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View Full Version : Pocket Legends Time Capsule!

07-12-2012, 11:07 AM
Hello lovely forumers!

I think it would be awesome if we made thread version of a time capsule! As we all know, pocket legends is already in its 3rd year! It would be nice if we could leave some sort of legacy from what is going on now to future forumers, and If not, for our future selves to look back on this and remember all these current forumers.

So here's what I ask, post anything that you would want to leave behind for the future. Pictures, quotes, names of your best buds at this time, even possibly links to your favorite thread. Just remember to follow forum rules :P

At the time of the making of this thread, a new level cap arrived about a month ago. Humania, level cap of 71!
Set bonus and crafting are not out yet xD but should be soon. 56 glyph is probably one of the most rarest drops currently. Crafted sets from fang dropped insanely in price. Angel gear owns everyone now! ^_^

I'm notyocookiez, been playing for almost 2 years! Officer in The Elite, one of the bigger guild of capped players at this time. Here's a picture from leader boards from last cap. Right before the Humania update that we long waited.


Post your stuff, as this will be a time capsule with no seal, that we will bring up one day! Hopefully some curious forumer will search this and revive this time capsule!

07-12-2012, 11:26 AM
The same day this thread was made, an interesting discovery was made! The Conqueror's Flaming Sword had a proc that would instantly kill monsters. Some of us forumers are testing it out, and whether it's a glitch or a part of the game, we don't know! Here's a post to a video I made, showing the sword in action:


If you see this, maybe the sword doesn't insta-kill anymore, or maybe it still does. Hopefully it still does hehehehe

07-12-2012, 11:31 AM
Cherish your times being a new player! Over my long playing experience, I still find being new was the most fun!

Buffedbear Pl
07-12-2012, 12:15 PM
Uh I don't know what to post here so I'll just post a pic of me from sewer cap


07-12-2012, 03:18 PM
love the idea :) also isnt forums kinda a time capsule itself? When i get home il post a pic :)

07-12-2012, 03:32 PM
love the idea :) also isnt forums kinda a time capsule itself? When i get home il post a pic :)

O.o I guess your right lol.

Either way doesn't hurt to have one thread that has everyones stuff in ^_^

07-12-2012, 03:54 PM
At the end of the year we should all just necro a lot of important threads/flamewars from the year before.

Oh, I'm totally gonna do it xD

07-12-2012, 04:59 PM
My little baby vvhat:) (now 51)

And here she is now

07-12-2012, 05:08 PM
At the end of the year we should all just necro a lot of important threads/flamewars from the year before.

Oh, I'm totally gonna do it xD
Lol I was just about to Necro the anti necro thread

07-12-2012, 07:04 PM
My little baby vvhat:) (now 51)

And here she is now

:O so your cookiez!!!!

07-12-2012, 07:14 PM
Great idea! I have lots of old pictures of me!