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View Full Version : 1000 plat and NOT a single diamond

07-19-2012, 11:16 AM
just like the topic says...and i am just venting!!!!

from my point of view this is NOT good gaming experience for me.

and these are the reasons ppl really do leave a game and not come back. at least it is for me, and its getting me there!

not because theres nothing else to do, sts will always think of something new(like the new elite dungeon, and new loot, new expansion, theres always going to be something)

i really think the reason most of the players play this games is to have the satisfaction of earning something, gold, sets, armor, loot etc.

and actually getting them, but right now to me it just seems impossible. i do start to think it just me and not the game,

but the frustration, the disappointment, thats whats getting to my head. Maybe its really time to take a break.

i know the expansions only been out for a few weeks, but lots of players are getting rewarded why not me?

i am paying my dues, i am grinding, i am spending plat, i am thrashing.

and now i am done venting...whats next?? break?? elite dungeon with more disappointment?? waste more money on plat??

07-19-2012, 11:21 AM
May the force be with you young grass hopper, lol don't worry loads of people have terrible luck farm. ( when I say loads I mean me)

07-19-2012, 11:25 AM
The only way I ever won a pink in Humania was monster bash and I made almost 8,000,000 dollars and there are many of us who made more than that in pink drops.
I have won two Blue Diamonds.

07-19-2012, 11:28 AM
try x2 x3 or thrash + shamrock

07-19-2012, 11:28 AM
I wouldn't get a pink in 10,000 plat. Just do runs without elixirs if you think your luck is that bad. Don't waste money unless you really want to

07-19-2012, 12:32 PM
LOL. that's awesome! I've spent no plat and gotten 2!

Just curious, did you get ANY pinks on that 1000 plat? How about regular gold from monsters and crap drops?

XP? Did you cap during that 1000 plat?

This is THE quintessential example of "Money Can't Buy Happiness"

As well as a pretty good example of the instant gratification that the world has come to expect, especially when throwing vast amounts of money at a problem.

***Edit to add***

I just reread my post, and I'm not nice in it. Before Humania, I never got a pink that I was able to sell for more than about 50k. I've been lucky in Humania. The thing is that if STS gave a clear and absolute advantage to plat buyers, that was not able to be matched by us broke folk, then the player base would be much smaller. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that if someone had a distinct advantage over me because they spent real money, I'd play a game where that wasn't the case. As it is now, the only advantage for buying plat is that things happen faster, things look better, you have better luck.

I can't wear an O.C.D. oh noes. I can't cap in 3 days. oh noes. I can't load up on pinks in Monster Bash, oh noes.

O.C.D doesn't mean squat towards game play and everything else just takes time.

If you were able to just buy everything in this game straight up for plat, there would be problems. but there is not, all you can due is buy a chance to increase your luck, and but the ability to have tht chance occur more frequently.

I guess STS is just evil for DEMANDING that even people who pay them money actually work at stuff and take chances like everyone else.

07-19-2012, 01:13 PM
I was having the same experience as the OP up until last night. I've gotten a number of pink drops in Humania, but they were almost all from doing the regular campaigns with no elixers. Then about 2 weeks ago I bought the large 2000 plat package and started doing monster bash with luck &/or thrasher elixers. The result was lots of purple gear and no pinks. In the first week of doing monster bash I spent 500 plat and got 2 pinks, one of which was a spear worth less than 50k, the other was an islander wand. Then in the past week I spent another 300 plat and got a single 2h scimitar recipe which I sold for 8k, no other pinks. In the middle of this all I got frustrated and started doing the regular campaign and guess what, two diamonds dropped to me in 3 days. Then last night I decided to spend some more plat, and 3 pinks fell to me in 3 consecutive runs -- an ocean blue diamond, bongo, and hula wand.

So you just have to keep trying. If you get frustrated with spending plat, then just grind it out in the regular campaign. Or if you've had enough of Humania, farm a lower level dungeon and sell the drops to save for your ocean blue diamonds. A buddy of mine wasn't having good luck in Humania, so he went back to farming the sand caves and got a lot of good drops there.

