View Full Version : Come up with a system to get rid of undesirable purples or pinks....

08-26-2010, 10:52 AM
Well, I don't know about you all but I have certainly gotten my share of "rare" weapons that no one would ever buy. I propose a system to get rid of these items rather than trying to pawn them off on some unsuspecting buyer. A few suggestions are below.

1) Perhaps create an alternative currency with which to buy things with, such as gold nuggets or something. You would take the item in question to an NPC in one of the towns and he would appraise your item and it would be worth X gold nuggets. These nuggets could then be used to buy other items in the game that you cant buy elsewhere.

2) Perhaps create a weapon enchant system and then similar to WoW you could disenchant the rares that you did not want and use them to create these enchantments.

Well these solutions might not be well thought out, I'm sure the devs can come up with something. I just know that I have a growing inventory of garbage items that I won't be able to ever sell or trade to anyone and I just dont have the heart to liquidate anything that is higher than green in rarity. And especially at higher levels, the majority of items end up being non-desirable because they are not thoth or isis. I guess you could try to make these other items desirable as well, but that is more of an itemization issue.


08-26-2010, 11:12 AM
Stop hoarding, and liquidate!


08-26-2010, 11:15 AM
Stop hoarding, and liquidate!


bahahahahahahahahaha i cant stop laughing

no offense to you greeve but this is classic its going in my sig

08-26-2010, 11:17 AM
Stop hoarding, and liquidate!


With current liquidation values of purples and pinks, that just doesn't make sense. It's better to give them away unless you are somehow so poor that 100g will help you. Plus some people like hoarding. I was actually wondering if you guys might consider increasing the capacity of stash and/or inventory :D

08-26-2010, 11:20 AM
With current liquidation values of purples and pinks, that just doesn't make sense. It's better to give them away unless you are somehow so poor that 100g will help you. Plus some people like hoarding. I was actually wondering if you guys might consider increasing the capacity of stash and/or inventory :D

well then give them away or if you need gold liquidate them... me personally i hate trying to sell items and then on top of that trying to sell items no one wants to buy ugh no thank you... so i just liquidate them keeping an item here and there that might be of some use to a noob or something down the line... other than that i liquidate them

08-26-2010, 11:20 AM
Stop hoarding, and liquidate!



People may not know this, but the Developers play the game but are not allowed to farm for equipment as that would be unfair. So every night, they go through a virtual lost and found box full of liquidated items hoping to find some gems. This is also why Asommers has refused to level his Mage beyond 32 as he is waiting for someone else to liquidate a Voodoo Doll. One person did back in mid may but Boomer has it in his stash because of seniority.


08-26-2010, 12:30 PM
Stop hoarding, and liquidate!


But they're pink and stuff... =(

08-26-2010, 12:32 PM
I liquidated like 10 pinks including a saintly shield...that was about 2 months ago.

08-26-2010, 12:33 PM
Asommers stop being so disrespectful and rude to your customers just because you have a small grouping of nerd followers now. Instead of being rude to your customers and players, why not help out and stop Lowering yourself to the level of all the other children on these forums.


08-26-2010, 12:35 PM
Dude chill....he wasn't being mean...he was saying to liquidate which is sage advice.

08-26-2010, 12:41 PM
Asommers stop being so disrespectful and rude to your customers just because you have a small grouping of nerd followers now. Instead of being rude to your customers and players, why not help out and stop Lowering yourself to the level of all the other children on these forums.


whoa dude take a chill pill... he was only kidding and you cant take sarcasm then dont be on forums... not everybody is children all the noobs coming into the game and ruining the game for other are children... how dare you make a statement like that

08-26-2010, 01:30 PM
whoa dude take a chill pill... he was only kidding and you cant take sarcasm then dont be on forums... not everybody is children all the noobs coming into the game and ruining the game for other are children... how dare you make a statement like that

This is the same guy who falsely accused King Richie of being a liar for no apparent reason. Just check his post history. Anyway, whatever, people are entitled to their opinions, but I for one appreciate that the devs have a sense of humor, and didn't see it as disrespect.

08-26-2010, 01:36 PM
@Blazedout....See those storm troopers in my sig? That's what I do to people like you...

