming: this feature would allow the players to aim specific skills. The skill button would work as a joystick with some skills.
Area skills such as Lightning Strike, Shadow Veil, Clock, etc. The skill would be thrown at a specific zone and apply on the selected place.
Single target skills such as Ice Shot, Aimed Shot, Axe Throw, etc. The skill would be throw at a specific target rather than randomly aimed.

-Arcane Ability Aiming: this feature would allow the players to aim certain pet arcane abilities(aa). The aa button would work as a joystick with such aas.
Area buff/debuff effects (Werewiger, Guenivere, etc): the aura would be thrown to an specific place and it would stay in that position for the duration of the aa.
Pulling effects (Bemine, Fritters, etc): the pulling area would be thrown to an specific place and mobs within the aa range would get pulled into that position.
Damage dealing effects (Munch Mouth, Toor, etc): the damaging area would be thrown to an specific place and hurt enemies within the aa range. (for aa that shoot speficically from the pet itself such as Blinky, Antonio, etc, only the direction it shoots will be modified with this feature).

Im not sure if skills aim can ever take place since it would make taunting in pvp useless, maybe there could be some way to work around that?

04-05-2022, 10:38 PM
We're planning on a skill revamp with new skills that have this "player-selectable" targeting (similar to Call of Champions).


04-06-2022, 01:12 AM
Nice to hear this is coming, I wonder tho, would this skill revamp affect pets arcane abilities or will these remain mainly bound to the pet position?

04-06-2022, 08:41 AM
This would not affect pets.


05-16-2022, 01:41 PM
+1 wow that would be amazing:)

Gaurav Arora
05-16-2022, 02:02 PM
Great idea, +1

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