View Full Version : Military Blog?

07-19-2012, 02:22 PM
Just wondering if peeps over here were interested if I start a military blog about my own service here in Finland.

I am sort of in special forces. We train harder than regular peeps, but we are not actual special forces. I am being trained to be a sort of military police (I know, sounds tacky but I do not know the actual name for it in english). I have been here now almost two weeks and our basic course lasts for 8 weeks and after that our training becomes more specified in which we would like to being trained.

In Finland military service is compulsory but even though every single man has to serve, Finland has always been a place where even regular forces can outnumber most countries special forces. Not to mention our special forces.

Bascally I have two options in my own service. Either I try to go to serve for 12 months in which I would be trained to be a leader. But the training for it is rly hard and it even outnumbers the Navy Seals hardeness. 42 hour non-stop march is just the first step of that seriously harsh training. But if I take the military police route (which I think is more for me), I am being trained to be a 'master' of urban warfare, security watch and so on. My 'normal' duties would be securing urban perimeters (and the most usual way to do so is guarding the military perimeter over here).

So, is anyone intersted in the life of a military servant in Finland? Thoughts?

07-19-2012, 02:28 PM
Sure! I think it would be interesting!

07-19-2012, 03:33 PM
Sounds cool, might subscribe :p

07-19-2012, 04:01 PM
I would really like to hear this. My dad used to be in the air force he sometimes talks about it it's pretty cool what they do so it would be cool if u told us your expirience :D

07-22-2012, 10:41 AM
i wanna be the guy in the juggernaut suit t seriously this is a great idea as we love hearing from you