View Full Version : We Need A Token Reward System

07-15-2012, 10:41 PM
Been playing this game for two years now I believe. Have never made over two million gold. Spent over 800 platinum. Nothing drops to me. Am i lazy? Why do I not deserve legendary items?
I've been playing forever and have put hundreds of hours into this game. Makes me mad. I reached 70 and have now quit playing. I can't play and not get rewarded. It's so annoying.
I received the angelic set for free. Wow. Boring. Would rather have had a quest to get it. I log in all powerful and log off bored.
Monster Bash, nothing drops. Stupid.

We need a token system!
Kill a boss, get a token.
Get 75 tokens, get a set item.
Rinse repeat.

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07-15-2012, 11:04 PM
Just ran Monster Bash 4 times. Not a single pink dropped to anybody. Had Thrasher on the whole time.

What is the point of Monster Bash?

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07-15-2012, 11:17 PM
Um. 4 times? :/

07-15-2012, 11:27 PM
4 times wont cut it... Maybe u r lazy if thats all u did i dunno

07-15-2012, 11:28 PM
Seems like a good idea to me. There could be room for improvement though.

07-15-2012, 11:35 PM
i Agree with Him , and Good idea Dude

Suentous PO
07-15-2012, 11:46 PM
It is because it is a random statistical chance, that I don't get bored.

07-15-2012, 11:51 PM
It took me 4 thrashers before I got ocean lol:/

07-15-2012, 11:52 PM
To answer your first question, I'll throw back another question, I know many players who has more than 2 million gold and hasn't played for 2 years and spent less than 800 platinum, if they can do it, why can't you? It's doable. Just from loots and gold, 50k/day is highly achievable, but let's say you're really busy, and you can only bring in 25k/day (which is really low rate, but let's just say)...if you do this everyday...that's 2million gold in about 2 1/2 months -_-. I can collect 25k gold in 30-40minutes/day just running Plasma Pyramid...it's not even hard work...just mindless farming there, I can do it while watching TV and talking on the phone...it's almost near impossible not to reach 2million in 2 years :P So again, my question is, if they can do it, why can't you? Either you lied and you're not really a 2 year old player or you're playing less than 10minutes per day on average (LOL IKR?). So you tell me, how did you not earn money? I'd like to know.

On your second suggestion on tokens, disagree, that's not really a good idea because that would make this game so linear. I think this thread is related to an earlier thread where I responded that I don't agree with a particular crafting material being made available as an item quest, because my reason for disagreeing to your suggestion is similar to that thread :P

PS: I think I ran with you earlier, just to let you know, at that particular point, it was my 27th run of the day, guess what, not a single pink :P, I'm not complaining, I suck it up and find another way. clue: merch. I was able to buy 4 OBD's today worth 700k each...sold them for more...that more than compensated my drought today :P. That's the game, if you don't get it here, get it there :P. That's why it's called MMORPG, you roleplay like you're the one in the game...you solve problems working with what you have...you don't demand a change in the game when you hit a dead-end? you look for work around (and there are work arounds...several)...what is this, it's like there's a mass-spoiledplayers-syndrome? Everyone wants the easy way...-__-

07-16-2012, 12:14 AM
Tokens? No
A separate quested set? Yeh :D

07-16-2012, 02:33 AM
To answer your first question, I'll throw back another question, I know many players who has more than 2 million gold and hasn't played for 2 years and spent less than 800 platinum, if they can do it, why can't you? It's doable. Just from loots and gold, 50k/day is highly achievable, but let's say you're really busy, and you can only bring in 25k/day (which is really low rate, but let's just say)...if you do this everyday...that's 2million gold in about 2 1/2 months -_-. I can collect 25k gold in 30-40minutes/day just running Plasma Pyramid...it's not even hard work...just mindless farming there, I can do it while watching TV and talking on the phone...it's almost near impossible not to reach 2million in 2 years :P So again, my question is, if they can do it, why can't you? Either you lied and you're not really a 2 year old player or you're playing less than 10minutes per day on average (LOL IKR?). So you tell me, how did you not earn money? I'd like to know.

On your second suggestion on tokens, disagree, that's not really a good idea because that would make this game so linear. I think this thread is related to an earlier thread where I responded that I don't agree with a particular crafting material being made available as an item quest, because my reason for disagreeing to your suggestion is similar to that thread :P

PS: I think I ran with you earlier, just to let you know, at that particular point, it was my 27th run of the day, guess what, not a single pink :P, I'm not complaining, I suck it up and find another way. clue: merch. I was able to buy 4 OBD's today worth 700k each...sold them for more...that more than compensated my drought today :P. That's the game, if you don't get it here, get it there :P. That's why it's called MMORPG, you roleplay like you're the one in the game...you solve problems working with what you have...you don't demand a change in the game when you hit a dead-end? you look for work around (and there are work arounds...several)...what is this, it's like there's a mass-spoiledplayers-syndrome? Everyone wants the easy way...-__-

I've been playing for over 2 years and I haven't reached over 1.1 mil.

