View Full Version : House features

06-18-2022, 03:09 AM
It’s probably impossible because it’s never been done before on this game but As someone who spends a great deal of time decorating/ purchasing items for my home it would be really cool to see maybe multiple levels to the houses, I’ve seen people build stairs out of walls and like create their own version of stairs and rooms above but I think it would be really cool to actually be able to go up. Also the pool that you guys added would be nice if you could at least sit in it like the hot tub. I’m sure you have a lot on your plate and probably have home updates coming so maybe things you might also consider
- Mana/ health potions vendor you can place in your house .. maybe even an auctioneer and I know you have it in the menu but still might be cool
-More furniture you can interact with im
- What if you could paint walls/floors
-Signs that you could type what you wanted on them
- Additions to pool water slides / floaties
- Water location hear me out on this one , I’ve seen many cool designs with people building boats imagine being able to build a boat and actually being able to go on it .
- TVs but with like ads that when you click on them chances for elixirs / potions / gold instead of the dailies you have to go to and get them from anyways
-Additional outdoor decorations flowers and trees
-Being able to move carts around house would be cool but could live without it.

And before anyone comments negatively I understand some of these are far fetched but thought they would be cool ideas, if anyone has anything else to add please comment because I also like hearing other ideas and seeing if anyone else is a house junkie too !

06-20-2022, 01:15 PM
Since we have a "portal/doorway" from inside to outside, I think we could do the same for "multiple floors".

We won't be able to get to all of these, but I'll add this thread to our list of housing ideas.

Thanks for the feedback!


06-24-2022, 01:51 PM
Yay thank you so much ^_^ I’m excited imagine looking over y’all’s house with a balcony .. can’t wait