View Full Version : Awsome pet idea you need to check this out!!!

08-25-2010, 02:50 PM
so like all great thinkers lol einstein i had this great idea for pets today while on a walk.

what if your pet is a animal or enchantress like you but instead of them being grown-up and powerful they are like younger/kids and are weak and as you play they gain more experience and grow everytime like your teaching them. i mean the warrior could have a bear cub, the archer could have a little chick, and the echantress could have a young enchantress follower!

08-25-2010, 02:54 PM
We already have them, they are called the Mynas Generation LOL. But seriously, I like your idea.

08-25-2010, 03:01 PM
haha now that what i call funny. but i mean imagine how awsome it would be to have like your own little bear cub or magic follower or something it kinda be more like a little brother or sister than a pet. see i think having your own little bear cub as like a younger brother is better than a pet because now tell me if im wrong its weird for a animal to have a pet animal imo.

08-25-2010, 03:21 PM
no, we should get human children as pets! lol jk, ur idea does sound cool but it would vet really annoying once they got to ur size...

08-25-2010, 03:42 PM
Yeah what about are avians? We carry around a egg?

08-25-2010, 04:08 PM
no, we should get human children as pets! lol jk, ur idea does sound cool but it would vet really annoying once they got to ur size...

Annd creepy 0.0

08-25-2010, 06:08 PM
no they would keep getting stronger but they would nvr actually get bigger than you i mean they shouldnt actually ever get bigger then you or that ruin the whole point.

machinima i mentioned earlier that the archer since its a bird could have a little eaglet or baby chick walking around with him. lol a egg with feet comming out of the bottom would be funny to start out with tough.

Kurlz i think theres talk that humans could actually become playable characters in the game. they would be a combo of int,str, and dex.

08-25-2010, 06:29 PM
I kinda like your idea, but it's overruled by my hatred of the concept of pets for everyone. I'm sticking to my guns in hopes that pets will be limited to a pet class, or at least combat pets. Perhaps all characters could be allowed to buy familiars with little bonuses to them, kinda like an extra piece of gear that follows you around and occasionally does something funny :p

08-25-2010, 06:32 PM
whats wrong with pets for everyone? i mean i dont think that pets should just be limited to one class thats kinda unfair that just that class would get something as awsome as pets while the others would have nothing near that awsome.

08-25-2010, 07:04 PM
I wasn't suggesting they add it to one of the current classes, but make a new pet & crowd control class instead.

I don't know of any successful MMORPG that allows all classes to have pets, other than as vanity items, and certainly don't like the idea of non-vanity pets for everyone.

I would go as far as 'familiars' (like wizard's pets that boost their stats) with some minor boosts for everyone, but combat pets for all people is a concept that if implemented, would force me to print a picture of Gary Gattis' face and throw darts at it...and I don't want to do that because G doesn't deserve the ol' dartboard treatment (unless he actually does this, *shakes fist at G*).

08-25-2010, 07:50 PM
Hmm I get ur point but the problem with a new class that would only get pets is that it's kinda difficult for us that don't have alot of time to lvl another character "pet class character" and then we wouldn't get to enjoy in the pet awesomeness! And besides pl could become the new mmorp that has pets for all classes amd is awsome!

08-25-2010, 08:17 PM
That could potentially happen, but then there would be no need and no room for a pet class, and I love pet classes :-( as I'm sure many others do.

PL (hopefully) is going to be around for a while, so there's plenty of time to level and enjoy a new class. We have a tank, a dps class, and a heal/nuke class, I think the missing link is a pet/crowd control (mez/charm/fear) class.

But I do still like the idea of bear cub/chick/mini elf pets in some form, maybe each one could give a little bonus to stats in different areas and be available to all 3 (and later 4) classes?

08-25-2010, 08:33 PM
heres a idea why not add a new uhm like skill/attribute like dex,int,str for every character call it a pet skill/attribute and then that player could decide if they want to add/upgrade that pet skill/attribute or upgrade their str,int,or dex that way only some ppl would have pets while others wouldnt because honestly i dont see everyone upgrading their pet skill/attribute if they have to upgrade their str,int, or dex to use a cool/new/more powerfull weapon. you get what im saying lol?

08-25-2010, 08:41 PM
Sure I get you, so a kind of pet class, but as a hybrid of the existing builds...

I'd prefer that to pets for everyone, as you should definitely have to specialise to use them, in this case - through hybridisation. Although if that were to happen I'd rather they just opened up the classes to all races and allowed you to truly customise your character as you wanted.

Though I think my ideal solution would still be a separate pet class...no offense, we just don't agree on this one :(