07-16-2012, 02:57 AM
That's why it's called MMORPG? Act like I'm the character? This game is nothing but an endless Korean grinder.

You did 27 runs today and got nothing? That's horrible. Reminds me of the old World of Warcraft days where you would run UBRS for 4 hours, and lose every epic item that dropped, to another player.

At least epics dropped.

They implemented a token reward system.


After that, they saw the highest amount of players ever.

12 million players
This isn't that game. Yes I know.
But take a hint though.

Quested sets would be awesome and better than tokens. I don't want it easy though. Make it take something like one week per piece.

It's totally stupid to grind and hope for a pink. I'm putting in work. I expect results.

1 hour a day is normal for me. That is considered hardcore gaming for a phone by todays standards. Most games are casual 2-15 minute game sessions.

Lazy? I play every gosh dang day and end up where i was weeks ago. Platinum down the drain and no money, items etc.

Can't wait for World of Midgard (threadlock, oh noes, competition)

How does Spacetime reward players? You want pinks? Ok. Buy elixirs. Not just one. You will need a thrasher, Shamrock and top it off with many monster bash runs.

We won't see quest sets again because it it's part of the ''free'' game.

STS would rather have us pay to grind.
Quest gear is a no-no to them. They don't make money on it and that's why we haven't seen it in a while.

Farm for gold in Plasma Pyramid?
Nice one. I'm glad I'm going back a few campaigns to make crap money. Really keeps the game fresh.

This game is torture. I WANT it to be fun. It's just killing itself though.

I can't even pay2play.

It's pay2maybewinbutprobablynotyourpinkanyways

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07-16-2012, 03:04 AM
AndHumania? What a joke. Same thing as Mt. Fang.

Different theme, five more levels, same grind for gear.

Glad that took months to come up with.

Achievement system? Gay. Who cares.

The best part is the (Chris Farley voice) ''skill overhaul.'' Guys, we're gonna go out on a limb here. We're adding one more point to each skill. HOLY CRAP.

Bob, the Whopper isn't doing good. What do we do?

.....We......add......ANOTHER PATTY!

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07-16-2012, 03:06 AM
Tokens? No
A separate quested set? Yeh :D

Tokens? YES
A seperated quest set? HECK YES

07-16-2012, 03:07 AM
I'm glad to see more people in this thread are agreeing with me than not.

Someone's got to stand up to, ''the people who love the game as it is.''

AKA, the lucky people who grinded 40 hours for one pink.

I remember when I had my first beer.

Resistance is uprising.....

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07-16-2012, 03:23 AM
Some p eople just don't like change, some people strive for it everyday. Those are the succesful people. (Not implying that people who are disagreeing aren't succesful)

07-16-2012, 04:27 AM
I think you're looking at it the wrong way. You're goal should not be to get a pink. If that's all you want, farm Sandstone Caves, Swamps, or AO. There are a lot of pinks dropping there. Make your goal to enjoy the game, and the people in it. If a pink falls, so be it. Save your gold, and buy the pinks you want. Don't be anxious and buy them right away. Wait a month, and the price will drop by a lot. I'm a minimalist. I don't hold on to any of my old sets. I just have the gear I need, and don't buy anything I won't need. Spend 10 minutes farming CS, and you'll soon have enough to buy everything you need.

07-16-2012, 04:52 AM
That's why it's called MMORPG? Act like I'm the character? This game is nothing but an endless Korean grinder.

You did 27 runs today and got nothing? That's horrible. Reminds me of the old World of Warcraft days where you would run UBRS for 4 hours, and lose every epic item that dropped, to another player.

At least epics dropped.

They implemented a token reward system.


After that, they saw the highest amount of players ever.

12 million players
This isn't that game. Yes I know.
But take a hint though.

Quested sets would be awesome and better than tokens. I don't want it easy though. Make it take something like one week per piece.

It's totally stupid to grind and hope for a pink. I'm putting in work. I expect results.

1 hour a day is normal for me. That is considered hardcore gaming for a phone by todays standards. Most games are casual 2-15 minute game sessions.

Lazy? I play every gosh dang day and end up where i was weeks ago. Platinum down the drain and no money, items etc.

Can't wait for World of Midgard (threadlock, oh noes, competition)

How does Spacetime reward players? You want pinks? Ok. Buy elixirs. Not just one. You will need a thrasher, Shamrock and top it off with many monster bash runs.

