View Full Version : My own Big Brother program

07-18-2012, 05:39 AM
So i got bored and found a few pinks in my stash. The lvl 19 not so expensive stuff. i went into a balefort game and picked the first person that was of level and had the right stuff to equip the gear. Now doing this made me feel really good. So i came up with an idea...

Seeing how i feel helping that kid in bale fort castle really made me think. What if i did a Big Brother kind of deal. I added This person and told him if he needed any questions he could ask. Seeing as i cant please the world i sure can try. Here are my thoughts. I could "adopt" a "noob" in bale fort, help him out teach him the ropes for a week or two. Help him get exclusive items that he can show off to all his buddies.

Now ya might be wondering, "why do you care about some newb in bale fort?" Here's the thing, when i was leveling up i had it pretty easy. Around lvl 35 or 36 i was put into Alterran Royal Guard, Which is an amazing guild ran by Siejo. When i got to level 50, i was given a rift set, and a death talon set. I know not everyone has it that easy. I know its easy to take advantage of what you have because i do it in game and in real life. its human nature. But when you don't have much, you tend to learn whats more important in life.


So ill be giving the opportunity for 1 person for a week or 2 to experience what i did and get what they can from this. Whether i take him farming or whatever the case maybe. i'll generally be in the level ranges of 1-30. by the time 30 comes around you should have a tight grasp on this game and the mechanics of it.

I hope that i change the outlook for someone who thinks this game is to hard because they cant get good gear or they don't understand something about it., to an outlook that says, Hey i know what im doing i understand how to get the best gear, im gonna give it my all and become a true legend!

07-18-2012, 12:31 PM
I did this once and ultimately, the guy scammed me.