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View Full Version : Presentation and funny things about Dungeons price

08-25-2010, 01:19 PM
Hi all, i'm a new player and i'm exploring this game since a few days. My actual character is a ranger (IGN: Kevian) lvl 12.
I come from other "i-RPG", such as IMO: The World of Magic (does someone play it?)

However, i have the first question for you: i was about to buy dungeons, and because the game is cool i was thinking to save moneys and buy a bundle of dungeons. And here the problem comes:

Dark Forest Campaign: 4p
Balefor Castle Campaign: 6p
Fathom Crypt Campaign: 6p
The Lost Expedition: 6p
---------------------Total: 22p ---

Then let's see the bundles:

(1) Campaign Bundle "Dark + Castle": 10p (saves nothing)
(2) Campaign Bundle "Fathom + Lost": 10p (saves 2p)
(3) First Four Campaign Bundle: 21p

If i buy (3) i save 1p, but wait.. if i buy (1) + (2) (which i suppose is equal to (3)) i spend 20p, saving 1p more!!
This makes no sense to me: (1)10p + (2)10p < (3)21p
From my point of view if i buy the pack with 4 dungeons i would have to pay less than buying the 2 packs separately.. did i fail some calculation somewhere?

It's only a matter of 1p.. but i usually read carefully everything before buying..
Well if you read me until here, thank you and see you in game!!


08-25-2010, 03:00 PM
Well, it's because the prices have changed over time. I think it used to be 10 plat for anything, then 8 plat for older ones while newer ones were 10, then 6 and 8 and 10, then two packs, then four packs, then another price reduction of Dark to 4... I think the two-packs were orignally 12 plat, so you saved 3 plat by getting the four-pack. But then they reduced the price on the two-packs.

But soon they will give Dark Forest away for free. Will others go to 4 at that time? And when Alien Oasis 3 comes out, will AO1 and AO2 change to 8 plat? And then there will be the trilogy... for what, 25?

It's goofy to see the four-pack for 21 and the two two-packs for 10 each, but it originally made sense, before they reduced the price of the two-packs.

08-25-2010, 05:02 PM
I see.. thanks.
So is it real that Dark Forest will be free? I read some posts here but the update announce 1.4 doesn't mention this thing.. however it's better wait the update before buying, as it seems to be very soon..

08-26-2010, 10:37 AM
The way I see it, if you spend 10 bucks and get 75 platinum, then each is worth 15 cents. So, is it worth 60 cents (a candy bar maybe) to get it now and not have to wait until Apple approves 1.4? My answer is that it is no big deal. I just bought which campaigns I needed for the next phase.

08-26-2010, 11:02 AM
Well i'm not so in hurry to buy a map if it becomes free soon, i can wait.. thanks for the info though.
I read some posts about tricks to exp quickly, i.e. party with high levels in final dungeons, but.. is it worth? i mean, if i don't play quest the game is almost empty and becomes only a run for the best equip and the best Kill Death Ratio..

08-26-2010, 01:11 PM
That is how I feel, too. If you get to 45 too fast, you miss all the fun. I am hopeful that I will get to 45 right about the time they release alien oasis 3, so I won't have to just spin my wheels on useless pursuits while waiting for it.

08-28-2010, 01:51 AM
thats why when i hit like 30 on my main i made a new char. my main is now 35 as of today, so hopefully i wont hit the level cap at all untill it gets raised to 50. ihave four chars to play with so i should be pretty good for a while. i got a lvl 5 warrior (currently using a firebolt staff), a lvl 12-13 archer, lvl 31 (if i remember right) mage, and my awesome lvl 35 warrior...and IMO the "power leveling" is kinda pathetic...i did power level onece in ao2:3 just mindlessly killing mummies, but it was only to gain one level so that i could use a pink that i had just gotten that had great stats...power leveling=boring, pointless, mynas gen whiners.

i played IMO: the world of magic for about a week before i found PL...i quit playing world of magic because i kept getting killed by that stupid bulldozer thing...lol