We won't see quest sets again because it it's part of the ''free'' game.

STS would rather have us pay to grind.
Quest gear is a no-no to them. They don't make money on it and that's why we haven't seen it in a while.

Farm for gold in Plasma Pyramid?
Nice one. I'm glad I'm going back a few campaigns to make crap money. Really keeps the game fresh.

This game is torture. I WANT it to be fun. It's just killing itself though.

I can't even pay2play.

It's pay2maybewinbutprobablynotyourpinkanyways

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I usually respond properly meaning point per point, but I can see that you're already set to hate the game...you're almost a flamebaiter...so I just hope you enjoy world of midgard :P

07-16-2012, 08:04 AM
STS would rather have us pay to grind.
Quest gear is a no-no to them. They don't make money on it and that's why we haven't seen it in a while.

Farm for gold in Plasma Pyramid?
Nice one. I'm glad I'm going back a few campaigns to make crap money. Really keeps the game fresh.

You seem jaded. Unfortunately everyone has/will go through it.

Also, you don't need elixirs for loot. I get most of mine when I'm sober. As an example, I looted a Red Dragon armor a few weeks ago and a Sun God Beach Bum Bow yesterday. Not using elixir for either. As some others have stated, not earning the money is a personal thing. Just in humania I've collected around 300k just from liquidation. And i only play about an hour a day. Two hours max.

Sure, the elixirs help. If you can afford it AND you are dedicated to it (by dedicated i mean spending a lot) you can make lots of gold. Bit by no means is it impossible (or difficult) without it. Just don't expect to make it as fast.

Four runs is expecting to much. In order to use the boss bash effectively you have to be ready to dedicate time and money.

07-16-2012, 08:13 AM
Let me also give one more suggestion... I did this in Mt. Fang.

After Nuri, I was almost broke. Maybe 500k in gold. I spent so much crafting my demonic sets, I was about dry. So what I did in Fang was just sold sold sold. I ran the entire campaign with demonic gear (except on my bear). I just kept selling my drops with every intention of buying low when Humania came. So I amassed a small fortune (trust me, not anywhere near some players). And I got Angelic gear, so I didn't even have to spend on the old fang gear.

I would suggest doing the same thing. Spend this campaign as a seller using the Angelic gear (assuming you have it). Then you will have the money you need for the next campaign.

07-16-2012, 12:39 PM
Hi let me tell a little bit about my time in PL. I got to Nuris and got one good drop, my first day there. Wow, I thought I'm lucky!! I thought all right, this is going to be easy. I was wrong. That was my first and last drop in Nuris. Yeah I did, get a few steels and some leather, cloth and plate scraps, but no where near enough to craft a set. . . . But I kept right on farming every day. Why, I changed my goal, instead of crafting demonic, I would buy it. Yes it took me a long time to accumulate the gold needed but I did it. Piece by piece, I bought my demonic set. Stashing it aside until I could wear it all at once. :-)

Fast forward to Mt. Dang. ;-). All rightie, new map, crafting quests, I can do this. . I can craft my gear. Ummmm nope it was a repeat of Nuri. No drops, not a one until after the start of 1012. I had nearly a 5 month dry spell of ZERO pinks. But I didn't give up. I made a joke out of it. I laughed it off and again went back to my tried and true method of farming gold and bought my crafted set.

Now with humania, I got the drops for gear, did some swapping with guildies for a couple pieces. But I have the craftable gear. What I don't have are the diamonds. No biggie, I'll do what I've done in the past, I'll farm the gold and buy them. I adapt to the situation. I change my game to suit what is happening. I don't let it get me down. I didn't rage quit. I kept on keeping on.

I can't farm all day, I have a full time job. What I will say is that the one thing that I am proudest of is my crafted mystery set. I did that on my own for the most part. I didn't have a guild until I was nearly finished. What all this buying of gear has done, is, I've lost out on the satisfaction if knowing "I did it myself" and that is a feeling that can't be matched.

So I do agree that crafting quests should be instituted. For a change, I would really like the opportunity to craft my own set. I miss that WOW it's done feeling!! I'd like to have it again. But, I've been through this before and I'll change my game to what cards are dealt to me. Eventually I know I'll get that "I did it myself " feeling again.

Don't give up just change your game too!!!

