View Full Version : More Pet Ability Transparency

05-16-2022, 09:20 PM
When it comes descriptions for pet abilities, the phrase that has always been extremely vague is "has a chance to". This doesn't really give a good idea of how often an effect will trigger. This chance could be 1-2%, like Djinn pets' banish, or 100%, like Shady and Surge's bleed. The worst offender is Guenivere's 'Tragic Love' which states, "An attack that damages up to five targets with a chance to reduce armor and damage". Not only does it not show what the chance is, but it also does not show how much armor and damage is reduced by. We know now that vague descriptions like this indicates that chances improve and debuffs are stronger the higher the pet level is, but there is almost no indication of this in game. We need a way to display how often pet effects occur and (if not stated already) how strong these effects are.

05-16-2022, 09:30 PM
I do agree with you on this. It would be great if in the future all those pets will have their ability tooltip updated with detailed chances and cooldowns.

05-16-2022, 10:04 PM
Added to the list.