07-19-2012, 01:50 PM
Good points, it's nice to hear other players experiences in game. I even ran with the person OP today & I felt bad when he told me he hadn't gotten any diamonds after burning 1000 plat. I had just got one Ocean Blue Diamond to drop in Monsters bash with Koko Cunch or Lucky I think it was. I've only got 2 to drop so far & it's hard to decide wether Monsters bash is better or the regular maps like Sandbar or devils is better.
I wound up buying out of the CS at $1 million or more per diamond just to make 1 set. Ugh! That's just too much gold for crafting materials! I am frustrated as well, cause apparently some ppl are just flying thru crafting...and are running around with the best stuff like skull/bones crossbow, the crafted mace or the badazzz scimitar. I just don't know how some farm so hard...I admire them!
On that note, I need to go back in-game & get off the forums lolol

07-19-2012, 01:51 PM
I spent none and got 3... Just Let it come to you man. Don't force it if it wasn't meant to be lol.

07-19-2012, 01:58 PM
LOL. that's awesome! I've spent no plat and gotten 2!

Just curious, did you get ANY pinks on that 1000 plat? How about regular gold from monsters and crap drops?

XP? Did you cap during that 1000 plat?

This is THE quintessential example of "Money Can't Buy Happiness"

As well as a pretty good example of the instant gratification that the world has come to expect, especially when throwing vast amounts of money at a problem.

***Edit to add***

I just reread my post, and I'm not nice in it. Before Humania, I never got a pink that I was able to sell for more than about 50k. I've been lucky in Humania. The thing is that if STS gave a clear and absolute advantage to plat buyers, that was not able to be matched by us broke folk, then the player base would be much smaller. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that if someone had a distinct advantage over me because they spent real money, I'd play a game where that wasn't the case. As it is now, the only advantage for buying plat is that things happen faster, things look better, you have better luck.

I can't wear an O.C.D. oh noes. I can't cap in 3 days. oh noes. I can't load up on pinks in Monster Bash, oh noes.

O.C.D doesn't mean squat towards game play and everything else just takes time.

If you were able to just buy everything in this game straight up for plat, there would be problems. but there is not, all you can due is buy a chance to increase your luck, and but the ability to have tht chance occur more frequently.

I guess STS is just evil for DEMANDING that even people who pay them money actually work at stuff and take chances like everyone else.

money cant buy happiness?? really?? wow...it just a game ffs
and for your info, i think MONEY can DEFINITELY buy happiness...
and again...i was just venting...but youre taking a real life situation into the gaming experience....money cant buy happiness...pfft...i am litterally laughing my *** off...
and players like you ruin the gaming experience even more....ive seen too many in game....rubbing ur luck into ppls faces whos got absolutely no luck....
players nowadays...

other than that, thanks for all the other suggestions....tried them all....absolutely no luck....it just my bad luck i guess...

07-19-2012, 02:09 PM
and if you really must know...i actually capped before the 1000 plat...2 of my toons, i was one of the 36 whos got the volcano vanity cap

and yes i did get a pink drop, it was a spear which i sold for 5k, and yes i got gold and yes i got a lot of the crappy luminous harpoon

you happy now?? with your 2 diamond drops?? which you got with no elixer?

07-19-2012, 02:12 PM
LOL. that's awesome! I've spent no plat and gotten 2!

Just curious, did you get ANY pinks on that 1000 plat? How about regular gold from monsters and crap drops?

XP? Did you cap during that 1000 plat?

This is THE quintessential example of "Money Can't Buy Happiness"

As well as a pretty good example of the instant gratification that the world has come to expect, especially when throwing vast amounts of money at a problem.

***Edit to add***

I just reread my post, and I'm not nice in it. Before Humania, I never got a pink that I was able to sell for more than about 50k. I've been lucky in Humania. The thing is that if STS gave a clear and absolute advantage to plat buyers, that was not able to be matched by us broke folk, then the player base would be much smaller. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that if someone had a distinct advantage over me because they spent real money, I'd play a game where that wasn't the case. As it is now, the only advantage for buying plat is that things happen faster, things look better, you have better luck.

