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View Full Version : Lvl 71 Helm,If you do for one you should do for all.

07-19-2012, 12:26 AM
I am not against anyones culture but after seeing the new helm I like the old one better. Not many players have the old one and you can not stash it SO MY question to STS is can we exchange for other helm in a future update or will you make them all the same. For me its the lesser of two evils,Neither beats the COP but I like the Volcano better and I want to switch and is it correct some people have both?
After seeing the new design on my mage which you only changed because everyone went crazy it doesnt fit/nor look right.

07-19-2012, 04:18 AM
I think there should be a choice. I mean, they designed two, why not let players have the choice between the two?

The Flash
07-19-2012, 05:19 AM
How about Lv71 monarch helm continue being elite helm and Lv71 volcano helm stay being hardcore elite vanity helm.

07-19-2012, 05:25 AM
How about Lv71 monarch helm continue being elite helm and Lv71 volcano helm stay being hardcore elite vanity helm.
Just because you got the Volcano Helm...The Volcano was much better than Monarch Helm.

07-19-2012, 05:31 AM
I believe this discussion already took place on several threads early in the expansion...in summary of that, here were some of the highlights:

1. STS already came out and said the Volcanut will be made available again someday, only question is when
2. Meantime, the 36 players who acquired them can enjoy its exclusivity until the item is relaunched...(they deserve it)
3. Only one Elite Vanity Helm (the monarch)

We just need to be a little more patient :P

07-19-2012, 08:55 AM
I love how all these ppl hate this "volcano" helm and then cs designs the new one and ppl hate that. ._.

I agree with you though would rather volcano also!

07-19-2012, 09:00 AM
I love how all these ppl hate this "volcano" helm and then cs designs the new one and ppl hate that. ._.

I agree with you though would rather volcano also!
I liked the volconut from the beginning!

07-19-2012, 09:01 AM
I liked the volconut from the beginning!

Ya ik you would probably agree that most ppl didn't like it.

07-19-2012, 10:07 AM
i still think the volconut looks like a barfing mound on your head

07-19-2012, 10:26 AM
In regards to the comment "This issue has been addressed " A vague answer was given which is why I have asked my innocuous question directly to the developers because they have failed to set a time frame or even address if it would happen,just that it may or may not or might?

07-19-2012, 10:41 AM
I liked the volconut from the beginning!
It looks better on a Mage, it hangs from a the bird's head, but penguins have swag nothing to worry about

07-19-2012, 10:49 AM
Well, it seems like they went from kinda ugly (volcanut) to also ugly (monarch). I think everyone was hoping for something that looked as cool as the COP. I want a COP :(

07-19-2012, 10:57 AM
You all complaind about the Volconut, it got. Changed. Maybe complain about the monarch helmet enough it will change to. #SMH.

07-19-2012, 11:01 AM
Getting a little hot in here I feel some flaming. :devilish: I think the smoke and the fire goes well with the sets that were not out when the volcano helm was released.

07-19-2012, 11:03 AM
Let's stay on track with the conversation so it doesn't get closed and not make generalizations such as everybody complained thanks.
I would like it to be on here long enough for a developer to address it.

07-19-2012, 11:06 AM
As said above, the issue lies with the fact that many (*not everyone) liked the Volcano Helm. It's just that it did not fit on birds correctly - that's about the only issue. The most recent elite vanity item, the Monarch of Humania, had more meaning, but looks huge. Yes - the only fair thing to do would be to let people choose which item they obtain. But as long as you wait, maybe you'll get lucky and STS will do what they said was possible (to bring back Volcano later). You can't tell me that if you capped yesterday, you were expecting to have a choice. Only time will make a difference.


07-19-2012, 11:10 AM
I wonder how a bird of paradise feather crown would look like 'o'

07-19-2012, 11:14 AM
As I mentioned previously sets were not out at the release of the helm which smokes, has fire and orbs.
It looks much cooler with the smoking affect of the Lvl 70 crafted items( which I would be inclined to believe was the intention of the overall look)
And I find more aesthetically pleasing then the Hawaiian culture home which I have the utmost of respect for.

