View Full Version : Unlock camera for Chrome users?

05-02-2022, 06:36 PM
soo whenever you join a map, the camera angle is always different to deter botting. However I mostly play on my PC which means I use wasd to move(really a controller with joystick mapped to wasd). So I can only move 8 directions, up, down, left right, and diagonals where as when I play on Ipad I can move 360 degrees.

It's really annoying that I can't run straight through hallways on pc. I have to keep adjusting which way I'm moving because the camera angle never lines up with the wasd or diagonals. Would be nice if they could unlock the camera on PC so I can adjust the screen before running a map such that I can actually go straight through a hallway.

Pocket Legends has always had an unlocked camera so I feel like it should be doable

05-02-2022, 08:16 PM
It should be, but, unfortunately, we built AL's PvE dungeons assuming a locked camera. Some of the geometry doesn't exist when looking at it from the reverse angle and it would take a lot of work to go back and add missing geometry to everything.


05-03-2022, 06:43 PM
It should be, but, unfortunately, we built AL's PvE dungeons assuming a locked camera. Some of the geometry doesn't exist when looking at it from the reverse angle and it would take a lot of work to go back and add missing geometry to everything.


Ahh that makes total sense, I hadn't thought about that. Guess I just gotta deal with it haha

05-03-2022, 08:00 PM
We did make sure house geometry and pvp geometry work with an unlocked camera (which is why you can rotate 360 in houses, guild halls, and pvp).