I can't wear an O.C.D. oh noes. I can't cap in 3 days. oh noes. I can't load up on pinks in Monster Bash, oh noes.

O.C.D doesn't mean squat towards game play and everything else just takes time.

If you were able to just buy everything in this game straight up for plat, there would be problems. but there is not, all you can due is buy a chance to increase your luck, and but the ability to have tht chance occur more frequently.

I guess STS is just evil for DEMANDING that even people who pay them money actually work at stuff and take chances like everyone else.

You're only saying O.C.D. means nothing cause you can't get it. I have the title but I just wear the helm instead. And STS is not "evil" it's a business, and like any other business they have to make money. Just saying. :P

07-19-2012, 02:14 PM
money cant buy happiness?? really?? wow...it just a game ffs
and for your info, i think MONEY can DEFINITELY buy happiness...
and again...i was just venting...but youre taking a real life situation into the gaming experience....money cant buy happiness...pfft...i am litterally laughing my *** off...
and players like you ruin the gaming experience even more....ive seen too many in game....rubbing ur luck into ppls faces whos got absolutely no luck....
players nowadays...

other than that, thanks for all the other suggestions....tried them all....absolutely no luck....it just my bad luck i guess...

If you're "literally laughing your *** off" about money not being able to buy happiness, why are you complaining about not getting diamonds (which would make you happy) after speeding 1000 plat (money).

07-19-2012, 02:22 PM
If you're "literally laughing your *** off" about money not being able to buy happiness, why are you complaining about not getting diamonds (which would make you happy) after speeding 1000 plat (money).

i am complaining about the gaming experience...not the money i spent....we should get at least some rewards for spending the time and for some of us the money. i know i am not getting any. and thats what i am complaining about it.

frustrated over the gamine experience...not the money ive spent....

lets jsut say i ran all those runs without the plat...would it be different??...i prob still wouldnt be getting any diamonds. For which i did, between the 1000 plat i spent...i ran without thrasher as well...i ran regular maps as well...but absolutely nothing...

you can look at it however you like....i think some of us knows what i am talking/venting about.

07-19-2012, 02:26 PM
"frustrated over the gamine experience...not the money ive spent..."

Oh really?:

i am complaining about the gaming experience...not the money i spent....we should get at least some rewards for spending the time and for some of us the money. i know i am not getting any. and thats what i am complaining about it.

frustrated over the gamine experience...not the money ive spent....

lets jsut say i ran all those runs without the plat...would it be different??...i prob still wouldnt be getting any diamonds. For which i did, between the 1000 plat i spent...i ran without thrasher as well...i ran regular maps as well...but absolutely nothing...

you can look at it however you like....i think some of us knows what i am talking/venting about.

I get why you're upset, and I totally understand and feel for you, but you can't say that you're not upset for not receiving any diamonds because you spent loads of plat, which is money. I mean, it's even in your title.

07-19-2012, 02:30 PM
if youre really gonna pick into my words...by all mean go for it....i know how i feel...and i know what i am trying to say

it couldve been 1000 sanbar runs and no diamonds, would that be better for you???

i just want "better" gaming experience....well...at least for me its not looking well at all right now...and i am pretty sure at some point of time....youve all gone thru it as well....and like i said at the top...i am just venting....frustrated....am i gonna keep playing the game??? sure.....would i spend more money plat later on??? probably....

but at least let me have the satisfaction of looting something once in a while too....to make me feel good about playing/spending time in this game

07-19-2012, 02:30 PM
O.C.D means nothing. Like I said in my post "the only advantage for buying plat is that things happen faster, things look better, you have better luck. " O.C.D. is the looks better part if you like it. Would it be cool to own one? yup. Does it affect gameplay in ANY way? nope.

