View Full Version : Any Covid-19 Survivor (Long Hauler) here?

04-09-2022, 02:11 PM
Have you been clinically diagnosed as mild to moderate cases?
Have you tested negative during your recovery but still experiencing at least one on-going post infection symptoms?

We can talk in private (:

This post will be updated as I get more responses on this in the comments section or in PM. Thank you (:

04-09-2022, 02:46 PM
Have you been clinically diagnosed as mild to moderate cases?
Have you tested negative during your recovery but still experiencing at least one on-going post infection symptoms?

We can mutually share our stories here or in private (whichever is comfortable for you).

This post will be updated as I get more responses on this in the comments section or in PM. Thank you (:

Not really game related, think you should try a different forum.

04-09-2022, 02:50 PM

04-09-2022, 03:20 PM
Not really game related, think you should try a different forum.
Any suggestions?

Have tried to find but no luck, I'm looking for similar forums like AL (other than discord servers)

Meh there has been a Ukraine post in general discussion before, if we can wish Ukrainians well for that I don't see why can't we do the same to covid long haulers besides covid-19 affects everyone and not just a single country.

04-09-2022, 04:02 PM
Meh there has been a Ukraine post in general discussion before, if we can wish Ukrainians well for that I don't see why can't we do the same to covid long haulers besides covid-19 affects everyone and not just a single country.Ik u have good intentions, but that doesn't mean we suddenly don't care by calling it out - giving a reminder where threads should be appropriately made regardless, that's what sub-sections are for.

04-09-2022, 04:09 PM
I think there are plenty of facebook groups for those

04-09-2022, 04:59 PM
Ik u have good intentions, but that doesn't mean we suddenly don't care by calling it out - giving a reminder where threads should be appropriately made regardless, that's what sub-sections are for.

Having a more appropriate place to post doesn't mean I can't post it here lol, which is the whole point, just like sometimes people post suggestions here to get more views and opinions.

As long as devs are okay with this or kind enough to allow conversations such as this, that's non-political and non-defamatory and yet supportive of the AL community, I don't mind being the pioneer or target of frustration or whatever even if there might not have been one about this prior

Anway I'm not here to pick a fight, this is not something to fight about.

To dev: if this is against forum rules feel free to close or take it down but just be consistent with it devs if you allowed the Ukrainian post.

I think there are plenty of facebook groups for those
Thanks bro, I'm already in those groups

04-12-2022, 08:49 AM
Legit question
Are long haul symptoms more prevalent with ppl who are fully vaxed
Or ppl like me who refused to be?
I assume this has come up in one of the groups you are in

I’d look it up, but there is so much disinfo online I’d rather hear directly ppls experience

04-12-2022, 10:12 AM
Legit question
Are long haul symptoms more prevalent with ppl who are fully vaxed
Or ppl like me who refused to be?
I assume this has come up in one of the groups you are in

I’d look it up, but there is so much disinfo online I’d rather hear directly ppls experience

Got 3 shots vaccin then caught covid, had flu like symptom for like 2-3 days then all good

04-12-2022, 04:53 PM
Got 2 Shot Vaccine.
got Covid-19 (Normal Symptom Flu,Fever,Sore Throat) and fully recovered after 7-9 days and all the symptoms are gone after recovered....but if im not mistaken i think i have read somewhere that the symptom can stay (idk the correct word for it XD) in your body for like months even after you have recovered and tested negative....as example loss of smell/taste can be stay/permanent? Idk the word (again idk whats the word XD) for months even after you have recovered

Anyways good luck , i belive you will find the answer you been looking for sooner or later !


04-12-2022, 06:40 PM
@ Pat (& everyone else)

I’m glad you are well but,
I thought the term “long hauler” had to do with ppl who caught Covid but have permanent symptoms
(Correct me if I’m wrong)

My question was more- are long term symptoms more often correlated w the vaccine,
or are common to those that have recovered in general

Again not looking for whatever the google algorithm has to say about this lol

04-13-2022, 01:58 AM
@ Pat (& everyone else)

I’m glad you are well but,
I thought the term “long hauler” had to do with ppl who caught Covid but have permanent symptoms
(Correct me if I’m wrong)

My question was more- are long term symptoms more often correlated w the vaccine,
or are common to those that have recovered in general

Again not looking for whatever the google algorithm has to say about this lol

Persistent symptoms**

Yes it's often correlated to the latter, more people who "recovered" are now developing long covid symptoms, which is what I'm trying to understand more about. This is not something exclusive to severe cases or hospitalised patients, its getting more prevalent among mild to moderate, quarantined at home covid patients.

