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View Full Version : Agh >_<

07-19-2012, 05:33 AM
I knew this would happen sometime, but I never really hoped for this day: When I have three games to balance.

I have a lvl 25 in DL and I'm trying to get lvl 26 along with the new Solstice event screaming "Farm me!", I'm a lvl 58 in PL questing to get lvl 71, and finally SL's Infested event is in dire need of charbroiled eggs... 500k eggs.

Makes me wonder about what will happen when AL is released O.o

07-19-2012, 07:20 AM
I knew this would happen sometime, but I never really hoped for this day: When I have three games to balance.

I have a lvl 25 in DL and I'm trying to get lvl 26 along with the new Solstice event screaming "Farm me!", I'm a lvl 58 in PL questing to get lvl 71, and finally SL's Infested event is in dire need of charbroiled eggs... 500k eggs.

Makes me wonder about what will happen when AL is released O.o

Oh geez.

07-19-2012, 09:06 AM
i know one solution that requires a knife a recommends something to numb your fingers

07-19-2012, 12:04 PM
i know one solution that requires a knife a recommends something to numb your fingers
That doesn't sound so good...

07-19-2012, 12:11 PM
I play all 3 games too, it's actually quite easy for me to balance! I am taking a little break from PL, L67! SL I'm doing Flamethrower runs while I wait for my 2hr ally missions to complete, and I do runs for the fire gem when I get tired of the eggs!:)

Oh and I'm L40 in SL, not gonna make it to 41! And I'm L25 in DL, Im 4k in to the cap, I'll definitely make it in time!:)

07-19-2012, 12:15 PM
DL- Lv12
SL- Lv29
PL- Lv11

(Not missing out on much)
I reserved 'Worship' for AL :D
Excited for that.. and I think that when it comes out, im giving up on DL..

07-19-2012, 12:27 PM
I play all 3 games too, it's actually quite easy for me to balance! I am taking a little break from PL, L67! SL I'm doing Flamethrower runs while I wait for my 2hr ally missions to complete, and I do runs for the fire gem when I get tired of the eggs!:)

Oh and I'm L40 in SL, not gonna make it to 41! And I'm L25 in DL, Im 4k in to the cap, I'll definitely make it in time!:)
I'm thinking of doing flamethrower runs today and tomorrow to help get the 2m while I can.

07-19-2012, 03:03 PM
its cool, just play any game
bust some eggs.

07-19-2012, 03:13 PM
I have some advice, the eggs in SL are doing good with the news that we are close and have little time! So don't worry about that ATM!

If your trying to get 26 in DL, do the top and bottom ally missions in Morhaven, 2hr ones! That should get you there quick without elixirs!

Seeing that your lowest level is in PL, and that your 58, find a good group and do Crypt runs until you are 63, if you can find a good group for Humania, go there, if not, I'd stay doing crypt runs until about 65-67, then you should be good enough to go to Humania! Recommend to do Sand Bar!

Hope this helps you out with balancing and all!