No stats to aid in hunting or PvP. The ONLY thing it does is show someone that you spent a ton a RL money to play a game. Not sure how THAT helps you play the game itself any better.

For the record, I did spend 5 plat i got for free to buy a cowboy hat. I like it. it gives me +1 armor. 100x cheaper than O.C.D and infinitely better stat increase (because 0xInfinity still = 0) I have been corrected on this point. Sorry. Same stat for 100x more. Good deal there.

As far as STS being evil, that last line was sarcasm on my part...

Necro, I liked you first response better, but the edit is good too.

I'm just sick of so many people being to upset every time they have to work for something and being so upset when there little bubble of entitlement pops. So sick of the sentiment that plat = win. So sick of so many people thinking that using plat automatically entitles them to get everything faster and more often than people who don't.

And Yao, how about this...

I'm nice in game. I say hi to everyone. I ask permission every time I join a map hosted by someone I don't know. you might even know me. I don't ruin ANYONE's ingame experience. I don't beg, don't spam. I am respectful as any can hope to be IN GAME. Thing is this is NOT in game. If you don't want my words posted on the forums to affect your gameplay, don't come to the forums and whine because you spent RL$40 on a game and got nothing for it. Then turn right around and say that "Money DOES buy happiness" when you are obviously very upset that it did not. Not only that, you go on to predict that the new dungeon with disappoint you, but that you fully intend on buying more plat even though you know you'll be disappointed.

Not even on topic, but I fully expect and predict that you, and others like you, will 100% be here in the forums whining because the "Elite 71 Dungeon" does not drop an L70 Sun God Bow for every boss you kill. If there IS new, better gear, I 100% expect the same people to come back here crying that they spent RL$100's to hunt in Bash, thrashered and shamrocked, to get lots of pinks only to have the "Elite 71 Dungeon" drop better gear.

07-19-2012, 02:37 PM
I feal the same man. I've needed 4 more diamonds past 2500 plat I've spent and haven't gotten any at all from bash or reg maps. See plenty drop to other people on there first or 2nd run. Frustrating to say the least I feal u there. Also before anyone flames for what people spend on a game remember its people like us that help pay the developers at sts. Which in turn makes it so new updates and such keep coming. So really ya if we're helping to pay for further developing we should feal like we are entitled to a little more than the average play for free player.

07-19-2012, 02:47 PM
O.C.D means nothing. Like I said in my post "the only advantage for buying plat is that things happen faster, things look better, you have better luck. " O.C.D. is the looks better part if you like it. Would it be cool to own one? yup. Does it affect gameplay in ANY way? nope.

No stats to aid in hunting or PvP. The ONLY thing it does is show someone that you spent a ton a RL money to play a game. Not sure how THAT helps you play the game itself any better.

For the record, I did spend 5 plat i got for free to buy a cowboy hat. I like it. it gives me +1 armor. 100x cheaper than O.C.D and infinitely better stat increase (because 0xInfinity still = 0)

As far as STS being evil, that last line was sarcasm on my part...

Like I said you're just jelly. And ACTUALLY it does add 1+ armor so yeah. And as for looks yes we do look epic wearing it. :rolleyes:

Sorry for hijacking your thread

07-19-2012, 02:48 PM
I feal the same man. I've needed 4 more diamonds past 2500 plat I've spent and haven't gotten any at all from bash or reg maps. See plenty drop to other people on there first or 2nd run. Frustrating to say the least I feal u there. Also before anyone flames for what people spend on a game remember its people like us that help pay the developers at sts. Which in turn makes it so new updates and such keep coming. So really ya if we're helping to pay for further developing we should feal like we are entitled to a little more than the average play for free player.

One of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on these forums.

07-19-2012, 03:02 PM
So what exactly do you all want? Do you want STS to make legendary items available to purchase for plat? Do you want drops to no longer be random and instead you get an OCD every 50 times you kill a boss, and have all drops be a timed non-random occurrence?

In my opinion that would make the game suck as it would become too predictable and would no longer be fun for me. Part of what makes the game fun is the surprise of not knowing what you will get.