As for vacinnes latest research shows vaccines helped some long haulers who are still experiencing symptoms but also makes it worse for some.

04-17-2022, 02:34 AM
On October 2021, I got covid and did not have any shots yet (was scheduled but caught it right before my schedule :b). I had fever, dry throat, and completely lost my sense of smell. My throat and fever got better after 2 weeks and my smell gradually returned. If i remember right it took about 2 weeks (after I got better) before my smell fully returned. Shortly after my smelled returned, I noticed some things smelled very weird/off. Some stuff that smells weird:

Food - some smell sour, some just dont smell like food at all i dont know how to describe in words
- Dairy, cream, custard (not cheese tho thank gawd)
- Chocolate
- Fruity flavored / even some fruits that are fragrant
- Processed/artificial foods

ALL my bath products smelled strong, sour, like poison, makes me nauseous
- Bar soap
- Shampoo
- Liquid soap
- Hand soap
- Lotion

The internet said 6 months later my smell should be back to normal but it's been 6 months since I caught the disease and some items still dont smell right. It definitely got better and most items (mostly food) now smell normal but other stuff like my bath products still smells bad. I also would like to learn more about this and what other people's experiences are :)) Thank you for making this thread and I hope that this post is useful.

In short to help answer some of the peoples questions, I got covid before getting my first dose and am experiencing long term (maybe permanent idk) symptoms (symptom: ruined sense of smell). I am fully vaccinated (2 doses + 1 booster shot) but still have slight symptom.

04-17-2022, 01:56 PM
Daily bump nice to meet some of you in game!

People are actually nice, at least they have the capacity to be. Makes me ponder what do we need to do to always bring out the best in people? How do we communicate to their authentic self that's often protected by their deep, thick layers of insecurities? Is it by being authentic, non judgemental, unconditionally accepting of them regardless of their history of backgrounds or past wrong doings?

Anyway, still looking to hear and understand more covid survivors stories (:

On October 2021, I got covid and did not have any shots yet (was scheduled but caught it right before my schedule :b). I had fever, dry throat, and completely lost my sense of smell. My throat and fever got better after 2 weeks and my smell gradually returned. If i remember right it took about 2 weeks (after I got better) before my smell fully returned. Shortly after my smelled returned, I noticed some things smelled very weird/off. Some stuff that smells weird:

Food - some smell sour, some just dont smell like food at all i dont know how to describe in words
- Dairy, cream, custard (not cheese tho thank gawd)
- Chocolate
- Fruity flavored / even some fruits that are fragrant
- Processed/artificial foods

ALL my bath products smelled strong, sour, like poison, makes me nauseous
- Bar soap
- Shampoo
- Liquid soap
- Hand soap
- Lotion

The internet said 6 months later my smell should be back to normal but it's been 6 months since I caught the disease and some items still dont smell right. It definitely got better and most items (mostly food) now smell normal but other stuff like my bath products still smells bad. I also would like to learn more about this and what other people's experiences are :)) Thank you for making this thread and I hope that this post is useful.

In short to help answer some of the peoples questions, I got covid before getting my first dose and am experiencing long term (maybe permanent idk) symptoms (symptom: ruined sense of smell). I am fully vaccinated (2 doses + 1 booster shot) but still have slight symptom.

Appreciated your sharing here bro, you are really articulate with describing your symptoms and what you are going through, I have sent a PM.

For those of you who may feel uncomfortable sharing it here we may do it in PM.

Thread will be updated soon. (Awaiting more responses atm)

04-19-2022, 08:19 AM
My friend has long haul syndrom thing like muscleache, feel warm under his back muscle,tingle sensation on muscle specially leg, backpain, something like mononucleosis or what it is name idk, been a year since he got it.
My GF had severe vertigo and anxiety attack due to omicron for 2 months

Bobby Joe
05-06-2022, 07:16 PM
My friend has long haul syndrom thing like muscleache, feel warm under his back muscle,tingle sensation on muscle specially leg, backpain, something like mononucleosis or what it is name idk, been a year since he got it.
My GF had severe vertigo and anxiety attack due to omicron for 2 months. Thanks to this (https://healthplan.co.uk/health-insurance/) insurance we managed to somehow handle these problems.

Almost all my friends who had a vaccine shot had also some serious side effects afterwards :(

05-29-2022, 09:45 AM
Would I be considered a survivor if I didn't get the disease?

06-02-2022, 07:25 AM
I had Covid three times in less than 2 years. The first time was the worst with high fever, the smell was lost for a week and I had difficulty in breathing.

08-07-2022, 02:20 PM
Need 10 posts, ty