07-19-2012, 11:23 AM
I did not cap yesterday but I crafted within the last week because it cost a zillion dollars and I put two and two together and I saw the original vision STS had planned.
Let's keep it constructive and the trolling to a minimum.
I have vocalised how I feel which is what these forms are intended for it's not about disagreeing with me or telling me how I feel is incorrect it's about respecting my opposing view, leaving it at that and having a open free dialogue.
Have to go live life,Enjoy the day. I expect no changes on a Friday at 12:00.

07-19-2012, 01:00 PM
Thanx for making this thread, I was thinking about creating one too but I've been holding off thinking that I don't want to be asking about this everyday or all the time. Lol. I've been one who's wanted the Volcanut baad since they pulled it off on the 4th day of the release of Humania...with barely any notice. I've mentioned this in various posts. I give all the credit to players who grinded out the cap in less than 4 days but what about those who couldnt play as much because of limited time or who can't afford mountains of platinum?
I've spent boatloads of platinum & I'm just trying to get something I want. I don't believe it's that difficult for everybody to have both or have the choice between the two. With all due respect to culture, I really haven't seen many wearing the new Monarch helm. I do like the shiny jewel on the front. It's not like the Crown of Persistence because it doesn't have any stats, it's a vanity! Ppl had a lot of time/chances to get the CoP at that time.
I think we should get both....since there's players who probably like the Monarch one too & would be upset if that was gone.

07-19-2012, 01:12 PM
Ive been trying to wait patiently as much as I can. I tried emailing StS & trying to convince them that way but they told me it was out of their hands & probably only devs or Samhayne could change anything. I was excited when TechnoEmail had brought up the idea of the Volcanut (Mantle of Humania) could be used later & could possibly set off explosions from volcanoes in the maps. Ohhh that would be so cool so epic wow. I still believe they will re-use it in the campaign cause apparently there is some demand for the vanity. I'm sure they put a lot of work & effort in creating it so it would be a waste to not utilize it.

I've been hoping for a deal of the day (hint, hint) or buying it from the store for platinum. I would pay 50 platinum, 100 plat, 125 plat, 250 plat, 300 plat?, 400 plat? I would even dump 500 platinum if I had to, I like it better than the Lion head one that cost that much. It's something I want more than anything in the game besides Ocean Blue Diamonds lmao!

07-19-2012, 01:30 PM
I did not cap yesterday but I crafted within the last week because it cost a zillion dollars and I put two and two together and I saw the original vision STS had planned.
Let's keep it constructive and the trolling to a minimum.
I have vocalised how I feel which is what these forms are intended for it's not about disagreeing with me or telling me how I feel is incorrect it's about respecting my opposing view, leaving it at that and having a open free dialogue.
Have to go live life,Enjoy the day. I expect no changes on a Friday at 12:00.


I am one of your biggest supporters. Just look at these pics I have saved from the few I see in game. I would just be so happy with it, & I'm sure there are many out there who feel the same.

In the end, STS wants happy customers right?

07-19-2012, 01:56 PM
I hope they bring and or switch it out lol. Just because I don't like the helmet doesn't mean I don't like the culture.

Anyways they day they switched it out I grind to 70 just on 1.5x and as said before I was only going to cap for the original helmet. Then they changed it... ! I still want tho ): lol I ended up grinding to 71 on 1.5x Lolololol

07-19-2012, 02:22 PM
I think the biggest issue people have with the helm isn't that it's cool roughly, but rather that it doesn't have any stats, which is why you don't really see people wearing the monarch helm. The only reason why you see people wearing the volconut is because there was only thirty-something of them who got it.

As far as it being not fair because you didn't have enough time or plat; isn't that the whole point? They're called elite items for a reason. People complained about the same thing for the three month window on the nuris SoH, but since they didn't make it in time, tough luck. I mean, one can argue that if they've known that the volconut would've been swapped out they would've grinded faster, but if you really wanted the 71 vanity (whatever it may have been) you would be one of those thirty-something's right now.

