View Full Version : Please charge for your games...

07-19-2012, 03:46 PM
I've been playing F2P games for a while now and am finding it really annoying that many things in these games require you to pay real money. Many of the ones I play and that includes all 3 by Spacetime Studios happen to be really excellent games.

So excellent in fact that I'd be more than happy to pay a few quid to have an unhindered experience, free from having to buy platinum, turbine points etc, etc...

Think about it, you'd probably make much more from your games especially now your reputation has been created.

07-19-2012, 03:49 PM
I've been playing F2P games for a while now and am finding it really annoying that many things in these games require you to pay real money. Many of the ones I play and that includes all 3 by Spacetime Studios happen to be really excellent games.

So excellent in fact that I'd be more than happy to pay a few quid to have an unhindered experience, free from having to buy platinum, turbine points etc, etc...

Think about it, you'd probably make much more from your games especially now your reputation has been created.

Well it looks like they are not in debt or losing money. You dont even need to pay money to be good in these games. I havent spent a single penny, i just use the free plat offers :P

The Flash
07-19-2012, 03:51 PM
Im sure they make more from plat spenders then a montly fee. I spend about 45 a month. If you did a montly fee you would lose all the player that are free loaders and you lose money from the plat spenders. Its a lose lose for sts. I mean what better attraction to new players then a free game.

07-19-2012, 03:53 PM
I only have room in my bank account for one monthly sub to a game, and it wouldn't change if any STS games went subscription based. I just don't feel they can provide the kind of content updates that would be required of them for people to pay them monthly. 6-7 months, one new game release, one new game announcement and counting does much to prove my point.

Sent from my Nexus 7

07-19-2012, 03:54 PM
They actually moved away from Pay 2 Play a while back. When i started there was only PL and you could level up to 18 for free in Forest Haven and Dark Forest, any campaign after that you had to buy in order to progress any further. They changed the game to F2P because they saw an ever expanding group of players capped at 18 that were getting bored and quitting the game. So at the 1 year birthday of PL they made the game F2P to show the people who couldn't afford to buy the campaigns all the cool stuff higher level people had and hopefully encourage them to buy plat to have the same stuff.

07-19-2012, 04:00 PM
They actually moved away from Pay 2 Play a while back. When i started there was only PL and you could level up to 18 for free in Forest Haven and Dark Forest, any campaign after that you had to buy in order to progress any further. They changed the game to F2P because they saw an ever expanding group of players capped at 18 that were getting bored and quitting the game. So at the 1 year birthday of PL they made the game F2P to show the people who couldn't afford to buy the campaigns all the cool stuff higher level people had and hopefully encourage them to buy plat to have the same stuff.

Outta thanks, what he said though ^.^

07-19-2012, 04:30 PM
I don't mean monthly subscription, just a flat one off fee to buy the game. I'm sure many new players would come on board since STS already via F2P has an excellent reputation.

I know the game can be played without spending a single penny, but I always end up wanting that particular item that needs me to pay.

Being a seasoned WoW player, i'd even be happy to pay a monthly sub but only one that was a matter of £0.50p or so because mobile games are simply never going to reach the scale of desktop MMORPG's.

Edit: After properly reading Lowlyspy's post, I kinda have to agree with the whole F2P philosophy.......oh well, a sea-change in thinking has just occurred :stupid:

07-19-2012, 04:37 PM
Your sir, are completley WRONG. Yup. Wrong.. I'll try to back myself up here..

(Coming from the mind of a Over Confident Ginger, also being sarcastic I'm brunett.)

If STS Charged for there games only once then that would be it. They make all there money with platinum because, People buy it daily. If they made people pay say $3.99 for this game that'd be it then all else would be free, but some people pay $50 a week, $150 a week and even $500 Per month! Sounds crazy, but people do get into it and that is how they spend there money. Platinum is how STS makes there money. See what I'm saying kind of?

07-19-2012, 04:49 PM
I do indeed, and also see my edit.

It's great for STS but not good for players with a limited budget. But even so, all 3 STS games are still fun to play.

07-19-2012, 05:16 PM
You can play this game absolutley FREE without spending a pretty penny. You just won't be able to have some of the cool stuff others do. Hell, You can even get FREE platinum by doing offers!

07-19-2012, 05:33 PM
No. Just no. Subs will be optional if they ever institute it, they said so. And just a one off buy to play is just not good for these games.

Every paid item in all STS games is 100 percent optional and not required to progress in the game.

07-20-2012, 12:10 AM
What STS does is pretty simple.

1. Making game free to play and platinum is optional attracts a lot of people
2. Get people addicted
3. Addicted people buy plat
4. STS make loads of money