View Full Version : Execution Achievements and Mini-Bosses

07-22-2012, 05:48 AM
So I was looking in my lair and noticed the execution achievements, I saw the post online already of where they were just they aren't there for me. I somehow already had one, Michael woltorf or whatever his name is. Can anyone explain to me how these work and if the spawning is random or I can make them spawn, I have no idea.


07-22-2012, 09:11 AM
Check Glutts Thread under Players Guides. It has each boss with all the information of where they spawn and images as well. They are rare so it takes a bit to get them. But yes you may run a map level over and over and over until it finally spawns so, just check out his Thread it will help alot, thats how I found most of the ones I got. GL and Happy Hunting.

07-22-2012, 10:53 AM
Unfortunately can't make them spawn. Though it'd be pretty awesome if we could! :chuncky: They're a bit of a sore to farm since they spawn randomly in certain 3D missions. I've gotten the Ellie Fantone achievement after about 100 tries of farming her, whereas my Mikael Woltorf I got pretty much off the bat when I first started playing.

I will be grateful to finally finish my exec achieves. :sigh: Good luck if you decide to start farming them and patience is always a virtue! :apple:

07-22-2012, 07:41 PM
Yah all your posts helped, thanks. I just randomly got another farming for mask, that would make 2 achievements lol.