07-19-2012, 02:57 PM
I agree that the volconut is nicer. I like the "double effect" that happens when you have one color smoke/sparkles from your set and a second colored smoke/sparkles/steam from your vanity. The blue smoke from a Humanian set along with the orange steam from the volconut would look really nice IMO.

07-19-2012, 03:37 PM
I think the biggest issue people have with the helm isn't that it's cool roughly, but rather that it doesn't have any stats, which is why you don't really see people wearing the monarch helm. The only reason why you see people wearing the volconut is because there was only thirty-something of them who got it.

As far as it being not fair because you didn't have enough time or plat; isn't that the whole point? They're called elite items for a reason. People complained about the same thing for the three month window on the nuris SoH, but since they didn't make it in time, tough luck. I mean, one can argue that if they've known that the volconut would've been swapped out they would've grinded faster, but if you really wanted the 71 vanity (whatever it may have been) you would be one of those thirty-something's right now.

I do agree with a lot of your points you made...I did not grind as hard as I should have but I didn't know it would be gone in a little over three days? I never even got a chance to see it or wear it...or see it in the stash. Humania released I believe on Tuesday late afternoon 6/19. Then there were so many who hated the Volcanut by Wed that the devs were designing another & announced it Friday if I remember right. That's like 3 days right? A little over three days & 3 months is a different story. I would've tried harder had I known what was going to happen.

If I never get it, I could live with that...the thirty-something who earned it deserve it...it's a lesson for me next time you want something..you need to go after it, you don't know how much of a window you have. I just like the looks of it & it doesn't have any stats..a vanity. It's something I'm not giving up on...kind of like the Pumpkin head that you really cherish. I'm still kicking myself for missing out. I capped on Saturday when I had a day off. I can't say this cap was that hard to earn cause like most players, I jumped into the Magic castle to level up fast...other caps you had to grind in the particular campaign to earn your elite level.

The Flash
07-19-2012, 03:46 PM
People just want what they dont have or cant get. I want it to be as exclusive as possible. I dont plan on ever wearing either of those helms as cop more boss and original.

07-19-2012, 04:36 PM
I sent an email to customer service and got shot down pretty abruptly and told nothing will be done and have a nice day so that was my customer service.
I guess more people complained about hating the volcano then have complained about wanting it back.
If They don't care I'm over it.
Its just a vanity and serves no purpose and doesn't give us any bonus I'm just disappointed after all of my hard work that I cant have the one I want, clearly 2 were made two exist and I don't think it's fair some people have one and some people have the other.
The level cap is what it is and the helmet is your reward, You don't get an extra reward for reaching the cap first for the 30 people who received it so it's almost like they've gotten something extra that we didn't get.

07-19-2012, 04:40 PM
I have yet to see somebody wearing a crafted set with the helm but like previously mentioned I think that was what STS had in mind and I cannot stand this new helm, no disrespect to anyone I've already read that post.

07-19-2012, 04:40 PM
People just want what they dont have or cant get. I want it to be as exclusive as possible. I dont plan on ever wearing either of those helms as cop more boss and original.

Thats really true....ppl don't miss something or someone until their gone...when something is taken away from you, it makes you want it that much more! I laughed when you said you don't plan on wearing either over the CoP...you have a point, I have the CoP...its epic but I don't wear it 24-7 either...most the time Im running with bigger luck on more than anything.

07-19-2012, 04:53 PM

"We are not distributing that helm to anyone, regardless of circumstance, because the devs made the decision not to. A design decision was made to replace the Volcano cap, and as such the devs do not want any new Volcano Caps entering the game."


This is my second email from customer service today so I can assume this discussion is over and pointless!