07-19-2012, 03:13 PM
So what exactly do you all want? Do you want STS to make legendary items available to purchase for plat? Do you want drops to no longer be random and instead you get an OCD every 50 times you kill a boss, and have all drops be a timed non-random occurrence?

In my opinion that would make the game suck as it would become too predictable and would no longer be fun for me. Part of what makes the game fun is the surprise of not knowing what you will get.

randomness works better, as evidenced by slot machines in casinos.

However, diamonds are just crafting components that dont do anything else so maybe a slight loosening up of the drop ratios might alleviate the frustration of many players and reduce the ridiculous prices for them in CS.

07-19-2012, 03:13 PM
Do agree that plat buyers keep the game progressing. I can't argue with that.

So really ya if we're helping to pay for further developing we should feal like we are entitled to a little more than the average play for free player.

Thing is you are. Even in the scope of this thread, you are. How many times did you or Yao get the CHANCE for a drop. Thrashed in Bash, you'd get 5 or more chances for a drop in the same amount of time it takes me to get ONE chance, and each chance has a chance to reroll. That's quite a bit more than "entitled to a little more". To me, 5x the chances and 35%(?) reroll chance is a whole heluva lot more than someone that didn't pay for that opportunity.

Even in the regular maps, it takes, what?, 3 minutes for a thrasher group to clear a map as opposed to almost 10 for a normal group?

I'm not complaining about plat, not whining about plat, not saying plat is unfair or gives too much advantage. Just making the point that you can't buy luck, even if you can buy a LOT more opportunities to use that luck. But if someone comes here and vents about it, it pretty much says "I WANT THINGS HANDED TO ME BECAUSE I PAID REAL MONEY"

07-19-2012, 03:45 PM
Do agree that plat buyers keep the game progressing. I can't argue with that.

So really ya if we're helping to pay for further developing we should feal like we are entitled to a little more than the average play for free player.

Thing is you are. Even in the scope of this thread, you are. How many times did you or Yao get the CHANCE for a drop. Thrashed in Bash, you'd get 5 or more chances for a drop in the same amount of time it takes me to get ONE chance, and each chance has a chance to reroll. That's quite a bit more than "entitled to a little more". To me, 5x the chances and 35%(?) reroll chance is a whole heluva lot more than someone that didn't pay for that opportunity.

Even in the regular maps, it takes, what?, 3 minutes for a thrasher group to clear a map as opposed to almost 10 for a normal group?

I'm not complaining about plat, not whining about plat, not saying plat is unfair or gives too much advantage. Just making the point that you can't buy luck, even if you can buy a LOT more opportunities to use that luck. But if someone comes here and vents about it, it pretty much says "I WANT THINGS HANDED TO ME BECAUSE I PAID REAL MONEY"

Omg why can't I thank this post right now.

You've summed it up perfectly in a way the should be able to understand

07-19-2012, 03:52 PM
I've had to buy all my gear for the last 3-4 campaigns lol so don't don't feel bad. It's not just you.
I can't see why they can't make it like MF; making components easier to farm, but keeping the base items rare enough so there'll be plenty of satisfaction from just getting the base drop. Crafted sets were as rare as they needed to be for its time period, and eventually the majority of the people felt the satisfaction of having a crafted set.

07-19-2012, 03:58 PM
....eventually the majority of the people felt the satisfaction of having a crafted set.

I'm not sure about others, but no satisfaction for me to have what the majority of people have. Satisfaction for me is working very hard over time to obtain what everyone else does NOT have.

I did not start playing PL until January of this year, so the Humania expansion is the first I have been a part of, but I can tell you that as I leveled up, I never had any desire to have a Crafted Orlok set as they are everywhere. However, I did have a desire to have a Demonic set. Am I upset that I never was able to? Not at all. If it were too easy, I would no longer want it. Nothing that comes easy is appreciated. When you work hard for something and then get it, you really appreciate it.

