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04-19-2010, 03:58 PM
after re-specing last nite to make move all my str into dex so that i can use daggers, the update has forced me to change it all back..... i think we should have been given a free respec or a clear warning that this was to be updated

04-19-2010, 05:17 PM
Yeah except they didn't give free respec for the other updates to the other classes.

04-19-2010, 09:24 PM
respec is on sale anyway. Its not a big issue.

04-19-2010, 09:26 PM
respec is on sale anyway. Its not a big issue.

Haha personally I don't see it as on sale. I still think they should have an NPC that gives respecs for a charge of gold.

04-19-2010, 09:31 PM
i keep quoting deathshock too much so this time i'll just say i agree ;)

04-19-2010, 09:37 PM
i keep quoting deathshock too much so this time i'll just say i agree ;)

I read your mind. Dont quote that haha =P

04-19-2010, 10:13 PM
Haha personally I don't see it as on sale. I still think they should have an NPC that gives respecs for a charge of gold.

Not very fair. See, classes earn money at different rate. For example archers are really good at earning money
1)they dont tank
2) they dont spam mana spells
3) they have a heal and mana regen spell

so they dont have to buy many pots and so they can earn money better then other classes.

Also, you realise the devs need income right? They got mouths to feed. (I hope they do. Freaky if they were aliens)

04-19-2010, 10:25 PM
Very good points there. However, updates cause classes to constantly be changing and its not fair for people to be spending real money on respecs to cope with the updates. I'm not saying that respecs should be charged a large sum of gold. In my opinion, you should be able to change builds frequently and with ease. They could make it so that the price for respecs in gold is in proportional to the economy (once it settles).

04-20-2010, 12:32 AM
Very good points there. However, updates cause classes to constantly be changing and its not fair for people to be spending real money on respecs to cope with the updates. I'm not saying that respecs should be charged a large sum of gold. In my opinion, you should be able to change builds frequently and with ease. They could make it so that the price for respecs in gold is in proportional to the economy (once it settles).

4 for $1. This would be cheap enough that I would actually pay it, and heck it would allow me to play around and try different combinations. On multiple characters perhaps :p

04-20-2010, 06:50 AM
4 for $1. This would be cheap enough that I would actually pay it, and heck it would allow me to play around and try different combinations. On multiple characters perhaps :p

I dont think they could make it so you have left over respecs....

04-20-2010, 07:18 AM
Very good points there. However, updates cause classes to constantly be changing and its not fair for people to be spending real money on respecs to cope with the updates. I'm not saying that respecs should be charged a large sum of gold. In my opinion, you should be able to change builds frequently and with ease. They could make it so that the price for respecs in gold is in proportional to the economy (once it settles).

I totally agree and ive already complained about this, money has no real point in the game right now and it will have even less if and when (i hope) they add cds to potions.
I also think its a bit stupid we have no other option than real money to respec, i would love to do this frequently but im not going to pay real money just to reset my stats thats just plain stupid, id rather pay more for the expansions.
Also i wanted to point out that i find it very very rude that we didnt get a free respec when warrior skills and attributes were changed.

04-20-2010, 09:28 AM
I dont think they could make it so you have left over respecs....

Sure they could, easily. I assume they cant drop the price to $0.25 so instead they have a 'counter' or 'respec credit' and just set that to 4 when a purchase is made. easy :)

04-20-2010, 10:08 AM
If you don't like the cost of a respec then just don't do it. They'll just change it within a week again anyway. Remember thegame is still less than two weeks old so of course they're going to continue making changes until they get the final take on skills and stats and such

04-20-2010, 10:36 AM
If you don't like the cost of a respec then just don't do it. They'll just change it within a week again anyway. Remember thegame is still less than two weeks old so of course they're going to continue making changes until they get the final take on skills and stats and such

Thanks for stating the obvious. How about I state the obvious as well. They are upsetting a large amount of paying customers which, while certainly their right, isnt a good business decision this early in the game. I dont like the cost, so I didnt 'do it'. However, that doesnt make the point any less valid and doesn't mean my pricing idea isnt a good idea (though, free of course is still better)

04-20-2010, 10:50 AM
This is going to be chaos soon, but I'm still for an option to buy respecs for ingame gold, at least at some point, maybe for increased character slot or expansion prices?

04-20-2010, 11:14 AM
I got this feeling that the Devs of this game is laughing their way to the bank from earning the most from Respecing.. I wish they will come out Gold for Respec. eg 10k Gold for one Respec

04-20-2010, 12:29 PM
I like paying the money for respec, that way the devs can keep making better and better stuff for this game, with respec being only a dollar and all the awesome free updates that we are getting I think it's perfectly reasonable. Just think, they could have made this game, left the prices as they were and not made any updates for the game except maybe add a dungeon or two in, then this would be a worse game but you wouldn't have to complain about the cost a respec since the classes would be unbalanced and wouldn't change.