07-19-2012, 05:13 PM
I don't know what's up with you guys, but this issue has been addressed already...what are you talking about? not vaguely...but directly...they already said they replaced it with a new one...when you replace something...what does that mean? :P Do they have to spell out everything out for you? Do you want me to copy past everything here so you can see how things unfolded? It's like you're reviving a dead issue...give it up already...time to move on and just be more patient

07-19-2012, 05:17 PM
I don't know what's up with you guys, but this issue has been addressed already...what are you talking about? not vaguely...but directly...they already said they replaced it with a new one...when you replace something...what does that mean? :P Do they have to spell out everything out for you? Do you want me to copy past everything here so you can see how things unfolded? It's like you're reviving a dead issue...give it up already...time to move on and just be more patient
Before they said any elite vanity+another elite vanity would simply equal bonus, it seems direct but it needs some explanation at times
the volcanut may be replaced by monarch but it can be read as replacing elite vanity but being a Future DoTD

07-19-2012, 05:19 PM

"We are not distributing that helm to anyone, regardless of circumstance, because the devs made the decision not to. A design decision was made to replace the Volcano cap, and as such the devs do not want any new Volcano Caps entering the game."


This is my second email from customer service today so I can assume this discussion is over and pointless!

I wasn't happy when I got a similar email from support. I don't think they have to bend over backwards to get the Volcanut back in the game.

Don't give up man....if you want something keep going after it. Like Sam & Technoemail were saying, they might use it again later in the game. Thats what Im hoping for...just like there were so many hating it, there equally a lot of players who want it! There is demand for the item...just so the devs realize this...

07-19-2012, 05:21 PM
People don't wear the Monarch helm because it is useless ATM, it does not give any set bonus.

And I think we should all stop and think about who is suffering the most here: that beautiful Mantle of Humania helm.
Poor thing is still being called a volconut by you guys.

This thread should never have been made.
There was so much drama and hate over this so long ago.
Just let it be forgotten.
Remember that it's not you.
You might not have complained to death about the Mantle when it first came out and yes, you deserve it instead of the Monarch helm if you want it, but unfortunately we are a community and even more unfortunately, other people have other opinions that are reckless and unthoughtful.

STS caters to the majority of the demand, and so this idea of a choice between Mantle and Monarch wouldn't ever be granted.
We should just push STS to make something very good for the next cap.
I believe a shield with fish is what I'll spam to 76 for.

07-19-2012, 05:25 PM
Thanx for making this thread, I was thinking about creating one too but I've been holding off thinking that I don't want to be asking about this everyday or all the time. Lol. I've been one who's wanted the Volcanut baad since they pulled it off on the 4th day of the release of Humania...with barely any notice. I've mentioned this in various posts. I give all the credit to players who grinded out the cap in less than 4 days but what about those who couldnt play as much because of limited time or who can't afford mountains of platinum?
I've spent boatloads of platinum & I'm just trying to get something I want. I don't believe it's that difficult for everybody to have both or have the choice between the two. With all due respect to culture, I really haven't seen many wearing the new Monarch helm. I do like the shiny jewel on the front. It's not like the Crown of Persistence because it doesn't have any stats, it's a vanity! Ppl had a lot of time/chances to get the CoP at that time.
I think we should get both....since there's players who probably like the Monarch one too & would be upset if that was gone.

Comrade Comrade...they already said they will relaunch the item someday. The reason why nobody is really talking about it is because maybe everyone already took notice of that message except you lawlz. Can't you let the people who earned it enjoy them first? Will you die (figuratively) if you don't get them now? They will be relaunched anyway, just be patient.

07-19-2012, 05:26 PM

I am one of your biggest supporters. Just look at these pics I have saved from the few I see in game. I would just be so happy with it, & I'm sure there are many out there who feel the same.

In the end, STS wants happy customers right?
I am on your side with the "preferring Mantle over Monarch"
I'm not on the part where we get a choice.

All STS wants is happy customers.
I agree.
But if they give us this choice, we'll be spoiled customers instead.
As I said before, YOU are not spoiled and you totally deserve it, but STS sees us a group of people and some of these people are the ones that put us in the situation.

