View Full Version : Good ping, bad lag?

07-12-2012, 10:09 AM
Ok.. So I have been suffering from the worst lag ever recently. It seems that when ever I try to join/play ctf map I have all the symptoms of lag without the bad ping.... things teleport, skills hit around corners or out of range and then I die half way across the map where i just ran from?

How is this possble?

Why is my ping good but game play sucks so hard on these maps (never used to)

Anyone else having issues?

As it is I play on:

samsung galaxy s2
Ics 4.0.3

Galaxy 7in tablet
Gingerbread 2.3.5

I play on multiple wifi connections (mine at home is 27 down, 5 up, 91 ping on speedtest.net) and 3/4g networks always with the same issues. i have tried delete reinstall.. have even gone so far to delete ALL my stuff from my tablet besides Pl and shut off all back ground data and this still hasn't worked to reduce lag.

Does anyone have any other suggestions.

07-12-2012, 10:33 AM
should i help
im debating it
be back in 5 minutes
ok fine heres what to do if you are running windows 7 and u pirate music and stuff u got a lot of junk open and u dont know it
not saying i do pirate music though... i know ppl who do
so look at the bottom right corner of ur computor screen next to the wifi bars theres an arrow there and lots of programs open when u click on it right click the programs then click exit
internet security can also mess with online games so disable it while you are playing but dont forget to reenable it

07-12-2012, 10:35 AM
Pixel double really reduces lag, and I've had the Sam exact probablem! My ping is at 97 but I feel like people are shooting skill at me from 20 m. I think one of the reason that sts makes the ping number disappear after it hits 1k is Bc they didn't want people to complain about their high ping.

07-12-2012, 10:40 AM
should i help
im debating it
be back in 5 minutes

Like 90% of your posts , livemau. This one was pointless....

Pixel double really reduces lag, and I've had the Sam exact probablem! My ping is at 97 but I feel like people are shooting skill at me from 20 m. I think one of the reason that sts makes the ping number disappear after it hits 1k is Bc they didn't want people to complain about their high ping.

Ty.. I did forget to mention pixel double is on and high quality is off.

Also when i say my ping is good i mean its stable and green... Not high, not jumping, and visible 100% of the time

07-12-2012, 10:53 AM
ping isn't the only thing that can affect online games. you can have awesome ping times but if you have some packetloss, gameplay can suffer

try http://www.pingtest.net/ instead. they seem to have a packet loss test available.

also, you can use ping from the command line to ping a particular server 100 times using -n. if 100 packets don't come back, something along the way can be messing things up.

07-12-2012, 11:02 AM
I've had the same exact issue cropping up lately, both on 3G phone and WiFi tablet.

I haven't checked on the pixel double thing, so thanks for the tip Enforcer!