07-19-2012, 04:12 PM
I've had to buy all my gear for the last 3-4 campaigns lol so don't don't feel bad. It's not just you.
I can't see why they can't make it like MF; making components easier to farm, but keeping the base items rare enough so there'll be plenty of satisfaction from just getting the base drop. Crafted sets were as rare as they needed to be for its time period, and eventually the majority of the people felt the satisfaction of having a crafted set.

light bulb!!!!!!

07-19-2012, 04:15 PM
So what exactly do you all want? Do you want STS to make legendary items available to purchase for plat? Do you want drops to no longer be random and instead you get an OCD every 50 times you kill a boss, and have all drops be a timed non-random occurrence?

In my opinion that would make the game suck as it would become too predictable and would no longer be fun for me. Part of what makes the game fun is the surprise of not knowing what you will get.

You guys are getting too heated over this, give the guy a break...hes going thru a drought which all of us have experienced. Like he said, he's just venting his frustration...nothing else, he didn't say he wanted everything handed to him....or be able to buy with platinum...then like you said theres no challenge & the game would be boring/suck. Making the drops rare is good for the game but it can be tough when you're the one not getting anything after hundreds of runs. You have to just keep going because luck does change every once in a while...you get a lucky roll going.

07-19-2012, 04:15 PM
I'm not sure about others, but no satisfaction for me to have what the majority of people have. Satisfaction for me is working very hard over time to obtain what everyone else does NOT have.

I did not start playing PL until January of this year, so the Humania expansion is the first I have been a part of, but I can tell you that as I leveled up, I never had any desire to have a Crafted Orlok set as they are everywhere. However, I did have a desire to have a Demonic set. Am I upset that I never was able to? Not at all. If it were too easy, I would no longer want it. Nothing that comes easy is appreciated. When you work hard for something and then get it, you really appreciate it.

i think with this....it also depends on how hard do you think is hard....every player has a different definition of toughness, like i said....what we are looking for is the satisfaction of recieving that item, and every expansion is only for a short amount of 5-6 months.

i am gonna have to agree with Ryder, i think mount fang was perfect, we still had to work "hard"(in my opinion) for the sets, and when i got it, i was very happy about it.

07-19-2012, 04:22 PM
I've had to buy all my gear for the last 3-4 campaigns lol so don't don't feel bad. It's not just you.
I can't see why they can't make it like MF; making components easier to farm, but keeping the base items rare enough so there'll be plenty of satisfaction from just getting the base drop. Crafted sets were as rare as they needed to be for its time period, and eventually the majority of the people felt the satisfaction of having a crafted set.

Its cool to hear that a veteran on the forums/in-game has struggled with pink drops, crafting mats...and had to buy all their stuff in the CS. Like you said, your not the only one struggling to get what they want. Hope your luck gets better, I had to buy a lot of stuff too. It cost me a ton of gold to buy the Gold dragon armor & helm....plus Ocean blue diamonds in Humania.

07-19-2012, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=trunzoc;716299]Do agree that plat buyers keep the game progressing. I can't argue with that.

So really ya if we're helping to pay for further developing we should feal like we are entitled to a little more than the average play for free player.

to be honest, i do not totally agree with this sentence here, i think all players in PL strive the game. keeps the game alive.

Thing is you are. Even in the scope of this thread, you are. How many times did you or Yao get the CHANCE for a drop. Thrashed in Bash, you'd get 5 or more chances for a drop in the same amount of time it takes me to get ONE chance, and each chance has a chance to reroll. That's quite a bit more than "entitled to a little more". To me, 5x the chances and 35%(?) reroll chance is a whole heluva lot more than someone that didn't pay for that opportunity.

but over here, if it is like what you are saying, and everything is the correct calculation, shouldnt i at least be getting more drops than you??? if not more than say equal. which i am not, and even worse, i am not getting anything at all!!!...and that is what frustrate me....i am def not asking for a pink or a diamond every single drop, but at least reward me once in a blue moon to keep me just a tiny little bit satisfied. not with the money i spent, i really dont care. but with the same amount of time that ive put in this game comparing to every other player thats been rubbing their diamond loot in my face with no elixer...

