View Full Version : Idea ding ding ding ding

07-20-2012, 08:22 PM
Hey forumers and STS, i had an idea that we should have a new campaign, couldnt come up with a name :dread: but the idea is bugs. The main weak mobs could be ants, then the bigger, stronger enemies could be something such as flies, bees, spiders, wasps, locusts etc. The final boss would be the queen ant. For the maps i was thinking an ant hill, outside trying to get inside, then once you do, different levels in the ant hill. Also, i thought a beehive with a honey-comb based wall and floor, also ancient abandened ruins. For the weapons, there could be a bee stinger talon, a bug-eye staff, and a mantis arm-sword. For armory there could be mosquito helm, cob web sheild, and fly wing armor. Btw sry my pictures are terrible and the words are annoying, but im not an artist.
And bottom left one is Queen Ant

07-20-2012, 08:25 PM
i am an expert with crayon

Arron Rubin
07-25-2012, 06:30 AM
That would be cool, and i thought of the same idea but with Different creatures, I wouldnt say that Pocket legends wouldnt want to put this in the game but Pocket legends puts Creatures in the games like, Mutants,Orcs,Knights,Evil Priest/Mages. Not Bugs, Probably if you switched up the Type of creatures a New Dungeon could appear, Get my drift?

07-25-2012, 07:23 AM
Orcs? You confused them with goblins (there is a big difference and it hurts the goblins feelings if you call them orcs ;()

If they add this campaign I'm going to have to level up with a blind fold
(looking at bugs make me shiver)