07-16-2012, 12:51 PM
Hi let me tell a little bit about my time in PL. I got to Nuris and got one good drop, my first day there. Wow, I thought I'm lucky!! I thought all right, this is going to be easy. I was wrong. That was my first and last drop in Nuris. Yeah I did, get a few steels and some leather, cloth and plate scraps, but no where near enough to craft a set. . . . But I kept right on farming every day. Why, I changed my goal, instead of crafting demonic, I would buy it. Yes it took me a long time to accumulate the gold needed but I did it. Piece by piece, I bought my demonic set. Stashing it aside until I could wear it all at once. :-)

Fast forward to Mt. Dang. ;-). All rightie, new map, crafting quests, I can do this. . I can craft my gear. Ummmm nope it was a repeat of Nuri. No drops, not a one until after the start of 1012. I had nearly a 5 month dry spell of ZERO pinks. But I didn't give up. I made a joke out of it. I laughed it off and again went back to my tried and true method of farming gold and bought my crafted set.

Now with humania, I got the drops for gear, did some swapping with guildies for a couple pieces. But I have the craftable gear. What I don't have are the diamonds. No biggie, I'll do what I've done in the past, I'll farm the gold and buy them. I adapt to the situation. I change my game to suit what is happening. I don't let it get me down. I didn't rage quit. I kept on keeping on.

I can't farm all day, I have a full time job. What I will say is that the one thing that I am proudest of is my crafted mystery set. I did that on my own for the most part. I didn't have a guild until I was nearly finished. What all this buying of gear has done, is, I've lost out on the satisfaction if knowing "I did it myself" and that is a feeling that can't be matched.

So I do agree that crafting quests should be instituted. For a change, I would really like the opportunity to craft my own set. I miss that WOW it's done feeling!! I'd like to have it again. But, I've been through this before and I'll change my game to what cards are dealt to me. Eventually I know I'll get that "I did it myself " feeling again.

Don't give up just change your game too!!!
That was very inspirational :')

I do agree that it feels good to craft your own item instead of buying it from cs so I hope that crafting was simplified a tad more.

Suentous PO
07-16-2012, 01:50 PM
I don't think end game craftable should be easily obtained, what exclusivity it has will soon disappear.
You were bored of the gift angelic right away, I'd imagine endgame nearly free will bore you also. If sts chose to give us another thing then cool, but I'm content. I also have used last maps gear for the last two maps and this time around I had enough money to buy this maps new stuff, and then farmed it anyway in order to save. So in a way it took me 3 maps worth of Time to get the new gear this quickly. Not a few runs, around half a year.
As is all ways mentioned in these types of threads is that a new lengthy quest would be cool. "gimme new stuff now", naw..

07-16-2012, 02:40 PM
I agree, it shouldn't be easy, but, remember gurgox, at lvl 45-50 he could one shot a Mage, and that scrapping for snacks daily quest to get the desert blue diamond was such a pain. I really had to ask myself each time I picked up that quest "Do you really want that gear that bad?". My answer was always yes! I wanted that gear. Even though I knew I was going to die at least once because ppl used orbs too soon, I still went for it. I enjoyed crafting so much I did the archer set too! So yeah I like the feeling of watching it all come together. :-).

07-16-2012, 07:18 PM
Quest sets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-16-2012, 08:50 PM
I'm glad to see many people do want a change.

We want quest sets.

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07-16-2012, 09:32 PM
I'm glad to see many people do want a change.

We want quest sets. 2

After reading his posts Im gonna say he sits just a little to close to the lazy side.

07-16-2012, 09:42 PM
When did quest sets ever mark laziness? :confused:
*looks at Cyber*

07-17-2012, 01:08 AM
Perhaps edit your OP at the end, here's a TL;DR (too long; didn't read)


Seriously though, you act like this game is a chore to you. The drop rates may be rough but that's because so many people farm and so few buy. If the drop rates gave more pinks then everything would be worthless. I take it you want humania drops to be similar to AO? I don't...

07-17-2012, 06:24 AM
That may be what the OP wants, but I don't think that's what the majority of us want. Most of us would just like a realistic chance to craft our own gear. In nuris the drop rates are so low that only the truly dedicated farm there. In Mt Fang, the drop rates were in my opinion pretty well designed, I just had horrible luck. But so far in my guild, there are only a few people that have gotten an OBD as a drop. Keep in mind that's all I'm aware of, I don't think anyone in Xplicit has a crafted set.

I do know that at least one guildie is not even going for a crafted set. He has the full craftable str set but his survivability is good and he's just not going after a crafted set. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet, because crafting has only been out for a short time. But like my guildie, not bothering to craft is an option, primarially because I'm not going to go broke to get a set. I did it twice. And I really don't want to do it again. So for now it's back to farming and hoping that my luck changes or that prices in cs drop.

As a side note, doing the crafting quests in AO was a fantastic way to make the trip to 50 a little bit more interesting. After all we spent 10 levels in AO. I finished my second mystery set right about the same time I was ready to head to sewers. :-)