07-19-2012, 04:47 PM
Dude, i feel ur pain guys, i was like this with 13, 14 aswell.. But seriously, think about it, this is a video game. Dont take it so serious, get a hobby, start something new, try new things, meet new pp, maybe get ur first gf, if u had one get a new one, id u have one aleady get a second one..l dont get frustratee over a video game. I spend lots and lots of platinum, grinded my butt off, did cyber multiple times, been LUCKY with drops like 5-6 times in my PL career! I played this game first when there was only 1 town.. No hats, i think it actually cost like 79 cents at first, i dont remember anymore.. Anyways.. Everyone whos complaining thimk about ur life and what ur compalinig about.

07-19-2012, 05:33 PM
I'm sorry.
It's not a guarantee.
You can't really rage over something you spent for, knowing that you might not get it.
In another game I play, there are people who have spent thousands on those "mystery prizes", where you can open and get a rare item.
At least you got a lot of XP.
I'd be happy with getting the XP alone.
Maybe you should try farming without elixirs sometime.

And this reminds me of that time I had some stupid inside-my-head rant about why the gold cap was 9,999,999 and I needed to create another character to stash my gold.
And then I saw how others didn't even have a single gold cap.

Ahh, the more problems the rich have.
Think about it, it's not too differet from my situation.

07-19-2012, 05:43 PM
I feel bad, because I bought one elixir on the deal of the day for 30 platinum and got 3 drops in the course of an hour. Then again, I was wearing my Bigger Luck (some say Bigger Luck vanity doesn't help at all):apthy:

07-19-2012, 05:45 PM
Guess I typed it out wrong. What I was saying in over 2000 plat I think I would have at least one drop for me. Little heated to say the least. Especially hearing how well everyone makes out in bash with elixers. Anyways back to thrashing and bashing something's got to give soon ya know.

07-19-2012, 05:45 PM
[QUOTE=trunzoc;716299]Do agree that plat buyers keep the game progressing. I can't argue with that.

So really ya if we're helping to pay for further developing we should feal like we are entitled to a little more than the average play for free player.

to be honest, i do not totally agree with this sentence here, i think all players in PL strive the game. keeps the game alive.

Thing is you are. Even in the scope of this thread, you are. How many times did you or Yao get the CHANCE for a drop. Thrashed in Bash, you'd get 5 or more chances for a drop in the same amount of time it takes me to get ONE chance, and each chance has a chance to reroll. That's quite a bit more than "entitled to a little more". To me, 5x the chances and 35%(?) reroll chance is a whole heluva lot more than someone that didn't pay for that opportunity.

but over here, if it is like what you are saying, and everything is the correct calculation, shouldnt i at least be getting more drops than you??? if not more than say equal. which i am not, and even worse, i am not getting anything at all!!!...and that is what frustrate me....i am def not asking for a pink or a diamond every single drop, but at least reward me once in a blue moon to keep me just a tiny little bit satisfied. not with the money i spent, i really dont care. but with the same amount of time that ive put in this game comparing to every other player thats been rubbing their diamond loot in my face with no elixer...

It's luck, man.
Believe me, I've probably farmed more than you have.
And I know others who have definetely farmed more than you or I have combined.
And they were on Thrash the whole time.

I don't see why you're demanding so much off of Plat.
You're already getting four times more EXP than we are, super fast movement, a lot more kills, and a better chance to a pink.
But for the last part, in the end, it's always dependent on your luck.

You might have a 99% chance of winning the lottery and I might have a 1% chance of winning the lottery.
You think you'll definetely win because your percentage is higher?
But then I win.
You can't complain, it's your own blame you decided to slack off and not buy that last 1 ticket.
And then say we had this lottery 500 more times.

And I win it every single time.
At a 1% rate.

What does this mean?
Well for starters, my personal luck is better than yours.
And this is still possible.
It'll just mathematically take me 1,000000000000000000000000 tries.
But it's still possible.

