View Full Version : Tech Support Story of the Day

07-19-2012, 09:08 AM
Anyone ever work in tech support? I do support for a college campus, which means all students, faculty, and staff call three people (myself included) during the day for help with their computer problems. Just now, a student couldn't access part of the website - last time, having her clear her browser temp files fixed the problem. This time:

Student: I can't log in to parts of your website.
Me: Which parts, specifically?
Student: The homepage. It gives me a server error.
Me: Okay.. last time, clearing your cookies/cache worked, correct?
Student: Yes but I don't remember how to do that.
Me: Okay.. which browser are you using right now?
Student: Fox fire.
Me: Alright, to clear your temporary files in firefox, go up to tools then options..
Student: Wait.. tools? Where? I don't see that..
Me: Should be at the top of your window.
Student: Okay not happening.. let me try something else.. Okay now I'm in Google.
Me: You're in Google Chrome?
Student: No I don't have that. I'm just in Google.
Me: So you're on the Google website?
Student: Uh.. what?
Me: Okay, here's what you should do.. since you have Google open.. in whatever.. capacity.. type the following into Google: "clear cookies firefox" and hit enter. Tell me what you get.
Student: I get a bunch of web pages that popped up.. *starts reading them off to me*
Me: Alright now pick one that has really good pictures and follow the instructions. Can you do that? (I swear this part didn't sound near this condescending on the phone)
Student: Oh.. yeah this is very helpful. Okay. I'll try this.
Me: Maybe write that down so you can do that again next time you need to do this? Call me if you're still having trouble.

90% of the job is taking a wild guess at what people mean when they say things like "I'm in Google", "my computer won't turn on" (half the time it's only one component that won't turn on and not the actual computer), "my screen is acting up", "I can't get this to open", etc.

07-19-2012, 10:01 AM
When I press ALT-F4 my browser crashes.

07-19-2012, 10:37 AM
I have worked tech support for over 5 years. Home depot tech support, Racetrac tech support, Rollins (orkin exterminator) tech support, and greenway medical tech support.

The main things I have learned throughout my career:

1: When a user says "Modem", they are referring to their computer tower, not an actual modem.
2: When a user says "Computer", they are referring to their monitor.
3: When you say type something into the address bar, they will almost always type it into a google toolbar.

07-19-2012, 11:23 AM
I have worked tech support for over 5 years. Home depot tech support, Racetrac tech support, Rollins (orkin exterminator) tech support, and greenway medical tech support.

The main things I have learned throughout my career:

1: When a user says "Modem", they are referring to their computer tower, not an actual modem.
2: When a user says "Computer", they are referring to their monitor.
3: When you say type something into the address bar, they will almost always type it into a google toolbar.

Good advice.

Sent from the UCS Blackstar Infested deck!

07-20-2012, 10:33 AM
I fixed computers for people at Staples for a while, and I've worked at this university helpdesk for several years. My experience is that no one wants to learn, they want you to do it for them. For example, they COULD change their own network password pretty simply, but why do that if they can call us and have us do it for them? I could walk them through it over the phone, but do they want to do that? No, it's faster if I do it and if I tell them they won't remember anyway. It would be simple to install anti-virus software themselves and learn how to keep their computer from becoming infected, but it's easier if they just do whatever they want and pay someone 50-140 bucks every few months to clean it up for them.

The thing that has irritated me the most over the years is how so many people see "virus cleanup" as a routine maintenance your computer needs, just like getting an oil change or cleaning your bathroom. Every so often your computer just "gets a virus or two" and you need someone to clean it for you.. when that is most certainly not the case. I would say that 99% of the time if you get some sort of virus it is YOUR fault. And even in the 1% where it probably would have happened anyway, I'll bet there's still something you could have done to prevent it.

Sidenote: My grandma used to say modem instead of tower, and I always knew what she meant but it was still funny. :<