08-26-2010, 02:53 PM
@Blazedout....See those storm troopers in my sig? That's what I do to people like you...


08-26-2010, 03:31 PM
I do think liquidation values of purples and pinks need to be raised slightly. I say 300 for a purple and 500 for a pink? It sounds reasonable to me. Still just a small handful, but they are relatively rare, after all.


08-26-2010, 03:41 PM

I agree. I'm not sure how they determine liquidation values now, but purples and pinks only get you a few more gold than more common items, and I think the liquidation value should more closely reflect the item's rarity.

08-27-2010, 01:48 AM
Asommers stop being so disrespectful and rude to your customers just because you have a small grouping of nerd followers now. Instead of being rude to your customers and players, why not help out and stop Lowering yourself to the level of all the other children on these forums.


hehe.. FUNNY troll then end with "peace" +1 for trolling a dev, i would never do that.

08-27-2010, 09:27 AM
So you guys thinking liquidation is the answer? Honestly, coming up with some alternative system seems so much more appealing in my mind. I just think of my days of raiding in WoW. When we would get an undesirable epic or something that everybody already had, we would shard it and use the shard to fund the expensive guild enchants for people. I'm not advocating ripping this idea from wow, but something else other than select item, sell, are you sure you want to liquidate?, yes. Seems like a good area for an in game improvement.

As for the devs comment, I didn't think it was rude. In fact I didn't even realize he was a dev that responded until the second time I looked at the replys to this post lol.

08-27-2010, 01:17 PM
LOL! oh LOL!!!!

This is the funniest thread I've seen in weeks, thanks to asommers, and the dude who flames a dev and ends with "peace" LOL!!!!! That's classic! Oh, let me wipe my eyes!


Yeah, how about giving them away. There are plenty of prospects. Let me tell you my experience:
I went into AO1 for the first time and waited for pickup group people to join. Someone joined whose name was familiar but I couldn't remember whose alt it was, named Mampi. Well, it was bmc, aka Herbzie, but I didn't know, and we went through the levels together. It was a great first run for me, and I got a pink. I was so excited to get that pink, I think he probably chuckled. After the run, I went to the stash to stow some items for my non-Archer character that had dropped and that's when someone, not Mampi, started droppping pinks on me. He gave me four pinks level 39 through 41 that were Archer items. I was like, who is this? What the heck. I'm not complaining, but I was momentarily weirded out. It was another of Herzie's alts. He said, "I can't use them and noone will buy them, so you take them and use them." And I have! I am still using some. I just today got to the point of equipping the Sniper's Scarab Bow. Thanks again, bmc85uk!!!

08-27-2010, 08:53 PM
Hehe any time Snake.

To be honest I think something needs to be done about these fake 'pinks', I've been holding on to them in the hopes that the devs will do an item rebalance to make them worth while, right now they're just terrible in comparison, except for the early levels when there are no alternatives.

I understand the variation in quality, but to such a drastic exctent within the same item grade? That just seems off to me. Then again, as far as items go in this game, I think pretty much all of them should be tweaked...although thinking about it, I think a hell of a lot of the game should be tweaked, oh well, here's hoping :p

08-27-2010, 09:12 PM
So you guys thinking liquidation is the answer? Honestly, coming up with some alternative system seems so much more appealing in my mind. I just think of my days of raiding in WoW. When we would get an undesirable epic or something that everybody already had, we would shard it and use the shard to fund the expensive guild enchants for people. I'm not advocating ripping this idea from wow, but something else other than select item, sell, are you sure you want to liquidate?, yes. Seems like a good area for an in game improvement.

As for the devs comment, I didn't think it was rude. In fact I didn't even realize he was a dev that responded until the second time I looked at the replys to this post lol.

Well i guess the idea is that this isnt WoW, and while it may be more appealing to you it may be hard to implementor its to hard to implement either way im sure the Devs know what they are doing....

08-27-2010, 09:35 PM
With current liquidation values of purples and pinks, that just doesn't make sense. It's better to give them away unless you are somehow so poor that 100g will help you. Plus some people like hoarding. I was actually wondering if you guys might consider increasing the capacity of stash and/or inventory :D

I am this poor