That reminds me of Purell.
They say they sanitize 99% of all germs.
And then you get a fever.
You can go complain that maybe it actually sanitizes only 80% of all germs or maybe even only 1% of all germs.
But you have no proof, and they can get away saying, "Oh you're luck just sucks. That 1% of germs got you!"

I have farmed over 100 runs of Underground Desert soloing non-stop and gotten no pink.

In another game I play, there are these boxes that you can buy from other people.
I bought lots of stacks from people and used my own gold to open them.
And there are these rare "Mystic Soul" pieces that you can get from the boxes.
And those sell for a lot.
But instead of making back any money, I lost all my money "gambling" with these.
But I just kept opening every box I could get my hands on, and in the end I made back twice the amount of money I started with.

07-19-2012, 05:46 PM
Guess I typed it out wrong. What I was saying in over 2000 plat I think I would have at least one drop for me. Little heated to say the least. Especially hearing how well everyone makes out in bash with elixers. Anyways back to thrashing and bashing something's got to give soon ya know.

That's the spirit!

Suentous PO
07-19-2012, 06:55 PM
One way I look at it when I have crap for luck, is that over the course of time when results are chance, anything that can happen will happen. Rare situations just take longer.
How I think is, if I'm in a pink drought, that just means I'm getting my bad luck out the way, because I expect bad luck. Good luck will also happen.
I watched a documentary on the guys from MIT who developed a system that made them millionaires (it's a true story),
They had their own rules for breaking Vegas.
The FIRST rule-
Thou shal believe in the laws of average!
Ok there are no guarantees, but keep at it.

07-19-2012, 08:46 PM

It's luck, man.
Believe me, I've probably farmed more than you have.
And I know others who have definetely farmed more than you or I have combined.
And they were on Thrash the whole time.

I don't see why you're demanding so much off of Plat.

first of all i am not, please go thru some of my older post, maybe it was the title, but it just not what i really wanted to say....couldve been 1000 sanbar runs and no diamonds....but anyways....whatever.....a vent long overdue

You're already getting four times more EXP than we are, super fast movement, a lot more kills, and a better chance to a pink.
But for the last part, in the end, it's always dependent on your luck.

You might have a 99% chance of winning the lottery and I might have a 1% chance of winning the lottery.
You think you'll definetely win because your percentage is higher?
But then I win.
You can't complain, it's your own blame you decided to slack off and not buy that last 1 ticket.
And then say we had this lottery 500 more times.
And I win it every single time.
At a 1% rate.

highlight of your reply, gotta say, what do you mean i cant complain?? i can always complain and everyone complain, and trust me, if your example really happened to any of us in life, and you actually know for a fact that the percentage happened, trust me, i am going to complain and talk about it for the rest of my life!!!!

What does this mean?
Well for starters, my personal luck is better than yours.
And this is still possible.
It'll just mathematically take me 1,000000000000000000000000 tries.
But it's still possible.

That reminds me of Purell.
They say they sanitize 99% of all germs.
And then you get a fever.
You can go complain that maybe it actually sanitizes only 80% of all germs or maybe even only 1% of all germs.
But you have no proof, and they can get away saying, "Oh you're luck just sucks. That 1% of germs got you!"

I have farmed over 100 runs of Underground Desert soloing non-stop and gotten no pink.

In another game I play, there are these boxes that you can buy from other people.
I bought lots of stacks from people and used my own gold to open them.
And there are these rare "Mystic Soul" pieces that you can get from the boxes.
And those sell for a lot.
But instead of making back any money, I lost all my money "gambling" with these.
But I just kept opening every box I could get my hands on, and in the end I made back twice the amount of money I started with.

you went too deep with it bud, like i said, it just a vent, vent due to my drought of diamond drops, my lack of luck which leads to bad gaming experience for me and only for me...but thanks for taking the time to break it down and rub it all over my face again to bring the memories back of not having any luck at all!!!! sincerely!!!