07-19-2012, 05:30 PM
I wasn't happy when I got a similar email from support. I don't think they have to bend over backwards to get the Volcanut back in the game.

Don't give up man....if you want something keep going after it. Like Sam & Technoemail were saying, they might use it again later in the game. Thats what Im hoping for...just like there were so many hating it, there equally a lot of players who want it! There is demand for the item...just so the devs realize this...

You're one stubborn comrade -_- It's like nothing is getting into you...why can't you understand that this item will be relaunched someday and all you have to do is wait patiently...? Unless you're going to go bananas if you don't get them now or you one of those that thinks the world will end soon, what's the hurry? -_- Even if you don't do anything...the devs already openly stated that they will relaunch it...or do you want me to go out of my way and look for that post for you? Jeez...you're like that person who keeps on fighting even after the battle is over...-_- settle down man. Nobody else here thinks there's an argument except the few of you who doesn't seem to get it...let this go...you might find yourself getting the irate of the devs themselves...

07-19-2012, 05:40 PM
Sts gives out volcano helms.
Nobody like
Sts changes to monarch
Nobody likes and they want volcano helm.
Next: No elite vanity for 76.

07-19-2012, 05:45 PM

"We are not distributing that helm to anyone, regardless of circumstance, because the devs made the decision not to. A design decision was made to replace the Volcano cap, and as such the devs do not want any new Volcano Caps entering the game."


This is my second email from customer service today so I can assume this discussion is over and pointless!

It was over before you made this thread...-_- That's what I was trying to say in post #5 of this thread (lol)...this issue has been resolved earlier...

07-19-2012, 05:56 PM
You're one stubborn comrade -_- It's like nothing is getting into you...why can't you understand that this item will be relaunched someday and all you have to do is wait patiently...? Unless you're going to go bananas if you don't get them now or you one of those that thinks the world will end soon, what's the hurry? -_- Even if you don't do anything...the devs already openly stated that they will relaunch it...or do you want me to go out of my way and look for that post for you? Jeez...you're like that person who keeps on fighting even after the battle is over...-_- settle down man. Nobody else here thinks there's an argument except the few of you who doesn't seem to get it...let this go...you might find yourself getting the irate of the devs themselves...

I understand you get tired of hearing it as everyone knows you're one of the 36 who earned the right to own & wear the helm. Sometimes you got to think about people who don't have it, they naturally feel differently. I'm just making my case for it, if it doesn't happen, fine but it doesn't hurt to keep trying....I'm not spamming threads in every forum or going ballistic & flaming everyone. Customers can be difficult to deal with, I've been in retail. I'm not trying to beg or ask for everything discontinued. STS could do this to make players happy...I appreciate all that the devs do and sometimes you can never keep everybody happy...but you don't get what you don't ask for. You don't have to bring up the threads Vampinoy...I remember them.

07-19-2012, 06:04 PM
I am on your side with the "preferring Mantle over Monarch"
I'm not on the part where we get a choice.

All STS wants is happy customers.
I agree.
But if they give us this choice, we'll be spoiled customers instead.
As I said before, YOU are not spoiled and you totally deserve it, but STS sees us a group of people and some of these people are the ones that put us in the situation.

Haha lolol Thx Xwhirlzap. I don't mind being spoiled by them, we support them by playing their amazing game & sending them green if you can afford it. I don't cry or complain about everything that happens, there some things you really want.

07-19-2012, 06:58 PM
The newer one they made is nice but I think I'd strive to make cap for the volcano one more.

12-28-2013, 11:48 PM
Well I guess it's never coming back...

12-29-2013, 12:36 AM
Lv71 = Monarch Helm/Volcano Lv76 = Eye Shield Lv81 = Armor.Which the cap still not been released.Lv86 = Helm.I guess the helm will be back in few years :)

12-29-2013, 12:43 AM
Lol I remember this argument Volcanut er tha Monarch, then Mr Necro posted the thread, and every1 was like :).